

Din sökning på "*" gav 539873 sökträffar

Martens in a novel habitat – The importance of prey and habitat structure

The Pacific marten (Martes caurina) is thought to be a forest specialist closely linked to older forests with high canopy cover and dense shrubs. It is therefore highly surprising that a small population have been found in the coastal sand dunes in Oregon, United States. The martens seem to be choosing this habitat even though large areas of older forests are available just next to the dunes. With


The fast food industry is one of the important and growing segments of the overall restaurant industry. At the same time, it is a very dynamic and competitive business where too many vendors are chasing too few clients.To maintain sustainable growth and long-term success it is crucial to meet consumer needs and offer value to them. In order to achieve this, fast food providers must first evaluate

Extern varvtalsmätning på en permanentmagnetiserad likströmsmotor

This bachelor thesis was performed at BorgWarner AB in Landskrona. The assignment was to investigate different methods for external measurement of a permanent magnetized DC motor speed in revolutions per minute when you have no access to the rotor. The task was to examine different measurement methods, to produce a finished circuit that converts the signal frequency to rpm and build a complete too

Experimental evolution in biofilm models of Pseudomonas aeruginosa using mutagenesis screening reporters

What does not kill bacteria, makes them stronger Bacteria most often gather together to form communities called biofilms, which represent the underlying cause of 60% of all infections. Bacteria hidden in the biofilms cannot be eliminated by the human immune system and by antibiotics, therefore, they cause persistent infections which require long-term antibiotic therapy. One of the unwanted effect

Gas Purification of Exhaust Stream from Bitumen Storage

Bitumen är den tyngsta produkten från raffinaderier. Den är användbar som bindemedel för olika ytbeläggningar som t.ex. asfalt på vägar, takpapp m.m. Företag Nordic Waterproofing tillverkar takpapp i Höganäs och använder bitumen som en av de viktigaste råvarorna i processen. Ett förnyelsebart samhälle är dagens fokusmål för alla, inte bara enskilda personer, utan hela landet och hela planet måste Nordic Waterproofing is one of the largest roofing felt producers in Europe. One of the production facility is located in Höganäs (Sweden), which is specialized in roofing felt that are suitable for the nordic climate. Bitumen is a central component of roofing felt manufacturing that contribute several properties to the product. Due to the importance of bitumen, Nordic Waterproofing finds an addit

Investigating the Embedded Conditions Behind Participant Motivation in Civil Society – A Mixed Methods study of En Jul för Alla, Soppkök Malmö

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) provide a broad range of services and are becoming increasingly involved in topics of policy and governance. At the core of any organisation are the members who constitute it, and the strength of civil society is tied to the strength of its support base. Questions of increasing participation rates are therefore not just matters of concern for fellow participants

Dödligt skjutvapenvåld: en rättssociologisk studie om betydelsen av gärningspersonernas sociala kontext vid förståelsen av det dödliga skjutvapenvåldet

As a result of the increasing gang criminality, the lethal firearm violence has enhanced since the 1990’s in Sweden which is a development that has in several ways resulted in a social problem. For example are the perpetrator and thereby gang members getting younger, the connection between gang and lethal firearm violence has eventuated in a lower number of solved cases, which is partly due to the

Multiradionuclide evidence for an extreme solar proton event around 2610 BP

Det har nyligen bekräftats att extrema solar proton events (SPE) kan leda till kraftigt ökad produktion av kosmogena radionuklider (Mekhaldi et al. 2015). Bevis för detta kan påträffas i trädringar (14C) och iskärnor (10Be, 36Cl). Kalibreringskurvan IntCal13, vilken är ett kontinuerligt trädringsregister över 14C fluktuation- er under hela Holocen, användes för att lokalisera två potentiella toppaRecently it has been confirmed that extreme solar proton events (SPE) can lead to significantly increased production of cosmogenic radionuclides (Mekhaldi et al. 2015). The evidence of these events can be recorded in tree rings (14C) and ice cores (10Be, 36Cl). The IntCal13 calibration curve, which is a continuous tree ring record of 14C fluctuations throughout the Holocene, was used to locate two

Fånga gårdagen: en kvalitativ intervjustudie av nostalgiska yttringar i samtiden

Denna uppsats ämnar att förstå de nostalgiska uttryck som tycks ha intensifierats i den samtid Ulrich Beck beskriver som ’den nya moderniteten’ samt hur detta påverkar individen. Som första steg redogörs en aktuell definition av begreppet nostalgi med hjälp av tidigare forskning. Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie med respondenter utvalda utifrån yrkesroller sammankopplade med nostalgi ämnar uppsa

Optimization of an engineered IgG binding protein domain with calcium dependent behavior for mild antibody purification

Antibodies have become immensely important reagents within biomolecular research and analysis as well as in medicine. Monoclonal antibodies are the largest class of biological drugs and with an increasing number of therapeutic antibodies approved for clinical use the need for efficient purification strategies is vast. Today, most antibodies are purified using affinity chromatography based on Prote

Kan ACT-baserad grupprehabilitering efter avslutad cancerbehandling öka deltagarnas förmåga att leva närmre sin värderade riktning inom området hälsa generellt och sexuell hälsa specifikt?

Sammanfattning Denna pilotstudie hade som syfte att undersöka om ACT-baserad grupprehabilitering inklusive modifierad värderingskompass kunde öka deltagarnas förmåga att leva närmre sin värderade riktning inom områdena hälsa och sexuell hälsa. Mixad metod har använts med dels kvantitativ data från mätning med Distresstermometer, HADS, BIS och värderingskompass före, under och efter intervention ocAbstract The purpose of this pilot study was to examine if ACT-based grouprehabilitation with a modified Value Compass could enhance the participants capacity to live closer to their valued direction within the areas health and sexual health. The study used quantitative methods and qualitative methods to capture the experience of the intervention. The quantitative data was acquired with Distressth

Space, Class, and Revolutions

This essay connects to an ongoing discussion and debate on the usefulness and accuracy of the theories and the conceptual apparatus developed by the French theorist Henri Lefebvre. From an analytical reading of Lefebvre’s book The Urban Revolution, I make an original interpretation of Lefebvre’s arguments by tracing them back to Hegel’s syllogism and Marx’s two departments of social reproduction.

Ledningsrätt för mobilmast

Syftet med detta arbete är att kartlägga hur reglerna för ledningsrätt för basstationer ser ut och hur de tillämpas i praktiken. Arbetet avser att besvara hur många ledningsrätter som bildats efter ändringen av ledningsrättslagen (1973:1144) år 2004, vilken utökade möjligheterna att upplåta ledningsrätt för basstationer. Vidare avser arbetet besvara hur dessa upplåtelser utformats, varför man som A utility easement right includes the right for the telecommunication operator to permanently use a private property for its purpose, without an agreement with the property owner, for a relatively low compensation fee. The Swedish utility easements act was expanded in 2004, to cover not only ordinary land cables but also wireless base stations. The intent of the law change was to facilitate the co

The monoculture effect: A meta-analysis and experiment on ostrich chicks

The spread of pathogens between individuals has important effects on patterns of mortality, behaviour and the genetic structure of populations. One factor that is predicted to influence the transmission of pathogens is the genetic diversity of the host group. Groups of closely related individuals are susceptible to similar pathogens, and hence increase in genetic diversity of the group should decr

Optimization of human mesenchymal stem cells isolation quality assessment from adipose tissue for clinical application

Use of stem cells from fat tissue for clinical application Stem cells isolated from fat tissue (Adipose Stem Cells, ASC) are desired therapeutic agents due to their good accessibility, high yield, ease of isolation, and their growth and differentiation capabilities. Under long-term in vitro culturing, cells lose their capabilities to grow and divide, and acquire an aging (senescent) morphology. S

Changing Energy Supply Through Urban Sustainability Experiments: A comparative case study of Sonderborg and Copenhagen, Denmark.

Climate governance is diversifying as the traditional multilateral approach is complemented by more autonomous and experimental reactions. The aim of this thesis is to enquire into this new kind of climate governance. Through a comparative case study of two urban climate change experiments in Denmark, the thesis first explores mechanisms that aid and hinder the achievement of experiment objectives

Dynamic interferometry and high-speed imaging

At the Department of Biomedical Engineering work has been done on micro- dispensers - micro-mechanical devices used for handling extremely small volumes of fluid, which is used in the pharmacological industry. The main part of these devices is a membrane which moves distances on the order of micrometers, and vibrates with natural modes at frequencies over 10kHz, and there was a desire to image the

The Role of Human Plasminogen in the Virulence of Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori is an important pathogen inhabiting the human stomach. H. pylori binds plasminogen, a 90 kDa glycoprotein secreted by liver cells, and utilizes it for enhancing virulence. Surface receptors on the bacteria recognize plasminogen that is then activated into plasmin by host factors. The active plasmin can degrade a range of host proteins including proteins of the extracellular mat

Women and Maids : Perceptions of domestic workers, house work and class among young, progressive, middle-to-upper class women in Delhi

This thesis analyses ten indepth interviews on domestic workers, class and gender roles with ten young, politically inclined and often adamantly feminist women towards the upper end of the Indian class spectrum. It aims to deepen the understanding of employerworker relations and gendered domestic roles in contemporary Indian households. Previous literature on the middletoupper class employers of d