

Din sökning på "*" gav 528221 sökträffar

Kravnivåer till indexmetod för bedömning av brandrisker i flervånings bostadshus

This report contains an evaluation of the risk index method FRIM-MAB (Fire Risk Index Method for Multistorey Apartment Buildings). All parameters of the method were given minimum grades by the author of this report in collaboration with experts from four Nordic countries in order to derive a minimum grade on the risk index for buildings with noncombustible frames. 20 apartment buildings with timbe

Brand i äldre trähusbebyggelse

This report contains a description of the Swedish legal provisions that is relevant to reduce the firerisk in historical Swedish wooden buildings. The firestart and the characteristic firespread in these buildings are discussed. Experience from fireprevention measures and efforts from Eksjö, Jönköping, Vaxholm and Fredrikstad (Norway) are also discussed.

Utveckling mot en grönare övningsverksamhet i Stockholms brandförsvar

The aim of the report is to investigate the possibility of reducing the discharge of pollution to the air, water and soil at Ågesta training ground. The report documents which byproducts from fire are created such as smoke and water, and their effects on humans and the environment. A study of the geology of Ågesta which makes it possible to track the flow of groundwater has been included, as well

Lås i utrymningsvägar på demensboenden – fördel eller fara?

Today’s dementia care has demonstrated a widespread use of locking devices in the escape routes of the care units. Most commonly code locks. The locking devices are used to prevent wanderers from wandering away from de dementia unit and risk hurting themselves, disappear or even die. On the contrary, the locks themselves may endanger a safe escape in the case of fire as well as it is may violate t

När statens anställda gör fel - Tillämpning och avvägning av straffrättsligt- och arbetsrättsligt ansvar i offentlig verksamhet

För statligt anställda och statligt verksamma gäller speciella ansvarsregler. Uppsatsen inriktar sig på att utreda tillämpningen av tjänstefel och disciplinansvar. Det första är en straffrättslig sanktion då fel begåtts i tjänsten i samband med myndighetsutövning. Det andra är ett arbetsrättsligt/förvaltningsrättsligt administrativt förfarande som myndigheter kan tillgripa gentemot sina anställda For state employees and those who exercise public authority, special liability rules apply in regards to professional misconduct. The essay focuses on investigating the application of disciplinary offence (breach of duty) in both criminal law and labour law. Disciplinary offence in criminal law is regulated in the Penal Code (brottsbalken) which applies when the violation committed is made within

Användbarhetstest av beräkningsverktyg för användning vid design och konstruktion av motorer

Denna studie beskriver ett test av användbarheten hos beräkningsverktyget PC-OSKAR. Detta är ett av företaget ABB egenutvecklat datorprogram för design och konstruktion av motorer. Syftet med testet var att identifiera användbarhetsproblem hos PC-OSKAR. Testet bestod i att fem stycken deltagare fick sju stycken representativa arbetsuppgifter. Uppgifterna utvärderades med Performance Measurement Me

Kosovo - A Territory with a Right to Self-Determination?

Kosovo, världens 193:e land, blir den sjätte staten som bildats från den serbdominerade jugoslaviska federationen sedan 1991, efter Slovenien, Makedonien, Bosnien och Montenegro som blev världens nyaste stat 2006. Kosovos status som självständig stat är dock fortfarande omstridd. Frågan om Kosovo är ett internationellt subjekt som har en rätt till externt självbestämmande och därmed är ett subjektKosovo, the world’s 193rd country, will be the sixth state carved from the former Serbian-dominated Yugoslav federation since 1991, after Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Montenegro, which became the world’s newest state in 2006. Kosovo’s statehood is, however, still disputed. The question if Kosovo is a subject that has a right to external self-determination and therby hold international

"Mäklare är en livsstil" - En studie om fastighetsmäklares upplevelse av sin yrkesroll och sina möten med kunder

Den här uppsatsen handlar om fastighetsmäklares relationer till sina kunder. Om deras vardagliga arbete och hur de upplever sin yrkesroll. Jag analyserar mitt material främst med hjälp av två olika teoretiska referensramar; dramaturgiskt perspektiv (Goffman, 1959) och Arlie Russel Hochschilds teori om emotionellt arbete (1983). I min studie står fastighetsmäklares subjektiva upplevelse av yrkesrol

Lojalitet under nya förutsättningar - En studie av musikstreamingföretag på internet

Syfte: Att undersöka och utveckla befintliga lojalitets- och värdeskapandeteorier så de kan appliceras på dagens musikstreamingtjänster där utbud är oändligt och konsumtion gratis. Vår forskning ämnar främja tillväxten och utvecklingen av lagliga musiktjänster och bidra till ökad förståelse kring kundernas musikkonsumtion. Metod: Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa undersökningar användes vid insaml

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Kriminalvårdsanstalten Norrtälje

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Norrtälje correctional facility. Inmates in closed institutions are not able to perform an unassisted evacuation in case of fire as they are locked in their cells. This requires the assistance of prison staff to escort every inmate to safety. The focus of this report is to evaluate the possibilities of a safe egress from the concerned building in the case

Brandteknisk riskvärdering, Läckö Slott

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Läckö Slott located near Lidköping, Sweden. The purpose of the report is to evaluate the human safety regarding evacuation in case of fire. The project is the major part of the course Fire safety evaluation (VBR054), and is done by third-year students at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety, Lund University, Sweden. After visiting

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Idrottens Hus

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the evacuation safety of Idrottens Hus in Helsingborg. The report is part of the educational programme of Fire Protection Engineering at Lund University. Idrottens Hus is a large sports center in downtown Helsingborg, Sweden. A number of likely fire scenarios were evaluated. For each scenario a design fire was created. The design fires were simulated in CF

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Hötorgshallen

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Hötorgshallen in Stockholm. In order to assess the human safety in the building the authors have analyzed three different fire scenarios with respect to fire development and human egress. The results show that human safety cannot be guaranteed in case of fire and measures must be taken to assure that safe evacuation can be achieved before critical conditi

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Slagthuset

This report is a part of the mandatory course “Fire Safety Evaluation” given by the Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety at Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden. The report aims to give an evaluation of the personal safety on Slagthuset in Malmö in case of fire, only taking human hazards into consideration. The procedure is to compare the time to egress with the time to critica

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Skövdes Kulturhus

This report is written as a part of the educational programme Fire Protection Engineering at Lunds University. The purpose of the report is to evaluate the fire safety of Skövde Cultural Centre. Focus lies on evacuation and human safety and therefore structural stability and property damage have not been considered. The Cultural Centre is a large building that houses varying activities. Due to lac

Brandteknisk riskvärdering - Kvarnbergsskolan

This report is a part of the course fire safety evaluation at Lund Univeristy and constitutes an evaluation of the security from a human safety point of view in case of fire at Kvarnbergsskolan on Värmdö. A visit to the school has been made, where the premises were documented and the existing fire protection was studied. Demarcations were done, and then the worst plausible fire scenarios were asse

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Ejendals arena

This report contains an evaluation of occupant safety if a fire would occur in Ejendals Arena, home arena for Leksands IF. The fire scenarios that are considered to be dimensioning to the evacuation situation are: display case fire at a trade fair in the main entrance stage fire at a concert in the arena storage fire in the enclosure Inlastningen Calculations and simulations are carried out to det