

Din sökning på "*" gav 532999 sökträffar

Effect of Natural and Semisynthetic Pseudoguianolides on the Stability of NF-κB:DNA Complex Studied by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis.

The nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) is a promising target for drug discovery. NF-κB is a heterodimeric complex of RelA and p50 subunits that interact with the DNA, regulating the expression of several genes; its dysregulation can trigger diverse diseases including inflammation, immunodeficiency, and cancer. There is some experimental evidence, based on whole cells studies, that natural sesquiterpene lac

Influence of the Wall Temperature and Combustion Chamber Geometry on the Performance and Emissions of a Mini HCCI Engine Fuelled with Diethyl Ether

Nowadays for small-scale power generation there are electrochemical batteries and mini engines. Many efforts have been done for improving the power density of the batteries but unfortunately the value of 1 MJ/kg seems to be asymptotic. If the energy source is an organic fuel which has an energy density of around 29 MJ/kg with a minimum overall efficiency of only 3.5%, this device would surpass the

The Swedis Ne Bis in Idem Saga - Painting a multi-layered picture

The primary aim of the article is to examine the sum of the three Swedish judgments of 2013 that was handed down after the ECJ's judgment in the Åkerberg Fransson-case. The examination is done against the backdrop of the legal developments preceding these judgments, with a particular attention to how different layers of law are perceived and given effect in the national legal order.

Waveform Characterization of Atrial Fibrillation Using Phase Information

A novel method for characterization of f-wave morphology in atrial fibrillation (AF) is presented. The method decomposes atrial activity into fundamental and harmonic components, dividing each component into short blocks for which the amplitudes, frequencies, and phases are estimated. The phase delays between the fundamental and each of the harmonics, here referred to as harmonic phase relationshi

Impact on allergic immune response after treatment with vitamin A

Background: Vitamin A may have some influence on the immune system, but the role in allergy modulation is still unclear. Objective: To clarify whether high levels of retinoic acid (RA) affects allergic response in vivo, we used a murine experimental model of airway allergic disease. Methods: Ovalbumin (OVA)-immunization/OVA-challenge (OVA/OVA) and house dust mite (HDM)-immunization/HDM-challenge (

Optimization of image quality and radiation dose in neuroradiological computed tomography

Background: The goal of clinical computed tomography (CT) is to produce images of diagnostic quality using the lowest possible radiation exposure. Degradation of image quality, with increased image noise and reduced spatial resolution, is a major limitation for radiation dose reduction in CT. This can be counteracted with new post-processing image filters and iterative reconstruction (IR) algorith

Sexually Coercive Behavior in Male Youth: Population Survey of General and Specific Risk Factors.

Little is known about risk/protective factors for sexually coercive behavior in general population youth. We used a Swedish school-based population survey of sexual attitudes and experiences (response rate 77%) and investigated literature-based variables across sexually coercive (SEX), non-sexual conduct problem (CP), and normal control (NC) participants to identify general and specific risk/prote

The structure of deuterated benzene films adsorbed on the graphite (0001) basal plane: what happens below and above the monolayer coverage?

An exact description of the interactions in aromatic carbon systems is a key condition for the design of carbon based nanomaterials. In this paper we investigate the binding and adsorbate structure of the simplest prototype system in this class the single aromatic ring molecule benzene on graphite. We have collected neutron diffraction data of the ordered phase of deuterated benzene, C6D6, adsorbe

Acquisition of Complement Inhibitor Serine Protease Factor I and Its Cofactors C4b-Binding Protein and Factor H by Prevotella intermedia.

Infection with the Gram-negative pathogen Prevotella intermedia gives rise to periodontitis and a growing number of studies implies an association of P. intermedia with rheumatoid arthritis. The serine protease Factor I (FI) is the central inhibitor of complement degrading complement components C3b and C4b in the presence of cofactors such as C4b-binding protein (C4BP) and Factor H (FH). Yet, the

Förbehandling av lignocellulosarika råvaror vid biogasproduktion - Nyckelaspekter vid jämförande utvärdering

I biogassektorn finns ett ökande behov av och en ökande konkurrens om råvaror, och intresset för användning av odlingsrester, vall, mellangrödor mm som biogasråvara ökar. Gemensamt för dessa råvaror är att de är fiberrika, dvs. har ett högt innehåll av lignocellulosa, vilket gör att det är osannolikt att de skulle användas för biogasproduktion utan förbehandling. Ett antal förbehandlingstekniker h

Immune complex binding Streptococcus pyogenes type M12/emm12 in experimental glomerulonephritis

In a rabbit model, we have previously reported evidence for a pathogenic role of streptococcal IgG Fc-binding proteins (IgGFcBP) in poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN). These proteins, of the M protein family, were shown to trigger anti-IgG production and enhance renal deposition of IgG and/or immune complexes (ICs), with resulting activation of complement and cytokine cascades. In the pre

MyelomA Genetics International Consortium

While the etiology of multiple myeloma (MM) is largely unknown, evidence for an inherited genetic susceptibility is provided by the two-fold increased risk of the disease seen in first-degree relatives of cases of MM. It is likely that part of this heritable risk is a consequence of the co-inheritance of low-risk genetic variants. The accumulated experience to date in identifying risk variants for

Cloning, characterization, and subcellular localization of a Trypanosoma cruzi argonaute protein defining a new subfamily distinctive of trypanosomatids

Over the last years an expanding family of small non-coding RNAs (sRNA) has been identified in eukaryotic genomes which behave as sequence-specific triggers for mRNA degradation, translation repression, heterochromatin formation and genome stability. To achieve their effectors functions, sRNAs associate with members of the Argonaute protein family. Argonaute proteins are segregated into three para