

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Surface resonance on the (6 root 3 x 6 root 3)-R30 degrees-reconstructed 5 ML Au on (root 3 x root 3)-R30 degrees-4H-SiC(0001)

In this paper we present evidence for a surface resonance on the (6v root 3 x 6 root 3)-R30 degrees-reconstruction obtained on 5 monolayers (ML) of An deposited on the (root 3 x root 3)-R30 degrees-4H-SiC(0001) and subsequently annealed. We use synchrotron radiation-based angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to show that this resonance has no k(parallel to)-dispersion, but a parabolic-like ki

Regionaltågssatsningars effekt på fastighetsvärden - en studie av Västkustbanan i Skåne

I samband med byggandet av den nya järnvägssträckningen mellan Landskrona och Helsingborg byggdes kring år 2000 flera nya pågatågsstationer både längs den nya järnvägssträckningen men även längs med den tidigare järnvägen. Dessa nya stationer som placerades på orter som tidigare helt saknat tågtrafik ger en möjlighet att jämföra utvecklingen på dessa orter med utvecklingen på andra liknande orter.

Global Standard Stratotype-Section and Point (GSSP) for the Base of the Jiangshanian Stage (Cambrian: Furongian) at Duibian, Jiangshan, Zhejiang, Southeast China

The International Commission on Stratigraphy and the IUGS Executive Committee have recently approved a Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) defining the base of the second stage of the Furongian Series, Cambrian System. This stage is named the Jiangshanian Stage, after Jiangshan City, western Zhejiang Province, China, where the GSSP is located. The GSSP is exposed in a natural outcr

Copy number variants in the kallikrein gene cluster.

The kallikrein gene family (KLK1-KLK15) is the largest contiguous group of protease genes within the human genome and is associated with both risk and outcome of cancer and other diseases. We searched for copy number variants in all KLK genes using quantitative PCR analysis and analysis of inheritance patterns of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Two deletions were identified: one 2235-bp deletion

Photobleaching-Insensitive Fluorescence Diagnostics in Skin and Brain Tissue

In this paper, we investigate the possibility of using accurate prediction models for the prediction of protoporphyrin bleaching dynamics to achieve photobleaching-insensitive methods to improve the evaluation of data in an existing clinical fluorescence-guided resection technique. To simulate the scenario, measurements were carried out in vivo on skin of healthy volunteers using a compact fiber-b

The mechanism of HAMLET-induced cell death - cellular signalling, oncogenes and clinical perspectives

Popular Abstract in Undetermined 1971 förklarade president Richard Nixon, som så många amerikanska presidenter före honom, krig. Nixons fiende var dock något oortodox; Nixon förklarade krig mot cancer. I och med att senaten godkände ”National Cancer Act”, av pressen snabbt döpt till ”War on cancer”, hoppades Nixon att kunna utradera cancer med hjälp av kraftigt ökade anslag till cancerforskning koDespite recent advances in cancer treatment, truly innovative approaches are required to move beyond the modest benefits achieved to date. HAMLET is a human protein-lipid complex originally discovered in breast milk able to kill a wide range of tumour cells while leaving healthy, differentiated cells unaffected. The aim of this thesis was to identify mechanisms dictating HAMLET sensitivity and to

Polarization dependence of light intensity distribution near a nanometric aluminum slit

The near-field radiation pattern of a long thin slit (with a width much smaller than the excitation wavelength) in a uniform aluminum surface was measured and modeled by numerical computation. In particular, the interplay between the incident light polarization and the slit width is found to play an essential role in the near-field profile on the back side of the nanoslits. Two-dimensional finite-

Core-shell InP-CdS nanowires: fabrication and study

InP nanowires are fabricated by organo-metallic vapour phase epitaxy and studied via photoluminescence measurements performed on single nanowires, finding evidence of state filling with increasing excitation power density. To increase flexibility in fabrication technology we developed a wet chemical procedure to grow a CdS shell on these wires. In these InP-CdS wires the luminescence efficiency wa

How Does Control Timing Affect Performance?

The article presents two Matlab-based tools for analysis andsimulation of real-time control systems: Jitterbug andTrueTime.Jitterbug allows the user to compute aquadratic performance criterion for a linear control system undervarious timing conditions. The control system is described using anumber of continuous- and discrete-time linear systems. Astochastic timing model with random delays is used

Medical proton dosimetry using radioluminescence from aluminium oxide crystals attached to optical-fiber cables

The prime objective of this study is to investigate if radioluminescence (RL) from carbon-doped aluminum oxide (Al2O3:C) crystals potentially can be used for absorbed dose-rate measurements during proton radiotherapy. The RL from two separate (2 mg) Al2O3:C crystals attached to optical-fiber cables were recorded during irradiations in water in a 175 MeV clinical proton beam. The RL response for lo

Okänt vatten – på spaning efter försummade grönalger

An account is given of the general morphology, reproductive biology, ecology and historical exploration of the green alga order Oedogoniales. About 150 species belonging to the genera Oedogonium and Bulbochaete have been recorded from Sweden during the period 1864–1964. Notably, more than 80 taxa were described as new for science based on material from Swedish sites by the Scandinavian algologists