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Parental support in a changing society
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige betonas idag alltmer det hälsofrämjande arbetet riktat mot barn, ungdomar och deras föräldrar. Olika föräldrastödsaktiviteter erbjuds. Det behövs ökad kunskap om varför vissa aktiviteter fungerar bättre än andra. Det är även viktigt att känna till föräldrarnas motiv för att deltaga och upplevelser av stödaktiviteten. Syftet med denna avhandling var att belysa In today's Swedish society there is increasing emphasis on health-promotive work among children, adolescents, and their parents. Knowledge is needed about why certain activities work better than others. It is important to study the parents' motives and experiences of participating in parental supporting programmes. In child health care, mostly among the nurses, there is a contrast between what th
Conservation principles suspended solids distribution modelling to support ATS introduction on a recirculating WWTP
A model for the description of the SS distribution in a full-scale recirculating activated sludge WWTP was developed. The model, based on conservation principles, uses on-line plant data as model inputs, and provides a prediction of the SS load in the inlet to the secondary clarifiers and the SS distribution in the WWTP as outputs. The calibrated model produces excellent predictions of the SS load
Kemisk processteknik - del 2: Heterogena reaktionssystem av typ gas - vätskefas
Adipocyte lipases and defect of lipolysis in human obesity
The mobilization of fat stored in adipose tissue is mediated by hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and the recently characterized adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), yet their relative importance in lipolysis is unknown. We show that a novel potent inhibitor of HSL does not inhibit other lipases. The compound counteracted catecholamine-stimulated lipolysis in mouse adipocytes and had no effect on resi
The Collective Dynamics of Organizational Learning: On Plurality and Multi-Social Structuring
The notion of organizations as learning entities has gained considerably in popularity over the last decade, and is now regarded an important issue both theoretically and in practice. Many organizational activities and events have been referred to as learning phenomena, and learning theory is being applied to increasingly varied and complex settings of organizational life. This divergence would su
On Weapons Plutonium in the Arctic Environment (Thule, Greenland)
Popular Abstract in Swedish I januari 1968 inträffade en flygplansolycka på havsisen ca 12 km väster om Thule flygbasen på nordvästra Grönland. Flygplanet, en amerikansk B-52, hade fyra kärnvapen ombord, som sprängdes sönder när planet störtade. Sprängningen orsakades av de konventionella sprängmedel som satt runt kärnladdningarna i de fyra vapnen. Dessa sprängningar var ej av nukleär art, d.v.s. This thesis concerns a nuclear accident that occurred in the Thule (Pituffik) area, NW Greenland in 1968, called the Thule accident. Results are based on different analytical techniques, i.e. gamma spectrometry, alpha spectrometry, ICP-MS, SEM with EDX and different sediment models, i.e. (CRS, CIC). The scope of the thesis is the study of hot particles. Studies on these have shown several interest
Loyal Speed Adaptation Speed limitation by means of an active accelerator and its possible impacts in built-up areas
Traditional measures for improved traffic safety need to be complemented by modern technologies in the struggle to reduce the consequences of traffic accidents all over the world. This thesis introduces the Loyal Speed Adaptation (LSA) function based on recent developments in the area of Intelligent Transport Sys-tems to support the vehicle drivers in not using inappropriate or excessive speeds, w
Varför heter det ”socionom”? Om en examenstitels uppkomst och etablering
New Estimation Techniques for Adaptive Control
[abstract missing]
Synthesis and structural characterisation of novel platinum-based drug candidates with extended functionality by incorporation of bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene units as metal chelators
Among the metal-based anticancer drugs, cisplatin (cis-diaminedichloroplatinum(II)) is the most widely used species in therapy. Despite its clinical success, cisplatin still suffers in generating resistance, as well as being highly toxic due to poor selectivity between healthy and sick cells. By molecular design it ought to be possible to generate new cis-platinum compounds with increased selectiv
Storslagna löften om integrerad miljö
Lützen ut ur dimman
Recension av Bo Eriksson,Lützen 1632. Ett ödesdigert beslut och Ingrid Schubert, Lützen. På spaning efter ett minne.
Electrical and Surface Properties of InAs/InSb Nanowires Cleaned by Atomic Hydrogen
We present a study of InAs/InSb heterostructured nanowires by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and in-vacuum electrical measurements. Starting with pristine nanowires covered only by the native oxide formed through exposure to ambient air, we investigate the effect of atomic hydrogen cleaning on the surface chemistry and electrical performance. We find t
Human Chemokines as Antimicrobial Peptides with Direct Parasiticidal Effect on Leishmania mexicana In Vitro.
Chemokines and chemokine receptor-mediated effects are important mediators of the immunological response and cure in human leishmaniasis. However, in addition to their signalling properties for leukocytes, many chemokines have also been shown to act directly as antimicrobial peptides on bacteria and fungi. We screened ten human chemokines (CXCL2, CXCL6, CXCL8, CXCL9, CXCL10, CCL2, CCL3, CCL20, CCL
Patch Testing with a Textile Dye Mix in a Baseline Series in Two Countries
Disperse dyes are the most common contact sensitizers among textile dyes. The main aim of this study was to investigate the outcome of patch testing with a textile dye mix 6.6%. A total of 2,049 patients from Sweden and 497 from Belgium were tested with the mix, consisting of Disperse (D) Blue 35, D Yellow 3, D Orange 1 and 3, D Red 1 and 17, 1.0% each, and D Blue 106 and D Blue 124, 0.3% each. Of
Structural Aspects of Protein Synthesis
Cubic phases and cubic phase dispersions in a phospholipid-based system
A cubic liquid crystalline phase forming system based on the phospholipid dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) which is fortified with small amounts of PEGylated (poly(ethylene) glycol) glycerol monooleate (PEG(660)-GMO) is characterized. The cubic phase formed by the DOPE/PEG(660)-GMO/water system coexists with water in the dilute part of the phase diagram and can be fragmented into colloidal
SeaWiFs satellite data analysis of Black Sea water discharge pattern into the Aegean Sea
Satellite data from the SeaWiFS sensor has been used to determine chlorophyll-a contents in the North Aegean Sea using SEADAS 3.3 software. The data is used to extract knowledge on water movements/flow phenomena using chlorophyll as a "tracer" but will also indicate water quality. More than 100 SeaWiFS scenes from 1998 up to 2001 have been analyzed in terms of hydrodynamic phenomena, mainly the tr
Generation and Applications of Short-Pulse X-ray Radiation
This thesis summarizes work using hard X-ray radiation on nanosecond and picosecond timescales. The focus is on the experimental part including detailed descriptions of setups for laser pumped - X-ray probe experiments. X-ray diffraction is sensitive to structural properties on the length scale of chemical bonds. The greatest success of X-ray diffraction lies in the determination of crystal struct