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The Thule Seminar

The Thule Seminar is a contemporary network of neo-nazis and fascist in contemporary Germany, publishing texts in their journals and on Internet.


Cross-cultural comparable data collected in several Romance and Scandinavian languages with the help of a series of tasks inspired by Fehr and Rusell’s prototype approach to emotions are analyzed from a perspective that goes beyond the interpretation of prototype theory and aligns with the theory-based approaches to categorization (cfr. the seminal paper by Murphy and Medin 1985). Due to space lim

Diabetic retinopathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus. A study on medical risk indicators and treatment outcome.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes mellitus är en kronisk sjukdom som orsakas av en oförmåga att bilda och/eller känna av insulinets effekt i vävnaderna, vilket leder till förhöjda blodsockervärden. Diabetes som debuterar i unga år och där insulinproduktionen oftast är upphävd klassas som typ 1 diabetes. Typ 2 diabetes debuterar senare i livet och här finns olika grader av insulinproduktion kvarDiabetic retinopathy is a common complication to diabetes mellitus and is still a major cause of impaired vision in the Western world. The aim of the present study was to identify medical risk factors influencing the development and progression of retinopathy in type 1 diabetic patients, and to investigate the effects of laser treatment on visual acuity and glare. Although the development of sigh

Individen i en dubbel process

This chapter discusses the consequences for a long-term sick individual when rehabiliation back to work fails and where she is objectified in a double-sided process. She is objectified first as a "sick body" before the medical authorities charged with producing health. Second she is objectified in terms of her rehabilitation to work, when given the responsibility to find the "healthy" part of her

Fire safety engineering techniques for innovative materials such as technical textiles and nanocomposites

Use of Fire Safety Engineering (FSE) has increased substantially during the last decades. In the beginning fire safety engineering was mainly used for fire performance based design of buildings but recently new areas such as marine transport have appeared as new applications for fire safety engineering. So on one hand we have the increasing use of FSE. On the other hand we have the introduction of

Biosensors for Food Analysis: Development and Applications

Reliable analytical methods are increasingly needed in the food and beverage industry for the determination of specific components (e.g. sugars, proteins, vitamins, fats) and for detecting and quantifying chemical contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, and pathogenic microorganisms. The need arises from numerous regulatory actions and increased consumer concern about food comp


Of 30 primary ankle fusions in patients with osteoarthrosis, 25 ankles underwent clinical evaluation by two independent observers. In 29 cases, two independent radiologists, unanimously found 26 ankles to be radiographically fused, and three not fused. The consistency between the two orthopaedic surgeons evaluations was somewhat lower. A complete consistency between the evaluations of all four obs

PACAP in adult sensory neurons - implications in injury and pain

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling undersöktes förekomsten och regleringen av neuropeptiden PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide) i det sensoriska nervsystemet hos råtta och mus och hur de normala nivåerna av PACAP ändrades vid olika betingelser som t.ex. nervavskärning och lokal inflammation. Dessutom undersöktes PACAPs roll vid smärta genom att studera om smärtsvThe data presented in this thesis deal with the neuropeptide pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) in adult sensory neurons. We have used different injury and pain models to determine the involvement of PACAP during such conditions. The role of neurotrophins for PACAP expression was also investigated. PACAP is one of the excitatory neuropeptides expressed in small sized DRG ne