

Din sökning på "*" gav 534718 sökträffar

Civil society ethos? : Attitude differences between civil society elites and the population in Sweden

Previous studies have found that elites differ from the general population not only in terms of their demographic and social composition but also with respect to policy preferences and attitudes. When it comes to civil society organisations, the issue of representation and representativeness of top-level leadership is of particular relevance, since a small number of individuals are expected to act

Unlocking AI's Potential in the Food Supply Chain: A Novel Approach to Overcoming Barriers

This paper delves into the challenges impeding the seamless integration of artificial intelligence (AI) within the food supply chain (FSC) and introduces a novel methodological framework that combines the NK Model with the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique. Through an exhaustive literature analysis and expert discussions, the research identifies and categorizes si

Harmony of Self-Similarity : Overcoming the Strength–Ductility Trade-Off Through Harmonic Structure

Within the new generation of structural materials having heterogeneous microarchitectures, one of the top performers is harmonic structure (HS). Herewith, the exciting discovery of self-similarity in their stress–strain behavior is reported. HS materials consist of the 3D skeleton of ultrafine grains (UFG) encompassing coarse-grained (CG) counterparts. Our discovery simplifies the mathematical des

Omställning till en hållbar och cirkulär textilsektor - Implementering och effekter av EU:s strategi för hållbara och cirkulära textilier i den svenska textilsektorn med särskilt fokus på professionella textilier

Denna studie syftar till att analysera och utvärdera effekterna av EU:s strategi för hållbara och cirkulära textilier på den svenska textilsektorn, med fokus på producenter av professionella textilier. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och tematisk analys har utmaningar och möjligheter relaterade till implementeringen av strategin identifierats. Resultaten visar att implementeringen av styrmedel This study aims to analyze and evaluate the effects of the EU's strategy for sustainable and circular textiles on the Swedish textile sector, with a focus on producers of professional textiles. Through semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of the strategy have been identified. The results show that the implementation of ins

Designing for Development - Fine Motor Skill Practice Through 3 Toy Concepts

Till följd av senare tids debatt angående barns försämrade finmotoriska förmågor så har detta arbete som mål att sammankoppla detta med produktdesign och föreslår därmed tre koncept som kan användas för att utveckla barns finmotorik. Detta görs genom att först skapa en underliggande förståelse för finmotorisk förmåga och utveckling genom en explorativ litteraturstudie. Denna del av arbetet klargör

Navigating barriers to reverse logistics adoption in circular economy: An integrated approach for sustainable development

Achievement of sustainability goals is an epic task for developing economies that still strive to fulfil their basic needs. The availability of limited resources in the developing world vis-à-vis the ever-increasing demand poses further challenges to developing economies willing to transition into circular economies. Reverse logistics (RL) can facilitate this transition towards a circular economy

Geometry of plastic deformation in metals as piecewise isometric transformations

Deformation mechanisms of crystalline solids has been the subject of research for more than two centuries. The theory of dislocations dominates modern views but still has significant gaps demanding the introduction of additional concepts for the coherent quantitative description of physical phenomena. In this work, we propose a coherent geometric description of motion and deformation in crystallin

The Aesopic Fable and the Study of Greek in Early Modern Swedish Schools

Focussing on the public school in early modern Sweden, this articleinvestigates the role of the Aesopic fable in elementary education in Greek. Asa background, the solid position of fable as genre in the teaching of Latin inmedieval Europe is sketched. When humanism launched Greek as schoolsubject, fable was adopted as reading material in the teaching of the newlanguage, partly for the same reasonFocussing on the public school in early modern Sweden, this articleinvestigates the role of the Aesopic fable in elementary education in Greek. Asa background, the solid position of fable as genre in the teaching of Latin inmedieval Europe is sketched. When humanism launched Greek as schoolsubject, fable was adopted as reading material in the teaching of the newlanguage, partly for the same reason

Measurement of forward charged hadron flow harmonics in peripheral PbPb collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV with the LHCb detector

Flow harmonic coefficients, vn, which are the key to studying the hydrodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in heavy-ion collisions, have been measured in various collision systems and kinematic regions and using various particle species. The study of flow harmonics in a wide pseudorapidity range is particularly valuable to understand the temperature dependence of the shear viscosity t

’Too bad to be true’: Swedish Economists on Keynes’s The Economic Consequences of the Peace and German Reparations, 1919–1929

This chapter examines the response of five prominent Swedish economists, David Davidson, Gustav Cassel, Eli Heckscher, Knut Wicksell and Bertil Ohlin, to John Maynard Keynes’s The Economic Consequences of the Peace and to the German reparations in the 1920s. When Keynes’s book appeared, Davidson and Cassel strongly endorsed it. Heckscher also agreed with Keynes in a long review entitled “Too Bad t

Ny bok i väskan till Berlin : Recension av John Kampfner: In Search of Berlin: The Story of a Reinvented City

Berlin är för många svenskar ett populärt utflyktsmål, en världsstad med dramatisk historia på överkomligt avstånd. Om en sådan stad finns självfallet många hyllmeter skrivet, inte minst kombinationer av reseguide och historiebok. Senast i raden är John Kampfners 400-sidiga In Search of Berlin: The Story of a Reinvented City (Atlantic Books 2023). Kampfner är en brittisk författare, journalist och

Det kluvna 1920-talet : Recension av Klas-Göran Karlsson och Kim Salomon: 1920-talet: En spegel för vår tid

1920-talet förefaller vara ett kärt årtionde med tanke på att det har många namn: det glada 20-talet, the roaring twenties, jazzåldern, cocktailepoken. Det är ett emellertid ett årtionde som ofta hamnar i skuggan av 30- och 40-talens våldsorgier och som därmed är väl värt att belysa lite extra. Det är just vad två erfarna lundahistoriker med imponerande överblick av 1900-talet, Klas-Göran Karlsson

Search for Bc+→π+μ+μ- decays and measurement of the branching fraction ratio B(Bc+→ψ(2S)π+)/B(Bc+→J/ψπ+)

The first search for nonresonant Bc+→π+μ+μ- decays is reported. The analysis uses proton–proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector between 2011 and 2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9fb-1. No evidence for an excess of signal events over background is observed and an upper limit is set on the branching fraction ratio B(Bc+→π+μ+μ-)/B(Bc+→J/ψπ+)

In situ assembly of an injectable cardiac stimulator

Without intervention, cardiac arrhythmias pose a risk of fatality. However, timely intervention can be challenging in environments where transporting a large, heavy defibrillator is impractical, or emergency surgery to implant cardiac stimulation devices is not feasible. Here, we introduce an injectable cardiac stimulator, a syringe loaded with a nanoparticle solution comprising a conductive polym

Future-ready Nordic Homes: Responding to the Changing Climate with Free-running Buildings

The increasing urgency of climate change, coupled with the energy crisis and resource scarcity, demands radical and resilient building solutions. Buildings currently consume a significant portion of energy – in the Nordic context, primarily for indoor space conditioning – highlighting their vulnerability to future climate impacts. Free-running buildings, operating without any energy for heating,

Complications in emergency department patients with acute coronary syndrome with contemporary care

INTRODUCTION: With the implementation of early reperfusion therapy, the number of complications in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) has diminished significantly. However, ACS patients are still routinely admitted to units with high-level monitoring such as the coronary or intensive care unit (CCU/ICU). The cost of these admissions is high and there is often a shortage of beds. The aim o

Evaluating the explanatory power of the Conscious Turing Machine

The recent “Conscious Turing Machine” (CTM) proposal offered by Manuel and Lenore Blum aims to define and explore consciousness, contribute to the solution of the hard problem, and demonstrate the value of theoretical computer science with respect to the study of consciousness. Surprisingly, given the ambitiousness and novelty of the proposal (and the prominence of its creators), CTM has received

Biodiversity Impact Assessment of Logging Residue Removal

Den negativa påverkan på biologisk mångfald från markanvändning får allt större uppmärksamhet. Det akuta behovet av att minska förlusten av biologisk mångfald kräver omfattande metoder för att bedöma påverkan på biologisk mångfald från produkter och tjänster. Livscykelanalys (LCA) är ett verktyg som används för att stödja beslutsfattande, men inkluderingen av påverkan på biologisk mångfald i LCA äThe negative impact on biodiversity from land use is attracting increasing attention. The urgent need to mitigate biodiversity loss calls for comprehensive methods to assess the biodiversity impact of products and services. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) represents a widely used tool to support decision making, but the inclusion of biodiversity impact in LCA remains under development. This master the

Early modern globalization and the extent of indigenous agency : Trade, commodities and ecology

This paper examines the responses of Indigenous nations and European companies to new trading opportunities: the Cree nations with the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) and the Khoe nations with the Dutch East India Company [Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)]. This case study is important because of the disparate outcomes. Within a few decades the Cree standard of living had increased, while Khoe na