

Din sökning på "*" gav 536923 sökträffar

The Role of Policy Mix in Cross-border Regional Innovation System Integration

Policy targeting the integration of cross-border regional innovation systems (CBRIS) plays a crucial role in terms of reaching the European Union’s cohesion goals. So far, little research has been done on how policy structures shape the integration of cross-border regional innovation systems. Applying Rogge and Reichardt’s (2016) policy mix for sustainability transitions concept to a cross-border

Does entrepreneurship and its motives have an impact on economic and employment growth? A Panel VAR analysis on EU-15 countries

Entrepreneurship has historically played a major role on the growth of economies. Its impact on countries’ economic and employment growth has been theoretically as well as empirically studied. The literature indicates a clear positive relation of entrepreneurship to those macro figures. Nevertheless, new evidence discusses that more entrepreneurs do not always signify a quick growth rate. In the d

Future-proof: a new model of flexibility

My thesis proposes a new understanding of flexibility in architecture. It investigates reasons for a generic and dull spatial expression of the majority of contemporary buildings. Nowadays, technology and lifestyle are changing so fast that buildings need to accommodate shifting functions. Unfortunately, in pursuit of flexibility, architects design featureless “boxes” which lack intentionality. C

Förseningsminuter i samband med spårväxelfel på den svenska järnvägen - En undersökning av spårväxelfelen mellan Hässleholm-Älmhult på Södra stambanan

The punctuality of passenger transport within the Swedish railroad network has been featured heavily in Swedish media. A study done by the European Commission proclaim that the levels of dissatisfaction towards the railroad system is among the top within Europe. The punctuality is strongly connected to faults related to railroad switches, which stands for a quarter of total delays. The switches wi

Fractography, mechanical and structural analysis of trabecular bone from the femoral head of human cadavers

A lowered mineral density in the skeletal bones may indicate osteoporosis and an increased risk of fragility fractures. However, lower bone mass does not reveal the whole truth about the status of the bone quality. This thesis investigated the microstructure and mechanical properties of 14 trabecular bone plugs in order to get a comprehensive understanding of how the trabecular network changes fro

Divergence during crisis? The effect of the 2008 crisis on factors of business cycle synchronisztion of EMU countries.

The paper examines the effect of the economic crisis of 2008 on factors influencing business cycle synchronization, namely trade intensity, financial integration and difference in economic structure. Using fixed effect regression models, I find that financial integration has a robust positive effect on business cycle synchronization, which is stronger among countries members of the European Moneta

Tvångsvårdade patienters delaktighet: en studie av patienters överklagande av beslut om deras vård

The aim of this dissertation in the field of Sociology of Law, is to investigate how much participation patients of involuntary treatment have in judicial decisions about their care. This investigation was prompted after reading a recent proposition from the department of health in Sweden, that suggested that the laws of involuntary treatment (LPT) were changed to allow the affected patients more

"I mitt knä" : Socialarbetares berättelser om sitt arbete med våld i nära relationer

Authors: Andréa Porutis & Hanna Ström Title: “In my lap” – Social workers narratives of their work with domestic violence Supervisor: Eva Johnsson Assessor: Anders Östnäs [The aim of this qualitative study was to examine social workers experiences of their work with domestic violence. This was performed by taking part of the social workers narratives about their work through semi - structured

Quantitative qualitative data collection

While urban areas are predicted to expand due to population growth, new approaches towards smart solutions in urban infrastructure and transportation are on the rise. With access to new technology, data has been given much attention from municipalities and decision makers. This thesis is interested in how the public sector will utilize the untapped potential of data collection, and what effects th

Den nödvändiga relationens olika ansikten - Några unga vuxnas skildringar av hur relationer med lärare påverkat deras kunskaps- och identitetsutveckling

Uppsatsen handlar om hur relationer mellan lärare och elever hänger ihop med kunskaps- och identitetsutveckling, sett ur unga vuxnas synvinkel. Totalt har 10 unga vuxna i åldern 20- 29, med minst gymnasial utbildning, intervjuats om sina upplevelser av relationer med lärare och relationernas koppling till kunskaps- och identitetsutveckling. Olika teorier inom det interaktionistiska perspektivet me

How M&A Experience Affects Firms’ Timing and Performance During Waves: A Study on M&A Decision Making Between Active and Inactive Acquirers During the Sixth Great Merger Wave

Purpose: This thesis delves into whether acquisition experience is both a valid indicator of increased acquirer returns and leads to participating at certain points during an M&A wave through examining the differences between active and inactive acquirers. This study seeks to provide further understanding of acquisitions during M&A waves with particular interest focused on domestic transac

Ethics and Waiting Times: Incorporating theories of justice in an analysis of waiting times in Sweden

Väntetiders förmåga att ge upphov till rättvisare fördelning av vårdjänster är vida diskuterat. Denna uppsats analyserar väntetider genom tre rättviseteorier: Utilitarianism, egalitarianism och maximin. Uppsatsen visar att analys av väntetider förbättras genom en mer uttryclig rättvisedimension. Principerna kopplas sedan till faktiska väntetider i Sverige 2011-2017. Trots en del brister i den kvanObjectives: There is growing concern regarding waiting times in health care as a mechanism to improve fairness in health services. This essay addresses the issue by evaluating fairness defined by justice theories. Based on this discussion, the essay then investigates whether actual waiting times are consistent with ethical principles. Theory: The theories of justice discussed are utilitarianism, e

Lärare men också människa - En studie om grundskollärares emotionshantering som del av sin yrkesroll

Då allt fler lärare upplever arbetsmiljömässiga hälsoproblem är det av stor vikt för framtida utveckling att utifrån förutsättningarna av läraryrket undersöka bidragande orsaker och kausalsammanhang till detta. Syftet med studien, som är baserad på åtta djupintervjuer med lärare från grundskolan, har varit att undersöka lärares emotioner utifrån de personliga och organisatoriska krav som finns på

Metodik för kartläggning och klassificering av erosion och släntstabilitet i vattendrag

Erosion av vattendrags flodbottnar och intilliggande strandmiljö är ett stort samhällsproblem som förväntas öka i takt med framtida klimatförändringar. Statens geotekniska institut (SGI) har erhållit anslag för att kartlägga större vattendrag i Sverige med hänseende på risken för skred i framtiden till följd av klimatförändringar. Ett vattendrags sårbarhet för erosion kan bedömas utifrån ett indexErosion of river basins and adjacent bank environment is a major environmental problem that is expected to increase in the future due to climate change. The Swedish geotechnical institute (SGI) has been granted funding by the Swedish government for mapping major rivers in Sweden with regard to the risk of landslides due to climate change. A river's vulnerability to erosion can be assessed base

Who’s steering this ark? : Exploring the role of power in environmental governance in the Waikato Region of New Zealand

Collaborative governance is an approach used by governments to create policies in an equitable manner through the consensus seeking decision-making process via the collaboration of stakeholders that will be affected by the solution. However, one of the many critiques of this approach is that there are power imbalances between those involved, that instead make the outcome inequitable. Collaborative

Varumärken är kalejdoskopiska - en studie om narrativ och motnarrativ i influencer marketing

Enligt kulturteoretikern Douglas Holt är ett varumärke summan av de narrativa berättelserna om ett varumärke. På senare tid har företags brand managers i allt större utsträckning börjat använda influencer marketing för att påverka dessa narrativ för att öka varumärkets brand equity. Denna studie undersöker hur olika narrativ som hör samman med ett varumärke konkurrerar om att vara det dominerande According to cultural theorist Douglas Holt is a brand the sum of the narratives surrounding the brand. Recently, brand managers are increasingly using influencer marketing to affect these narratives in order to enhance brand equity. This study investigates how different narratives associated with a brand compete for being the dominant narrative. The study does this by analyzing the phenomenon of

Titta på händerna?

Som barnkörledare har jag tänkt på vad barnen egentligen förstår av dirigering. Ibland reagerar barnen på alla gester och ibland inte på några. Som yrkesverksamma körledare, dirigenter eller pedagoger kan vi dra nytta av att veta vad barnen faktiskt tar till sig och intressant vilken information barn i barnkör får ut av dirigering. Dessutom är det intressant att veta hur dirigenter arbetar för attAs a children’s choir conductor, I have thought about what the children really understand about the conducting. Sometimes the children are with me in the gestures and sometimes not. As a professional conductor, choir leader or pedagogue youcan take advantage of knowing what the children actually understand and do not understand. What information do children understand when they are conducted? And

Är kraven i TDOK motiverade?

In the regulation of Trafikverket there is many technical requirements that the railway facility should face. The reason for its existence is to create a standardized facility with well balanced requirements that includes implementation and management. But still, sometimes there is a need for violating some requirements, for example when the motive of the requirements are not holding against the m

Comparison between UFT and LeanFT

This thesis was an investigation to survey how the new automated testing tool LeanFT compared to the older tool UFT. The thesis was an exploration into the tool LeanFT, examining how well LeanFT performed with GUI testing, what features the tool offered and how usable it was for a tester of software. The purpose of this thesis work was to come to a resolution on whether the LeanFT tool was a more