

Din sökning på "*" gav 533385 sökträffar

Anxiety and flexibility of defense related to high or low creativity

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in anxiety and defense mechanisms between differently creative people. Two extreme groups that scored either very high or very low on a test of the creative function were selected from a larger cohort (N = 60). Each group consisted of 12 male undergraduate students, who took a test of defense mechanisms and completed anxiety inventories. The

Administration of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v reduces side-effects of external radiation on colon anastomotic healing in an experimental model

OBJECTIVE: Preoperative radiotherapy of patients with rectal carcinoma is frequently used to reduce the incidence of local recurrence. However, the radiation therapy is associated with several complications, including diarrhea, retarded anastomotic healing and mucosal atrophy. Exogenous administration of lactobacilli has been demonstrated to be effective in stimulating intestinal mucosal growth an

Effect of lipase on different lipid liquid crystalline phases formed by oleic acid based acylglycerols in aqueous systems

This study deals with the interplay between the interfacial structure of lipid liquid crystalline (1c) substrates and the lipolysis rate. Thermomyces (formerly Humicola) lanuginosa lipase (TLL) was added to lamellar (L-alpha), reversed bicontinuous cubic (C), and reversed hexagonal (H-II)1c phases, based on monoolein (MO), MO-sodium oleate (NaO), MO-oleic acid (OA), and MO-diolein (DO) with water.

Random Feynman graphs

We investigate a class of random graph ensembles based on the Feynman graphs of multidimensional integrals, representing statistical-mechanical partition functions. We show that the resulting ensembles of random graphs strongly resemble those defined in random graphs with hidden color, generalizing the known relation of the Feynman graphs of simple one-dimensional integrals to random graphs with a

The biochemistry of the action of chymopapain in relief of sciatica

A study has been made of the mechanism of action of intradiscal injections of preparations of chymopapain in the treatment of sciatica. Such preparations were found to contain at least four distinct proteins, but enzymatically active chymopapain was the component mainly responsible for releasing glycosaminoglycan from cartilaginous tissue. Previous suggestions that an electrostatic interaction bet

J/psi production in Au-Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

First results on charm quarkonia production in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) are presented. The yield of J/psi's measured in the PHENIX experiment via electron-positron decay pairs at midrapidity for Au-Au reactions at roots(NN) = 200 GeV is analyzed as a function of collision centrality. For this analysis we have studied 49.3x10(6) minimum bias Au-Au reactions

Free volume determination of azobenzene-PMMA copolymer by a pulsed low-energy positron lifetime beam with in-situ UV illumination

The free volume properties of a poly(methyl methacrylate)-azobenzene copolymer were for the first time directly probed by use of a low-energy positron lifetime beam with in-situ excitation capabilities, showing that the free volume cavity size was not appreciably influenced by photoisomerization and thermal isomerization in the temperature range 34-180 degreesC. lsomerization is therefore suggeste

Structure and bonding of Cu(II)-glutamate complexes at the gamma-Al2O3-water interface

The composition and mode of attachment of Cu(II) complexes at the gamma-Al2O3-water interface in suspensions containing a simple amino acid (glutamate) were characterized with EXAFS and FTIR spectroscopies. The spectroscopic results indicate that two types of Cu(II)-glutamate-alumina interactions are primarily responsible for Cu(II) and glutamate uptake between pH 4 and 9. In acidic suspensions of

Factors related to frequent usage of the primary healthcare services in old age: findings from The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care

People aged 60 or more are the most frequent users of healthcare services. In this age range, however, both frequent and infrequent users can be found. Frequent users have high rates of illnesses. Previous research has found that the frequency may be influenced also by psychological and social factors. The aim of this study was to investigate to what degree such factors add to the explanation of d

Flight speeds and climb rates of Brent Geese: mass-dependent differences between spring and autumn migration

Aerodynamic theories of bird flight predict that horizontal flight speed will increase with increasing load whereas vertical Eight speed will decrease. Horizontal flight speed for birds minimizing overall time on migration is predicted to be higher than flight speed for birds minimizing energy expenditure. In this study we compare flight speeds of Brent Geese Branta b. bernicla recorded by trackin

Results of risk-adapted therapy in acute myeloid leukaemia. A long-term population-based follow-up study

In 1997-2003, a protocol for treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) (except promyelocytic leukaemia) was activated in four Swedish health care regions covering 50% of the national population. Based on cytogenetics and clinical findings, patients aged 18-60 yr were assigned to one of three risk groups. In this report we account for the long-term clinical outcome of enrolled patients. Patients r

Li-7 NMR measurements of polymer gel electrolytes

Ion conducting polymer gels prepared from (ethylene oxide)(n) grafted methacrylates, ethylene carbonate (EC), gamma butyrolactone (gBL), and lithium hexafluorophosphate are studied by means of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, This study shows that there are at least two possible lithium sites with different mobility. The lithium-ions with lower mobility dominate at room temperature, but th

On the induction of cold acclimation in carrots (Daucus carota L.) and its influence on storage performance

We investigated the role of cold acclimation in carrot plants with respect to its influence on the storage performance of the harvested taproots. The induction of cold acclimation was followed in plants cultivated in a growth chamber under strict climate control and in taproots harvested from two separate field cultivations where the plants had been exposed to the natural variations in climate. Un