

Din sökning på "*" gav 532861 sökträffar

Flame temperature diagnostics with water lines usingmid-infrared degenerate four-wave mixing

The feasibility of using degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) for hot gas thermometry in the mid-infrared spectral region is, for the first time, demonstrated by probing molecular ro-vibrational transitions of water. DFWM spectra of hot water were recorded in specially designed flames, providing a series of temperatures varying from 1000 to 1900 K and, the dramatic spectral structure variations were

Partially Premixed Combustion at High Load using Gasoline and Ethanol, a Comparison with Diesel

This paper is the follow up of a previous work and its target is to demonstrate that the best fuel for a Compression Ignition engine has to be with high Octane Number. An advanced injection strategy was designed in order to run Gasoline in a CI engine. At high load it consisted in injecting 54 % of the fuel very early in the pilot and the remaining around TDC; the second injection is used as ignit

Estrogen Receptor-{alpha} Phosphorylation at Serine-118 and Tamoxifen Response in Breast Cancer.

Although estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) is a marker used to identify breast cancer patients most likely to benefit from endocrine therapy, approximately 50% of ERalpha-positive breast carcinomas are resistant to tamoxifen. Preclinical studies have shown that phosphorylation of ERalpha at serine-118 (ERalphaS118-P) is required for tamoxifen-mediated inhibition of ERalpha-induced gene expression.

Electron-ion coincidence study of photofragmentation of the CdCl2 molecule

In this work, the photofragmentation subsequent to valence and Cd4d photoionization of cadmium dichloride (CdCl2) were studied using He I and synchrotron excitation. The measurements were performed with a photoelectron-photoion coincidence (PEPICO) setup, and the connection between the singly ionized electronic states and cationic fragments was investigated. The valence-ionized states were found t

Near-infrared photon time-of-flight spectroscopy of turbid materials up to 1400 nm

Photon time-of-flight spectroscopy (PTOFS) is a powerful tool for analysis of turbid materials. We have constructed a time-of-flight spectrometer based on a supercontinuum fiber laser, acousto-optical tunable filtering, and an InP/InGaAsP microchannel plate photomultiplier tube. The system is capable of performing PTOFS up to 1400 nm, and thus covers an important region for vibrational spectroscop

Separating Movement and Gravity Components in an Acceleration Signal and Implications for the Assessment of Human Daily Physical Activity

Introduction: Human body acceleration is often used as an indicator of daily physical activity in epidemiological research. Raw acceleration signals contain three basic components: movement, gravity, and noise. Separation of these becomes increasingly difficult during rotational movements. We aimed to evaluate five different methods (metrics) of processing acceleration signals on their ability to

Surface resonance on the (6 root 3 x 6 root 3)-R30 degrees-reconstructed 5 ML Au on (root 3 x root 3)-R30 degrees-4H-SiC(0001)

In this paper we present evidence for a surface resonance on the (6v root 3 x 6 root 3)-R30 degrees-reconstruction obtained on 5 monolayers (ML) of An deposited on the (root 3 x root 3)-R30 degrees-4H-SiC(0001) and subsequently annealed. We use synchrotron radiation-based angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to show that this resonance has no k(parallel to)-dispersion, but a parabolic-like ki

Regionaltågssatsningars effekt på fastighetsvärden - en studie av Västkustbanan i Skåne

I samband med byggandet av den nya järnvägssträckningen mellan Landskrona och Helsingborg byggdes kring år 2000 flera nya pågatågsstationer både längs den nya järnvägssträckningen men även längs med den tidigare järnvägen. Dessa nya stationer som placerades på orter som tidigare helt saknat tågtrafik ger en möjlighet att jämföra utvecklingen på dessa orter med utvecklingen på andra liknande orter.

Global Standard Stratotype-Section and Point (GSSP) for the Base of the Jiangshanian Stage (Cambrian: Furongian) at Duibian, Jiangshan, Zhejiang, Southeast China

The International Commission on Stratigraphy and the IUGS Executive Committee have recently approved a Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) defining the base of the second stage of the Furongian Series, Cambrian System. This stage is named the Jiangshanian Stage, after Jiangshan City, western Zhejiang Province, China, where the GSSP is located. The GSSP is exposed in a natural outcr

Copy number variants in the kallikrein gene cluster.

The kallikrein gene family (KLK1-KLK15) is the largest contiguous group of protease genes within the human genome and is associated with both risk and outcome of cancer and other diseases. We searched for copy number variants in all KLK genes using quantitative PCR analysis and analysis of inheritance patterns of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Two deletions were identified: one 2235-bp deletion

Photobleaching-Insensitive Fluorescence Diagnostics in Skin and Brain Tissue

In this paper, we investigate the possibility of using accurate prediction models for the prediction of protoporphyrin bleaching dynamics to achieve photobleaching-insensitive methods to improve the evaluation of data in an existing clinical fluorescence-guided resection technique. To simulate the scenario, measurements were carried out in vivo on skin of healthy volunteers using a compact fiber-b

The mechanism of HAMLET-induced cell death - cellular signalling, oncogenes and clinical perspectives

Popular Abstract in Undetermined 1971 förklarade president Richard Nixon, som så många amerikanska presidenter före honom, krig. Nixons fiende var dock något oortodox; Nixon förklarade krig mot cancer. I och med att senaten godkände ”National Cancer Act”, av pressen snabbt döpt till ”War on cancer”, hoppades Nixon att kunna utradera cancer med hjälp av kraftigt ökade anslag till cancerforskning koDespite recent advances in cancer treatment, truly innovative approaches are required to move beyond the modest benefits achieved to date. HAMLET is a human protein-lipid complex originally discovered in breast milk able to kill a wide range of tumour cells while leaving healthy, differentiated cells unaffected. The aim of this thesis was to identify mechanisms dictating HAMLET sensitivity and to