

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Simulations of the Tenuous Upper Atmospheres of Exoplanets

Over the last decade, the interest in research on extraterrestrial planets has expanded dramatically. With the number of confirmed exoplanets having increased tenfold over the last ten years, we now know that many different types of exoplanets exist. Modern telescopes, both ground- and space-based, like the Very Large Telescope (VLT) or the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will drive forward the

Deep learning-based classification of organs at risk and delineation guideline in pelvic cancer radiation therapy

Deep learning (DL) models for radiation therapy (RT) image segmentation require accurately annotated training data. Multiple organ delineation guidelines exist; however, information on the used guideline is not provided with the delineation. Extraction of training data with coherent guidelines can therefore be challenging. We present a supervised classification method for pelvis structure delineat

UAV-based remote sensing to characterise local-scale spatial variation in the occurrences of the host plant and larvae nests of the Marsh Fritillary butterfly (Euphydras aurinia)

The survival and persistence of the threatened Marsh Fritillary butterfly (E. aurinia) is linked to the availability of its host plant, the Devil’s Bit (S. pratensis), which primarily inhibits calcareous grasslands. Previous research has established that mapping the distribution of S. pratensis serves as a reliable indicator for identifying the presence of E. aurinina larvae nests. In this study,

An Overview of Plant-Based Protein Rich Products

Deleterious impact of animal meat production and consumption on environment and consumers health has developed interests for exploring relatively safer, healthier, and sustainable food sources. Promoting the production and consumption of plants as alternative to meat proteins do not merely conserve the ecosystem but also promote consumers health and well-being by consistent modification of their f

Guiding the First-Year Student Entrepreneur : A Conceptual Map to Nudge Towards the Reversal Effect in Learning

This chapter addresses a recent argumentation in entrepreneurship education for the term odigogy, meaning to guide. The role of guidance has so far been discussed in relation to the balance between pedagogy and andragogy as well as between teacher- and student-led learning. The purpose of this chapter is to further develop odigogy, conceptualise a map for how to reason when facing first-year stude

Comparison of force fields to study the zinc-finger containing protein NPL4, a target for disulfiram in cancer therapy

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are a powerful approach to studying the structure and dynamics of proteins related to health and disease. Advances in the MD field allow modeling proteins with high accuracy. However, modeling metal ions and their interactions with proteins is still challenging. NPL4 is a zinc-binding protein and works as a cofactor for p97 to regulate protein homeostasis. NPL4

Analysis of combustion gases from large-scale electric vehicle fire tests

Fires involving electric vehicles have attracted considerable attention in the media. In particular, the toxic gases released upon combustion of electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries has been a major concern. In this study, the results of six large-scale vehicle fire tests are presented including three electric vehicles, two internal combustion engine vehicles, and one electric vehicle with

Astrocytic engagement of the corticostriatal synaptic cleft is disrupted in a mouse model of Huntington s disease

Astroglial dysfunction contributes to the pathogenesis of Huntington s disease (HD), and glial replacement can ameliorate the disease course. To establish the topographic relationship of diseased astrocytes to medium spiny neuron (MSN) synapses in HD, we used 2-photon imaging to map the relationship of turboRFP-Tagged striatal astrocytes and rabies-Traced, EGFP-Tagged coupled neuronal pairs in R6/

Illness perception, health literacy, self-efficacy, adherence and quality of life in patients with intermittent claudication – a longitudinal cohort study

Background: Patients with intermittent claudication need lifelong treatment with secondary prevention to prevent cardiovascular events and progression of atherosclerotic disease. Illness perception, health literacy, self-efficacy, adherence to medication treatment, and quality of life are factors influencing patients’ self-management. Knowledge of these factors could be important when planning for

Improving the SM2RAIN-derived rainfall estimation using Bayesian optimization

The rainfall product derived from the SM2RAIN (Soil Moisture to Rain) algorithm has been widely used. However, there is still a large uncertainty partly due to the soil moisture input and parameters estimation of the SM2RAIN algorithm, which limits the application of the model in alpine regions. Here, the SM2RAIN-BayesOpt algorithm was developed by integrating the SM2RAIN algorithm and Bayesian op

Placenta-associated adverse pregnancy outcomes in women experiencing mild or severe hyperemesis gravidarum – a systematic review and meta-analysis

Background: Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) affects 50–80% of pregnant women and is correlated to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a severe condition, with an incidence of 0.2–1.5%, characterized by consistent nausea, vomiting, weight loss and dehydration continuing after the second trimester. Aim: The aim of this systematic review was to inves

On the Amplitude of Steady Water Waves with Favorable Constant Vorticity

For two-dimensional steady pure-gravity water waves with a unidirectional flow of constant favorable vorticity, we prove an explicit bound on the amplitude of the wave, which decays to zero as the vorticity tends to infinity. Notably, our result holds true for arbitrary water waves, that is, we do not have to restrict ourselves to periodic or solitary or symmetric waves.

The Immunopeptidome from a Genomic Perspective : Establishing the Noncanonical Landscape of MHC Class I–Associated Peptides

Tumor antigens can emerge through multiple mechanisms, including translation of noncoding genomic regions. This noncanonical category of tumor antigens has recently gained attention; however, our understanding of how they recur within and between cancer types is still in its infancy. Therefore, we developed a proteogenomic pipeline based on deep learning de novo mass spectrometry (MS) to enable th

Physicians’ experiences and actions in making complex level-of-care decisions during acute situations within older patients’ homes : a critical incident study

Background: Complex level-of-care decisions involve uncertainty in which decisions are beneficial for older patients. Knowledge of physicians’ decision-making during acute situations in older patients’ homes is limited. Therefore, this study aimed to describe physicians’ experiences and actions in making complex level-of-care decisions during the assessment of older patients in acute situations wi

Resistance to thyroid hormone induced tachycardia in RTHα syndrome

Mutations in thyroid hormone receptor α1 (TRα1) cause Resistance to Thyroid Hormone α (RTHα), a disorder characterized by hypothyroidism in TRα1-expressing tissues including the heart. Surprisingly, we report that treatment of RTHα patients with thyroxine to overcome tissue hormone resistance does not elevate their heart rate. Cardiac telemetry in male, TRα1 mutant, mice indicates that such persis

Levodopa Dose Equivalency in Parkinson's Disease : Updated Systematic Review and Proposals

Background: To compare drug regimens across clinical trials in Parkinson's disease (PD) conversion formulae between antiparkinsonian drugs have been developed. These are reported in relation to levodopa as the benchmark drug in PD pharmacotherapy as ‘levodopa equivalent dose’ (LED). Currently, the LED conversion formulae proposed in 2010 by Tomlinson et al. based on a systematic review are predomi

Mary Wollstonecraft

In this chapter, it is argued that Mary Wollstonecraft’s (1759–1797) writings on morality and politics are usefully analyzed as comprehensive critique of hierarchy and inequality, as detrimental to freedom and virtue. Focus is placed on Wollstonecraft’s approach to doing philosophy, or her method. She regarded inequalities as moral deviations from proper standards of rightness but also as continge

Flow FFF–basics and key applications

The 1990s and 2000s have seen a rapidly growing use of flow field-flow fractionation (flow FFF, FlFFF). As of today hundreds of publications in many different application areas are presented each year in which flow FFF has been used or is referred to. In this chapter a brief historical overview of flow FFF is given. Channel designs and basic principles are discussed as well as approaches to develo

Köp av sexuell tjänst på distans

Denna uppsats behandlar möjligheterna att begå brottet köp av sexuell tjänst på distans. Undersökningen tar avstamp i en närmare undersökning av brottet i sig. I denna konstateras att den straffbara gärningen, tillfällig sexuell förbindelse mot ersättning, knyter an till det i övrigt upphävda begreppet sexuellt umgänge. Brotten i 6 kap. BrB som enligt gällande rätt kan begås på distans knyter an tThis thesis explores the possibilities of committing the crime purchase of sexual service remotely. The investigation begins with a closer examination of the offense itself. It is noted that the punishable act “casual sexual relation in return for payment”, is closely related to the abolished term “sexual intercourse”. The crimes in chapter six in the Swedish Criminal Code that currently can be co