

Din sökning på "*" gav 531515 sökträffar

Konsumentköplagens tillämpning på hästköp

Denna uppsats behandlar konsumentköplagens reglering av hästköp. Konsumentköplagen tillämpas vid tvister rörande köp av lösa saker, däribland levande djur, där säljaren är näringsidkare och köparen är konsument. Genom användandet av en rättsdogmatisk metod undersöker uppsatsen, utifrån ett kritiskt perspektiv, huruvida konsumentköplagens felregler är förenliga med hästaffärers särdrag. Dagens utfThis thesis addresses the regulation of horse sales in the Consumer Sales Act. The Consumer Sales Act applies in disputes regarding movable property, including living animals, when a business sells to a consumer. Through the use of a conventional legal method, this thesis investigates if the rules applicable on defective products in the Consumer Sales Act are compatible with the characteristics of

Credit Default Swap Bond Basis Trading Opportunities in Times of Economic Uncertainty in European Financial Market

We investigated CDS-bond basis trading strategies during five different events, which possibly have caused market uncertainty on the European market. Those events include the peak of the Greek debt crisis (2015), Brexit announcement (2016), French presidential elections (2017), Tariffs on European Union (2018) and COVID-19 crisis (2020). Further, using the companies from two different iTraxx indic

A comparative study of VaR and ES using extreme value theory

Using data from OMXS30, we study which of the models block maxima and peaks-over-threshold, based on extreme value theory, are the most accurate when estimating the risk measures Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall. To perform this analysis, the risk measures are backtested. The extreme observations are fitted to the generalized extreme value distribution and the generalized Pareto distribution u

Hallen på taket

Hallen på taket är en undersökning av en del av ett kvarter i centrala Landskrona. Platsens såväl som stadens förutsättningar diskuteras utifrån ett arkitektoniskt och socialt perspektiv. Ramen är idrottens tillgänglighet och den centrala stadens identitet. Arbetet utmynnar i en sportanläggning som fyller ut mellanrummet mellan två byggnader samtidigt som den etablerar en urban genväg genom kvar

Do Environmental Portfolios Pay? Risk and return of environmentally friendly investment portfolios

In recent years, the interest for Sustainable Finance has substantially increased as a result of the investor’s awareness around climate change risks, and the transition to a low-carbon economy. In this thesis, we conduct an empirical analysis to investigate how incorporating environmental criteria in equity investment affects the portfolios' risk and return. The sustainability performance is

Exchange Rate Volatility and International Trade: A Panel Data Analysis for Asian Countries

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the impact of exchange rate volatility on aggregate foreign trade. We use annual data from 15 Asian countries over 30 years. The exchange rate volatility is derived primarily based on GARCH models and MASD. This thesis applies both the static fixed-effect panel data model and dynamic GMM model, then compares the obtained results and uses the OLS method

Returning Foreign Fighters to Denmark & Sweden: The Enemies of the State?

Denmark and Sweden, as the rest of Europe, face a dilemma of whether to repatriate their citizens who travelled to the so-called Islamic State, from the wretched refugee camps in Syria and Iraq after its fall, and how to deal with those already returned. This thesis examines the two countries’ policy-approaches and discourses to the issue of foreign fighters (FF’s) through a comparative case study

Universal Jurisdiction and the Fight Against Torture: Ensuring Accountability Through a Human Rights Centred Approach

Inom det folkrättsliga regelverket för mänskliga rättigheter är förbudet mot tortyr absolut och okontroversiellt. Trots de betydande insatser som gjorts för att bekämpa tortyr, kvarstår det dock som ett allvarligt och utbrett problem, delvis på grund av att faktisk straffrihet förblir vanligt. Universell jurisdiktion har därför identifierats som ett verktyg för att försöka säkerställa straffrättslWithin international human rights law, the prohibition of torture is absolute and uncontroversial. However, despite considerable efforts to end it, torture remains a pervasive problem all over the world, in part due to the widespread impunity for such acts. Many have hence identified universal jurisdiction as one of the ways whereby accountability for torture may be enhanced. The present thesis ex

Governing a Greying East Asia - Fertility Decline and Policy Response: A Case Study of Japan and South Korea

Over the past few decades, Japan and South Korea have experienced unprecedented levels of population ageing brought about by the countries’ persistent sub-replacement fertility rates. This fertility decline has to be addressed in order to ensure future social stability and economic growth. The primary purpose of this thesis is to determine the primary drivers behind these low fertility rates. The

Substantively Close, Legislatively Afar: Disparities between Citizens and Permanent Residents in Georgia

This thesis explores the legal position of permanent residents as compared to that of citizens in the case study of Georgia. With this aim, the thesis first examines the general legal system of the case study and delves into its sphere-specific regulations, which restrict access to different areas of life to permanent residents. The thesis then applies the standards extrapolated from the internati

Design of Pulsappen: A mobile healthcare application to make administrative work more efficient for caregivers

Personal på sjukhusavdelningar upplever ett antal problem kopplade till administrativa uppgifter. Bland dessa problem ingår att behöva dokumentera samma information i flera system, samt svårigheter vid överlämningar mellan skift. Den nuvarande produkten Pulstavlan, utvecklad av Stretch Care AB, har som mål att lösa dessa problem. Pulstavlan är dock stationär och möjliggör därför inte för vårdpersoStaff in hospital wards experience a number of issues related to administrative tasks. These problems include needing to document the same information in multiple systems, and difficulties in shift handovers between staff members. The existing product Pulstavlan, developed by Stretch Care AB, aims to solve these issues. However, as the product is stationary, it does not enable staff to bring the i

Mellan frustration och god relation : En studie om kuratorers arbete med tvångsvård inom psykiatrin

The research of psychiatry counselors’ work with compulsory care patients is very limited, if not non-existent. The aim of this study was therefore precisely that: to explore psychiatry counselors’ view on their work with compulsory care patients. The main method chosen was a qualitative questionnaire with nine psychiatry counselors from predominantly the regions of Skåne, Stockholm and Västra Göt

Ingen stoppade oss. Vi levde tidigt i en egen värld med egna regler : En kvalitativ studie om vad som kan påverka vägen in i kriminalitet

The reasons why people choose to access the criminal world are complex and sometimes hard to understand. The lack of understanding and knowledge within this subject leads to problems when it comes to preventing crime. The aim of this study was therefore to explore and understand how the individuals end up in criminal activity, based on a qualitative study of subjective stories. For this study we c

How do startups prevent encountering the funding gap?

Purpose – This paper aims to address the issue with securing finance in the funding gap that has negative effects on the entrepreneurial eco system as a whole since many business ideas never gets commercialized into the market. Furthermore, we seek to contribute to existing research and increase the chances for the entrepreneur to succeed in terms of commercializing their service or product. Thus,

Att förmedla natur och historia : en analys av två utställningar på Naturhistoriska riksmuseet och Historiska museet

The purpose of this masters thesis is to compare two exhibitions, ”The Human Journey” (Den mänskliga resan) at the Swedish Museum of Natural History and ”History of Sweden” (Sveriges historia) at the Swedish History Museum. Utilizing exhibition analysis and interviews with relevant staff personnel, with a basis in institutional theory, the thesis explores the differences between both of these muse

Secondary aerosol formation from dimethyl sulfide - Smog chamber experiments and detailed process modelling

The aim of this thesis was to investigate the secondary aerosol formation from dimethylsulfide (DMS) using the aerosol dynamics, gas- and particle-phase chemistry kinetic multi-layer model, ADCHAM. The first simulations, concerning the butanol oxidation via hydroxyl radicals (OH), were performed to characterize the UV-light source of the AURA smog chamber (Aarhus university, Denmark), later used f

Strategic Actions in Response to Uncertainty

The purpose of this thesis was to identify the strategic actions taken by multinational firms in the banking and automotive industries in response to Brexit, complementing the development of Brexit-based literature. A secondary purpose was to present the actions’ relation to previous theoretical and categorical models concerning strategy, facilitating a categorical model for further instances of s

Network governance as a strategy for social sustainable development?

The purpose of this study was to contribute to increased awareness and understanding of how actors collaborate to solve complex societal problems. The study also intends to contribute to increased knowledge of the relevance of theory network governance in describing collaborative processes. A third purpose was to study if Forward Malmö has the potential to contribute to the work on social sustaina