

Din sökning på "*" gav 534021 sökträffar

Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC): Results from an independent replication

This study examines 24-months post-baseline outcomes for thirty-five Swedish antisocial youths who received either treatment in multidimensional treatment foster care (MTFC) or treatment as usual (TAU). MTFC is a community-based treatment programme that has been successful in treating chronic juvenile offenders in the USA. This study is the first randomized control study outside the USA. The youth

Självets garderobiär : Självreflexiva genuslekar och queer socialpsykologi

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande studie är tudelat. För det första syftar den till att på teoretisk väg etablera en dialog mellan queerteoretisk och socialpsykologisk teoribildning om aktörer och aktörsskap med utgångspunkt i en kritisk läsning av Judith Butler och George Herbert Mead. För det andra syftar den till att på empirisk väg utveckla och fördjupa dennaIn her widely quoted and criticised Gender Trouble, Judith Butler elaborates the idea that gender needs to be understood as performative – a certain kind of “doing” within the regulative realm of a hegemonic heterosexuality that is assumed to govern intelligible bodily configurations. Drawing mainly on psychoanalytical and Foucaultian arguments, Butler dwells upon questions concerning power and su

Explaining variance of avian malaria infection in the wild: the importance of host density, habitat, individual life-history and oxidative stress

Background: Avian malaria (Plasmodium sp.) is globally widespread, but considerable variation exists in infection (presence/absence) patterns at small spatial scales. This variation can be driven by variation in ecology, demography, and phenotypic characters, in particular those that influence the host's resistance. Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is one of the host's initial immune re

Optical properties of rotationally twinned InP nanowire heterostructures

We have developed a technique so that both transmission electron microscopy and microphotoluminescence can be performed on the same semiconductor nanowire over a large range of optical power, thus allowing us to directly correlate structural and optical properties of rotationally twinned zinc blende InP nanowires. We have constructed the energy band diagram of the resulting multiquantum well heter

Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy for charged particle production in root s(NN)=2.76 TeV lead-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector

Differential measurements of charged particle azimuthal anisotropy are presented for lead-lead collisions at root sNN = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, based on an integrated luminosity of approximately 8 mu b(-1). This anisotropy is characterized via a Fourier expansion of the distribution of charged particles in azimuthal angle relative to the reaction plane, with the coefficients v

Complementary UV protective compounds in zooplankton

Zooplankton accumulate several groups of photoprotective compounds to shield against damaging ultraviolet radiation (UV). One of these groups, the carotenoids, makes the animals more conspicuous to visually hunting predators, whereas others, such as the mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) may not. The blend of photoprotective compounds is therefore important for the UV defense but also for the abi

Health effects of residential wood smoke particles: the importance of combustion conditions and physicochemical particle properties

Background: Residential wood combustion is now recognized as a major particle source in many developed countries, and the number of studies investigating the negative health effects associated with wood smoke exposure is currently increasing. The combustion appliances in use today provide highly variable combustion conditions resulting in large variations in the physicochemical characteristics of

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Abstract in Polish W artykule przedstawiam ogólne ujęcie relacji wartości. Jako punkt wyjścia przyjmuję szczególny typ relacji wartości, równorzędność, stanowiąca zdaniem Ruth Chang pewną postać porównywalności wartości, która różni się od trzech standardowych postaci porównywalności: lepszości, gorszości i równowartości. Joshua Gert zasugerował niedawno, iż pojęcie równorzędności można wyjaśnić, The paper provides a general account of value relations. It takes its departure in a special type of value relation, parity, which, according to Ruth Chang, is a form of evaluative comparability that differs from the three standard forms of comparability: betterness, worseness and equal goodness. Recently, Joshua Gert has suggested that the notion of parity can be accounted for, if value compariso

Physical activity, sedentary behaviors, and estimated insulin sensitivity and secretion in pregnant and non-pregnant women

Background: Overweight and obesity during pregnancy raise the risk of gestational diabetes and birth complications. Lifestyle factors like physical activity may decrease these risks through beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis. Here we examined physical activity patterns and their relationships with measures of glucose homeostasis in late pregnancy compared to non-pregnant women. Methods: Nor

Attitudes among hospital physicians to the reporting of adverse drug reactions in Sweden

This study was designed to investigate attitudes to and incentive for reporting adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in general and towards nurses as reporters of ADRs in particular in a sample of hospital physicians. A questionnaire was sent to 1,201 randomly selected hospital physicians. The main factors for the decision to report an ADR were the severity of the reaction, a reaction to a new drug, and

Proteomic analysis of the LPS-induced stress response in rat chondrocytes reveals induction of innate immune response components in articular cartilage

Activation of toll-like receptors (TLR) in articular chondrocytes has been reported to increase the catabolic compartment, leading to matrix degradation, while the main consequence of TLR activation in monocytic cells is the expression and secretion of components of the innate immune response, particularly that of inflammatory cytokines. The objective of the work reported here was to obtain a more

Probabilistic Identification of Cerebellar Cortical Neurones across Species

Despite our fine-grain anatomical knowledge of the cerebellar cortex, electrophysiological studies of circuit information processing over the last fifty years have been hampered by the difficulty of reliably assigning signals to identified cell types. We approached this problem by assessing the spontaneous activity signatures of identified cerebellar cortical neurones. A range of statistics descri

A novel programme to evaluate and communicate 10-year risk of CHD reduces predicted risk and improves patients' modifiable risk factor profile

Aims: We assessed whether a novel programme to evaluate/communicate predicted coronary heart disease (CHD) risk could lower patients' predicted Framingham CHD risk vs. usual care. Methods: The Risk Evaluation and Communication Health Outcomes and Utilization Trial was a prospective, controlled, cluster-randomised trial in nine European countries, among patients at moderate cardiovascular risk. Fol

Water Crisis in The Middle East: An Opportunity for New Forms of Water Governance and Peace

The Middle East, home to 6.3 percent of the world’s population and containing only 1.4 percent of the world’s renewable fresh water, is experiencing an increasing water scarcity crisis.1 The UN presented an alarming report during the last World Water Forum in March 2009 painting a bleak picture of increasing demand and diminishing water supplies.2 Scientifically, the Middle East ran out of water i

Observation and measurements of the production of prompt and non-prompt [Formula: see text] mesons in association with a [Formula: see text] boson in [Formula: see text] collisions at [Formula: see text] with the ATLAS detector.

The production of a [Formula: see text] boson in association with a [Formula: see text] meson in proton-proton collisions probes the production mechanisms of quarkonium and heavy flavour in association with vector bosons, and allows studies of multiple parton scattering. Using [Formula: see text] of data collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in [Formula: see text] collisions at [Formula: