

Din sökning på "*" gav 534692 sökträffar

The Impact of Quantitative Easing on Government Bond Yields

This thesis concerns the matter regarding the impact of quantitative easing on government bond yields. The extensive use of asset purchase programmes in the beginning of this century has raised a number of discrepancies for researchers to unravel. By applying a SVAR on time series data of Sweden, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States and using impulse response analysis we try to cont

The Cost of ESG Debt: A Stakeholder Perspective

During the last two decades, corporate ESG practices have garnered significant attention from the global community. The development of responsible business practices in association with sustainability and the integration of stakeholders has become an important topic for firms reputation, their debt financing cost and long-term success. Drawing upon the stakeholder theory, where a firm's succes

Are computers to blame? Empirical analysis of Swedish school policy

The Swedish ministry of education recently voiced intentions to uproot over a decade's worth of digital implementation in the classroom, on the back of falling PISA results and increasing reports of learning difficulties. Empirical evidence for either positive or negative effects on learning stemming from computer usage is scarce and inconclusive. Utilizing a fixed effects model that exploits

Can Paid Periods Pay Off? - An Economic Analysis of the Introduction of a Menstrual Leave Policy in Sweden

This thesis studies the potential economic effects of a menstrual leave pol- icy introduction in Sweden. With a basis in agency theory and previous research on insurance behavior, the Swedish sickness insurance system is an- alyzed alongside collected data from a survey conducted for the study. The Swedish sickness insurance system is found to not sufficiently support individ- uals in frequent nee

From the Boardroom to Systemic Risk: Estimating the influence of female directors on European banks’ contribution to systemic risk

Understanding the mechanisms that shape banks’ risk management practices is crucial for maintaining a sound financial system. An extensive body of literature has documented that financial outcomes and risk-taking behavior are influenced by the gender of its directors and executives. This literature tends to exclude financial institutions and when not, focus on an isolated performance indicator or

The Mental Health of School-Aged Children and 3G Network Coverage

This thesis analyzes schoolchildren’s mental health development in five mental health-related variables when they gain internet access through 3G networks. A unique panel dataset using the HBSC with country-level 3G coverage is constructed. Using a TWFE strategy to estimate the effect on the five outcome variables, a decrease in mental health is found for both female and male children. The results

Job Satisfaction of Self-employed Workers

Individuals transitioning from paid employment into self-employment has increased in industrialized countries, and currently, a large share of the labor force consists of self-employed individuals. Self-employed individuals play a vital role in the economy by creating jobs and by promoting new innovations. This paper aims to obtain a causal effect on job satisfaction of self-employed individuals u

Aiming for Growth: Is Fiscal Policy a Hit or Miss? A Peek into the OECD

The relationship between government spending and economic growth has captured scholars and policymakers over the years. Despite studies dating back to the early mid-1900s, establishing a clear causal relationship has yet to be discovered. This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on the subject, with the ultimate goal of determining the effectiveness of fiscal policy. Employing a panel-V

I Wanna Lend With Somebody, but I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For

This thesis explores the application of Recommender Systems (RSs) to match borrowers with participant lenders in the syndicated loan market. It aims to determine whether historical interactions in the syndicated loan market contain sufficient information to reveal predictable patterns without relying on large sets of variables related to the lenders, borrowers, and the loans themselves. Two types

Automation Risk Affects Young Adults Occupational Preferences

Research has long been interested in technological development and its effect on human outcomes, but we know little about how automation risk affects occupational and educational choices. I used a pre-registered online experiment with an information treatment containing the automation risk for teachers, economists, office clerks, and registered nurses to investigate how automation risk affects att

Income Effects and Labor Supply - Evidence from a Swedish Property Tax Reform

This paper utilizes the 2008 capping of the Swedish property tax, which decreased the tax at different rates below and above the cap, to estimate the income effect. Using administrative data on over 600,000 individuals over twelve years, we employ a Difference-in-Differences approach and Coarsened Exact Matching to study how married cohabiting couples around the cap threshold respond to the reform

Is Green Steel Socially Beneficial? A Cost-Benefit Analysis of SSAB’s Green Steel Investment

This article aims to undertake a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of SSAB's investment in green steel production under the HYBRIT initiative, focusing on the implications of operating within the EU Emission Trade System and an illustrative scenario employing a carbon tax. The study evaluates profitability and social benefits, utilizing time series models to forecast electricity prices in di

Volatility Forecasting Using Geopolitical Risk Indices: A GARCH-MIDAS Approach

This paper applies the GARCH-MIDAS (mixed data sampling) framework to examine if geopolitical risk indices (GPR) have predictive ability when forecasting stock market volatility in advanced economies. Stock market indices and country-specific GPR indices from 21 advanced economies are used to examine the out-of-sample predictability of short-term total variance and long-term variance. The main fin

Banksekretessens påverkan på penningtvättsarbetet i svenska storbanker - Med fokus på effektivitet och bevisinsamling

The thesis investigates how employees in the anti-money laundering departments of Sweden's four major banks perceive the impact of bank secrecy on their ability to combat money laundering. Through an analysis of the results from a survey study, the thesis aims to provide insight into whether bank secrecy effectively balances anti-money laundering legislation or if there is a need for greater i

Impact and Mechanism Analysis of ESG Performance on the Corporate Green Technology Innovation: Evidence from China

As the global environment gradually deteriorates, developing green technology innovations for enterprises has become an important goal. The ESG concept of advocating sustainable development has steadily received attention. Therefore, it is essential to understand the relationship between ESG and green technology innovations. This thesis aims to explore whether the environmental, social, and govern

Stadens smuts och miasma: Medicinsk kunskap och bekämpningen av kolera på regional och nationell nivå under 1850-talets kolerautbrott.

The dirt and miasma of the city: Medical knowledge and the prevention of cholera on a regional and national level during the cholera outbreaks of the 1850s The dirt and miasma of the city: Medical knowledge and the prevention of cholera on a regional and national level during the cholera outbreaks of the 1850s. This thesis aims to analyze and understand the relation between medical knowledge rega

Exploring experiences and coping strategies of the surveillance of indeterminate pulmonary nodules: a qualitative content analysis among participants in the SCAPIS trial.

Objective To elucidate experiences and coping strategies among adults in the surveillance of indeterminate pulmonary nodules detected with CT in the population-based Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS).Design A qualitative study of conventional content analysis.Settings The study was conducted at a university hospital in a southern region of Sweden. The SCAPIS setting is similar to the

Ett decennium av fredsbevarande på dekis? - En jämförande argumentationsanalys av Malis inställning till MINUSMA 2013-2023

Denna uppsats använder en kvalitativ textanalys och en pro et contra argumentationsanalys för att undersöka Malis förändrade inställning till FN:s fredsbevarande insats United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) åren 2013 och 2023. MINUSMA hade som mål att återinföra fred och stabilitet efter statskuppen 2012 men stötte på stora utmaningar, inklusive ytterli

Makten och Maskineriet - Hur Ryssland legitimerar sin regim

This study examines in what way autocratic regimes build legitimacy through elections, the judiciary, the legislative and the media. Institutions that in an autocratic regime play a vastly different role than in democracies. Through a case study of Russia, the research highlights how the role of these institutions has changed since the fall of the Soviet Union until today. The findings indicate in

En lektion i regeringsdeklaration

The purpose of this essay is to examine the ideological expressions in policies about the European Union for Swedish governments between 1991-2017. During this time both social democratic and center-right governments were in power and are therefore the subjects for this study. Through an ideology analysis and by establishing ideal types for the three ideologies examined; social democracy, liberali