

Din sökning på "*" gav 533103 sökträffar

Sociala mediers betydelse för unga vuxnas förväntningar på sig själva

The purpose of the thesis was to gain a better understanding of how social media affects young adults’ expectations of themselves, their self-image, and how it in turn is perceived to affect their health. This was investigated using semi-structured interviews. The concepts of social mirroring and "Me" and "I" have been used to explain how we build identity through mirroring in

A Blindfolded Monkey as Portfolio Manager

This study aims to investigate whether chance can beat an actively managed equity fund during a ten-year period on the Swedish stock market. Since the stock market consists of fierce competition among investors, the EMH would suggest that stock price movements should not be far from reflecting all available information. Due to the highly unexpected nature of new information, such as news, price fl

LAS - Falsk trygghet? - Anställningsskyddets styrkor och brister

Idag omfattas de flesta arbetare av omställningsavtal men vetskapen om dessa, dess funktioner och betydelse för både arbetsgivare och arbetstagare är begränsad. Analysen som gjorts i uppsatsen, kommer fram till att omställningsavtalen underlättar för arbetsgivaren att göra val om vilka medarbetare som skall stanna vid en arbetsbrist. För arbetstagaren innebär det att det finns ett stöd men garanteToday, most workers are covered by adjustment agreements, but knowledge of these, their functions and their significance for both employers and employees is limited. The analysis made in the essay concludes that the adjustment agreements make it easier for the employer to make choices about which employees should stay in the event of a work shortage. For the employee, this means that there is supp

Subjektiva faktorers uppskattade värde i förhandling och sambandet till big five

Förhandlingsforskning har fokuserat på den distributiva förhandlingen och delvis förbisett viktiga socialpsykologiska variabler. Syftet med studien var att analysera socialpsykologiska subjektiva faktorer och bidra till förhandlingsforskningen, genom att identifiera vilka av studiens subjektiva faktorer som värderades högst i dels en privat, dels en affärsrelaterad förhandling samt undersöka om upNegotiation research has focused on the distributive negotiation and partly overlooked important social psychological variables. The purpose of the study was to analyze social psychological subjective factors and contribute to negotiation research, by identifying which of the study's subjective factors were valued most in a private and a business-related negotiation and examining whether the a

The differential distributions of grievability in Swedish welfare discourse: A study on welfare chauvinism in the Swedish right wing continuum

In the context of increasing welfare chauvinism in the Swedish right wing, and a mainstreaming of far right nationalist ideology, it has become increasingly important to analyze the racialized and classed implications of restrictive welfare discourse. Anchored in the feminist, antiracist and postcolonial theoretical field, this thesis analyzes welfare discourse in officially published political te

“Det är mera kollegorna som pratar med varandra och uttrycker om det är svårt”

Bakgrund: Barnmorskor på förlossningsavdelning delar både glädje och sorg med den födande kvinnan och partnern. Intrauterin fosterdöd (IUFD) är något som barnmorskan ibland kan behöva möta och innebär att fostret dör i magen efter vecka 22+0. Syfte: Att undersöka barnmorskors upplevelser och behov av stöd i samband med intrauterin fosterdöd. Metod: Studien var en kvalitativ intervjustudie med indu

External Migration Control Measures and Ill-Treatment of Migrant Women: On the Responsibility of the EU and the Member States Under the EU-Charter

Genom den externa dimensionen av EUs migrations policys har EU och medlemsstaterna alltmer börjat använda sig av externaliseringsåtgärder som ett sätt att få till bukt på de irreguljära migrationsströmmar som når unionens externa gränser. Åtgärderna är karaktäriserade av inhemska handlingar med extraterritoriella effekter vilka leder till ökad migrationskontroll i de tredjeländerna som åtgärderna Through the external dimension of the EU migration policy, the EU and its member states have increasingly employed externalization measures as a means of stemming the irregular migration flows that reach the external borders of the Union. The measures are characterized by domestic conduct with extraterritorial effect leading to increased migration control in the third countries targeted by these m

De osynliga minoriteterna – vilka syns i planeringen? Ålderism och ableism i tre av Malmö stads planeringsdokument: kommunens översiktsplan, den fördjupade översiktsplanen över Nyhamnen och detaljplanen för Smörkajen (5611).

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the elderly and disabled are included and excluded by the municipality of Malmö in three different published planning documents. To investigate this purpose, the main question asked is: how are elderly and disabled people described and included in/excluded from the City of Malmö's master plan, the in-depth master plan for Nyhamnen and the Detail

Viskleken - Från media till mottagare

In recent years whistleblowing has increased. At the same time, the hybrid media culture has allowed whistleblowers to further participate in, and influence narratives. Previous research demonstrates both the increased impact of whistleblowers and the relevance of the two-step flow model in the hybrid media landscape. What is not investigated, however, is the relationship between whistleblowers

Megaregioner och deras periferier

The study of how regional and global resources are allocated geographically, the incentives for these trends, and what strategies can be used to prevent adverse effects between economic core areas and peripheral areas, are key themes in economic geography, and of crucial interest in studies of regional development. This paper addresses these issues in light of the relationship between the emerging

En arena vigd åt starka stater: Nationella intressen och humanitära interventioner.

Under 2010-talet drabbades både Centralafrikanska Republiken och Jemen av väpnade konflikter som resulterade i humanitära kriser. Trots detta genomförde FN endast en humanitär intervention i den Centralafrikanska Republiken. Studien ämnar undersöka om nationella intressen hos FN:s säkerhetsråds permanenta medlemmar ligger till grund för denna inkonsekvens. Som avgränsning undersöks endast Frankrik

Förtätning som verktyg för integration? - En undersökning av planeringen i projektet Mälaräng utifrån rättvisa och livlighet

The development of Mälaräng in the southwestern part of Stockholm aims to bridge the social and economic gap in between neighboring areas Mälarhöjden and Bredäng. Theories of the Just City by Susan Fainstein and the Lively City constructed by Jane Jacobs are applied to investigate the planning of Mälaräng regarding social, economic and physical environment-factors through the lens of justice and l

Georgian Environmental Kuznets Curve: An Appropriate Estimation.

Empirical EKC literature has conceptual flaws that arise due to the inclusion of polynomials and cointegrating relationships of powers of integrated processes. Additionally, previous studies focused on a narrow nexus between environmental degradation and economic growth that yield only a partial EKC. Considering hereinabove mentioned points the aim of this study is to assess the EKC hypothesis in


På senare år har andelen kvinnor i styrelse- och ledningsgrupper ökat. Nyligen har internationella studier visat att det finns ett samband mellan andelen kvinnor i styrelser och ett bolags lönsamhet. Denna studie ämnar att undersöka om om det finns ett statistiskt säkerställt samband mellan andelen kvinnor i styrelser respektive ledningsgrupper och bolags lönsamhet i Sverige. Metoden består av tre

Mikroetik: Ett steg i rätt riktning för etik inom datadriven AI

Artificiell intelligens kan leda till disruptiva innovationer som verksamheter måste ta ställning till för att fortsätta vara konkurrenskraftiga. Med profilerade fall som Cambridge Analytica har etik i förhållande till datadriven AI fått en ny betydelse. Riktlinjer har framlagts för att vägleda organisationer till hur de ska förhålla sig till etik och AI. Det har framkommit att dessa dock inte föl

Right to life or right to governance? A discourse analysis of Texas' and Mexico's abortion policies from September 2021

The aim of this thesis is to conduct a discourse analysis on Texas’ and Mexico’s abortion policies from September 2021 by applying Bacchi’s ‘What’s the problem represented to be?’ method, together with a theoretical framework based in reproductive governance and SRHR. The research questions are: what is the problem of abortion represented to be in these policies, and to what extent the discourses

Image classification for improving an IR-signal classification in a semi-supervised learning pipeline

A part of a semi-supervised learning pipeline is built to improve the classification of humans and animals in a home security detector. An AI teacher model that automatically labels data, which is then in turn used to improve a light-weight AI student model is created. The AI teacher is trained on existing labelled household camera image data. Approaches with leveraged convolutional neural nets an

Remote meaningful work through the lens of social workers

This research aims to enhance the current literature on meaningful work by gaining a deeper understanding of the effects of remote working on the perception of meaningful work. Set in the interpretive tradition, our research includes a qualitative case study in a single organisation and pursues an abductive approach. To understand how meaningful work is affected when working remotely, we collecte


Abstract Kan kommunala styren påverka sin egen framgång och vilka faktorer är isåfall relevanta? Detta är uppsatsens frågeställning med fokus på svenska minoritetsstyren under mandatperioden 2014-2018 (N=92). Uppsatsen undersöker sambandet mellan minoritetsstyreskoalitionens valresultat och samma partiers nationella resultat. Detta påverkade (.302 p=.02 n=57) samtidigt som det inte var fullständi

“I’m fat and you like it” – om kroppsbilden hos män som har sex med män utifrån erfarenheter på plattformen Grindr

This study aimed to understand how men who have sex with men discuss their body image in relation to the networking app Grindr. It also focused on how these men handle thoughts and feelings about their body which occurred when using the app. The study was based on a qualitative method with seven semi-structured interviews with men who have sex with men and who use Grindr or have used it in the pas