

Din sökning på "*" gav 535448 sökträffar

A comparison of the Basel III capital requirement models for financial institutions

The purpose of this report is to implement and compare the two Basel III standard methods on how to calculate the capital requirement for finan- cial institutions, related to counterparty credit risk. The models being the Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR) and the Internal Model Method (IMM). The SA-CCR model is a simpler and more standardized model with prescribed methods

Are Ecuador’s social capabilities progressing and developing resilience to shrinking? A regional comparative study, 1970-2020

New research suggests that the key to explaining the development gap might be resilience to shrinking instead of increasing growth rates. Latin America is considered an improving region from the growth rate point of view in development, but not so much from the shrinking perspective. Plus, country case study is needed as the region itself is highly heterogenous. One of the countries that has lagge

Kontrastmedels och förebyggande hydrerings påverkan på njurfunktionen

Inledning: Inom röntgenverksamheten utförs undersökningar med kontrastmedel för klinisk diagnostik. Kontrastmedelinducerad njurskada förekommer vid administrering av kontrastmedel. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva kontrastmedels påverkan på njurfunktionen och om hydrering kan minska eventuell negativ påverkan. Metod: Denna studies design är en icke-systematisk litteraturstudie. Artiklar


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze how corporate culture affects budgeting at the public sector company Norrvatten and the private sector company Länsförsäkringar Methodology: A qualitative method of strategy including interviews. Theoretical Perspectives: Relationship of Environment and Strategy to Corporate Culture, Conclusions: In the case of Länsförsäkringar, the function of

Arctic amplification and their relation to regional warming

Arctic amplification (AA) is defined as the enhanced warming of the surface temperatures in the Arctic region relative to the globe or Northern Hemisphere (NH) in response to external forcings. It is a prominent feature of the climate system. Various metrics have been used in studies to quantify AA, and this introduces a challenge when comparing studies due the differences in AA magnitudes. This s

Framtidens hållbara kontor

Syftet med denna rapport är att ta reda på vad kontorets framtida roll kommer att innebära för individen och organisationen. Nya behov växer däremot fram i takt med att omvärlden förändras, därför kommer även rapporten att syfta till hur dagens kontor kan anpassas genom ett cirkulärt perspektiv, i takt med att behoven förändras. Genom en identifiering av framtidens behov och en kartläggning över hThe purpose of this report is to find out what the future role of the office will mean for the individual and the organization. New needs, on the contrary, emerge as the world around us changes, therefore the report will also focus on how today's offices can be adapted through a circular perspective, as needs changes. By identifying the needs of the future and assess how adaptable today's

Just Sustainability Transitions in the Blue Economy: Towards Blue Justice in Small-Scale Artisanal Fisheries in the Pacific of Costa Rica

The blue economy emerged as sustainable, inclusive and equitable alternative to traditional oceans economy. However, the current paradigm of oceans as development spaces has led to an acceleration of competing uses of marine resources causing ecosystem deterioration and human rights abuses that disproportionately affect vulnerable small-scale fisheries. Blue justice movements seek to reconcile env

Optimization of a one-part geopolymerization method for lab-scale, using waste glass wool as a precursor

Tänk om vi kunde minska utsläppen av koldioxid och samtidigt hitta en återvinningsprocess för ett material som vanligtvis anses oåtervinningsbart. Detta examensarbete gör just detta. Hittar den bästa processen för att producera ett cementlikt material från kasserad glasull Materialitet kallas geopolymerer. Geopolymerer ar vanligtvis en blandning av lera med ett högt kisel innehåll och en basisk vGeopolymers are amorphous inorganic polymeric structures. They are used as binding agents and can be compared to cementitious materials such as ordinary Portland cement. This thesis aims to produce geopolymers from waste glass wool. Today glass wool is found in isolation, both thermal and sound insulation, and it is not being recycled. Most of the glass wool waste ends in landfills. Studies have b

Fan Community Activities That May Destroy Value

Course: BUSN39 Degree Project in Global Marketing - Master Level Keywords: Brand Community, Branding, Brand Loyalty, Value Destruction, Fandom, Music Artists, EXO Purpose: The purpose of this study is to research brand communities and understand if certain brand community activities may contribute towards the destruction of value of the brand. Specifically, this thesis will focus on music artist

Women's fury: Performance on edge

This thesis examines feminist performances in the context of disobedience. Using data gathered through textual analysis from journals, articles, media, and social media, this thesis describes and analyses the aesthetics in feminist performances by three different feminist movements and how disruption is achieved. The theoretical framework builds upon the first phase of social drama, the breach, an

The Motherhood Penalty in China

The aim of this paper is to analyze the current situation of motherhood penalty in China by examining the effects of the number of children on women's wages. Based on data from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from 2014 to 2018, this paper mainly uses a fixed effects model to conduct the study on the effects of the number of children on women's wages and income for Chinese women aged

Recruiting Diversity. A Conceptual Framework to Increase Workplace Diversity through Improved Recruitment Processes

Globalisation is increasing diversity in the workplace. However, while the pools of applicants are becoming more and more diverse, diversity is often not reflected in companies' workforces. The reasons for this include a lack of diversity management, processes that are not adapted to the increasing diversity, and biases. Therefore, this research aims to develop a conceptual framework for compa

De finns överallt men är osynliga- En kvalitativ studie om gatubarn livssituation i huvudstaden Tehran

The purpose of this study is to examine what the life situation of street children in Tehran might look like based on the perceptions of social workers at Noore Sepid Hedayat (NSH), an NGO based in Tehran. At the same time the aim is to study how street children may be treated by different members of the society as well as how they can get in contact with such NGO as NSH, based on the perceptions

Strategic Implementation of CSR - A Driver for Organizational Resilience?

CSR has been gaining significance in the field of strategic management, as growing societal expectations have resulted in additional pressures for firms to act responsibly. Particularly the heightened sense of urgency regarding environmental sustainability has further amplified this development. Simultaneously, the global business landscape is changing at an accelerated pace and in an unprecedente

Resurrection of Kriegsraison? The Military Necessity Principle and the Essence of International Humanitarian Law

The ancient Kriegsraison doctrine awarded absolute predominance to the achievement of military advantages in armed conflicts and therefore granted the opportunity to secede from all restrictive laws of war. The doctrine was therefore formally condemned as abusive and inconsistent with modern International Humanitarian Law. Especially the contemporary military necessity principle is viewed as a fac

Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil

Once again Europe is faced with the challenge to which extent should a democratic state act in a militant manner to combat threats to its democratic future. Croatia and Sweden, both the European Union and Council of Europe member states, are also facing the increased clash between the freedom of expression and the far-right expression that occurs in public debate, therefore, affecting the legislat

Mobile Money in Tanzania – A Panacea for Financial Inclusion?

Despite developments in economic growth theory, the importance of savings and investment has remained consistent. It intrinsically connects to the importance of functioning financial intermediation and high levels of financial inclusion. While Sub-Saharan Africa still lags, Tanzania has during the last decade seen a rapid rise in mobile money services. This paper attempts to answer the potential o

Evaluation of Building Forms: An analytical study on environmental impact and energy performance

The study consisted of an analysis of buildings with different forms, based on residential archetypes, and an assessment of their energy demand and environmental impact, for Swedish conditions. A Shoebox Study was performed, including seven building archetypes, developed by assembling basic units, shaped like a shoebox. A number of form-defining properties was selected based on the literature revi

Patientens upplevelser av att få palliativ vård i hemmet

Bakgrund: Cirka 80 procent av det totala antalet människor som dör i Sverige behöver palliativ vård. Majoriteten av människor som är i behov av palliativ vård vill få den i hemmet. Kunskap om patientens behov och upplevelser hjälper en sjuksköterska att utföra bästa möjliga palliativa vård. Vilket ökar patientens välbefinnande och förbättrar livskvaliteten. Syfte: Litteraturstudie syfte var att be