

Din sökning på "*" gav 532263 sökträffar

A Biopsychosocial Approach to the Onset of Childhood Diabetes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är en del av en prospektiv, longitudinell studie, som avser att studera sambandet mellan psykosociala faktorer och debuten och förloppet av barndiabetes. Diabetes är en av de vanligaste kroniska sjukdomarna hos barn i Sverige och antalet insjuknade ökar. Tillsammans med Finland har Sverige en av de högsta förekomsterna av barndiabetes i världen. SjukdomThis thesis is a part of a prospective multi-centre study concerning psychosocial aspects of importance for the onset and course of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The investigated population was all children with onset of IDDM in the participating clinics during 1988 and 1989. Of 79 diseased children, 67 participated in the study. To each child a healthy control child was chosen, 61 a

Geometrical influence on transverse thermal stresses in concrete bridge sections

The temperature in a concrete bridge is affected by complex interactions of climatic factors. Varying concrete temperature will give rise to movements in the longitudinal as well as the transverse directions. Inspections of certain box girder bridges have shown cracks in only the thin vertical walls, which may be an indication of a geometrical influence. A sequence of climate input data deemed as

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A presentation of the Shanghai Revolutionary Committee's "Reception Work Bulletin" (with selected translations) highlighting its usefulness as a source of information on ordinary people's everyday lives in the Cultural Revolution

A compact field weakening controller implementation

This paper proposes a compact field weakening controller (FWC). The FWC was developed during the development of an electrically driven rear axle for a hybrid electric car. The overall control system of the vehicle, the hybrid controller (HC), delivers a reference torque for the rear drive unit (RDU). Depending on the torque reference, instantaneous vehicle speed and battery voltage the task of the

Pentose utilization in yeasts: Physiology and biochemistry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Etanol, dvs vanlig alkohol, från biomassa såsom energiskog, jordbruksavfallsrester och skogsavverkningsrester, är tänkt att användas som motorbränsle och ersätta fossila bränslen som bensin och diesel. Etanol är dyrare än bensin, men etanol är ett mera miljövänligt alternativ. Koldioxiden som bildas vid förbränningen av etanol tillverkad av biomassa ökar ej den totala kThe fermentative performance of bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi was investigated in a pentose (xylose)-rich lignocellulosic hydrolyzate. The filamentous fungus Fusarium oxysporum and the xylose-fermenting yeast Pichia stipitis were found to be very sensitive to the inhibiting hydrolyzate. Recombinant xylose-utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed very poor ethanol formation from xylose;

Euro50: Proposal for a 50 m Optical and Infrared Telescope

Staff from Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Lund Observatory,Physics Department and Larmor Research Institute at Galway, and TuorlaObservatory is collaborating on studies for a 50 m optical and infraredtelescope. The telescope concepts are based on the work on extremelylarge telescopes carried out during 1991-2000 at Lund Observatory, andon the experience from the 10.4 m segmented Grantecan t