

Din sökning på "*" gav 528830 sökträffar

Extending relativistic linear response theory to address solvent effects

The central aim of this thesis is to derive, implement and test new methods to calculate various types of spectroscopies of compounds containing heavy elements in an aqueous environment. Methods that can target such systems have to consider the following:(i) It is crucial to take relativistic effects into account.(ii) Modeling of larger systems is expensive in quantum chemistry. Thus, cheaper opti

Godtycklig straffskärpning? - Om ungdomsreduktionen utifrån proportionalitet- och humanitetsprincipen.

Det har funnits en tradition i det svenska påföljdssystemet att särbehandla unga myndiga. Den 2 januari 2022 slopades delvis ungdomsreduktionen. Underlaget för den delvis slopade ungdomsreduktionen bestod av betänkandet Slopad straffrabatt för unga myndiga vilket utgjorde underlag för propositionen Slopad straffrabatt för unga myndiga vid allvarlig brottslighet. Propositionen ledde till att ungdomThere’s been a tradition of special treatment toward young adults in the Swedish legal sanction system. On January 2, 2022, the young adult penalty reduction was partially abolished. The basis for the partially abolished young adult reduction consisted of the report Abolished sentence reduction for young adults (Slopad straffrabatt för unga myndiga), which in turn formed the basis for the proposit

We need engineers - not dishwashers

The aim of this essay is to perform a media study of how the identity of” immigrants” is constructed and which discourses about “immigrants” appear in one of the Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet. With this study, I intend to shed light on how the discourse reflects and affects the broader marginalization in the Swedish society. This research is limited to the time period between January 2015, and D

ESG: The Relationship Between “Ethical” Investing and Abnormal Returns

This essay examines the relationship between ESG and abnormal returns and its implications on investing. To investigate this topic, I allocate stocks into zero-investment portfolios based on high and low ESG, using three different weighting methods, equal weighting, value weighting and portfolio optimization. The portfolios are then evaluated using the CAPM as well as the Fama-French three-factor

Passing down the forest problem: A case of collaborative governance in Swedish forest policy

In transitioning to a sustainable society and ensuring a growing bioeconomy, a National Forest Programme (NFP) has been adopted in Sweden. In order to meet the goals set out in the NFP, forest programs have been decentralized to regional authorities in which collaborative governance should be the guiding instrument. This thesis investigates the effectiveness of new forms of decentralization, throu

Kriget i Ukraina

I denna studie utforskas hur Rysslands användning av militära medel i Ukraina kan förklaras. Studien genomför två analyser, en på individnivå med hjälp av Perception och Misperception teorin och den andra på systemnivå med utgångspunkten i strukturella realismen. På individnivå finner studien att Putin ser på västen i termer av ”vi” och ”dem” samtidigt som Putin ser interaktioner mellan Rysslan

(Re-)Framed: Controlling vs. Transforming - Understanding varying social policy crisis responses when comparing the Commision's policy framing during both the pandemic and the Euro crisis

Both the pandemic and Euro crisis posed social risks in terms of unemployment and poverty. Yet, we see a more socially focussed crisis response to the pandemic, whereas the Euro crisis mainly neglected social policy. My thesis asks in how far such social policy crisis response variation can be understood. Hitherto literature usually focusses on instiutionalist arguments that are unable to bridge s

A Different Welcoming : a comparative case study on the Danish refugee debate

This thesis concerns the refugee debate in Denmark. The study is a comparative case study in order to examine different aspects of the refugee debate. The aim of the study is to investigate the different approaches with focus on the reactions to the movement of refugees in 2015 and the war in Ukraine in 2022. The study aims to highlight how the refugees are portrayed in the Danish debate and explo

Environmental tax as a measure for achieving sustainable development obligations in the EU

Environmental tax measures have the potential to be great tools for achieving sustainable development goals in the EU. The different dimensions of sustainability need to be balanced in order to achieve sustainable development goals. In the EU, tax law has been focussed too much on the economic dimension, and too little on the environmental dimension, which could lead to environmental sustainabilit

Steel-to-concrete connections in narrow concrete corners

Ett vanligt förekommenade problem vid utformning av stål-och betonganslutningar i hörn är att platsbrist kan ge upphov till anslutningar som är asymmetriskt utformade. De avvikande placeringarna på bultarna medför komplexa beräkningar och skapar ett behov av förenklade modeller vid design. Förenklingen kan leda till skillnader i brottsbeteende mellan designen och den fysiska produkten vilket kan lA commonly occurring problem when designing steel-to-concrete connections in corners with space deficits is the necessity for irregularly placed bolts with regards to design codes. The complexity of the calculations for the irregular placements of bolts generates the need to use simplified models during the design. This simplification could lead to differences between the design and the physical p

Upplevelser av flyktingmottagandet 2015/2016

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur ensamkommande flyktingbarn och personal på boenden oftast på hem för vård eller boende, så kallade HVB-hem, såg på flyktingmottagandet 2015/2016. Vilka behov som var viktigast och vad som hade kunnat förbättras. Studien har utformats som en kvalitativ undersökning i följd av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Tre intervjuer med unga vuxna som kommThe purpose of this study has been to investigate how unaccompanied minor refugees and staff at accommodation for children at home for care or accommodation, so called HVB-homes looked at the refugee reception during 2015-2016. Which needs were the most important and what could be improved. The study is qualitative and includes five semi-structured interviews, three with young adults who came to S

Childhood Diarrhea Prevalence and Uptake of Oral Rehydration Solution and Zinc Treatment in Nigeria

Given the disproportionate burden of childhood diarrhea deaths in Nigeria, this study assessed the prevalence and predictors of the disease and the uptake of ORS and zinc supplementation as treatments in a population-based national survey. Cross-sectional data from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey were used. A log-Poisson regression was used to estimate the relative risks (RR) for the in

The Stressful Memory Assessment Checklist for the Intensive Care Unit (SMAC-ICU) : Development and Testing

Stressful or traumatic memories of an intensive care stay may lead to long-term psychological morbidity. Memory assessment is therefore essential to aid in the patients’ recovery process. Acknowledging the large cohort of post ICU patients during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a simple tool for the evaluation of ICU memories is needed. The aim of this study was, therefore, to develop and test the validi

Room for residential solar PV?: Exploring the socio-technical system narratives and barriers of the residential solar PV diffusion in Thailand.

In working to reduce this increasingly intensified effect of climate change, one of the key strategies employed by different countries around the world is to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from the energy sector. As they are one of the biggest contributors, the strategies include the employment of different mitigation actions and fading away from the conventional fossil fuel source to a mo

Assessing Local Climate Action Plan: A case study of Jeju Island

As climate change emerges as an urgent issue, the role of cities in responding to climate change is also becoming increasingly important. Cities can contribute to greenhouse gas reduction through local level climate action. In addition, it is essential for cities to develop local level adaptation plan in order to deal with inevitable climate change since the impacts of climate change local specifi

Beyond Climate Finance Pledges: A Critical Exploration of Adaptation Finance Allocation and Access to Sudan

Climate adaptation finance is crucial, particularly for the most vulnerable countries, as these countries often face the worst impacts and are the least capable of adapting. While adaptation finance mobilization has increased over the last years, little has actually been channelled to the most vulnerable countries, with no concrete evidence of the prioritization of the most vulnerable countries in