

Din sökning på "*" gav 528827 sökträffar

Is second-hand the silver bullet for sustainable fashion consumption?

Within the circular economy, alternatives to fast-fashion include second-hand clothing consumption. The narratives surrounding second-hand clothing have shifted from the stigma of old, dirty, smelly clothing to trendy, sustainable, and bargain items. The environmental benefits of second-hand are realised through the increased use-intensity and avoided production of new garments. However, these ben

Optimizing databases in the cloud based on performance and cost savings

As cloud service providers becomes more prevalent, so does questions related to cost efficiency of hosted resources. Payment models for cloud hosted resources tend to be either subscription based or pay-as-you-go for computing resources, in this case for compound metrics of CPU, Data IO and Log IO. In order to find necessary resource provisioning, previous methods have tended towards observing the

Border Carbon Adjustment and Inequality: Distributional Equity Concerns About the EU CBAM's Impacts in South Africa

Border carbon adjustment (BCA) policies are increasingly discussed as an instrument to avoid carbon leakage; however, their social implications are not well understood. Nevertheless, the EU introduced its CBAM, which will take effect in 2026. After showing that distributional impacts in exporting countries were not considered in the policy process, I examine the potential effects in South Africa,

A Green New Deal from the City Up

The Green New Deal (GND) is an idea that has mobilised civil society in the United Kingdom (UK), leading to calls for a publicly led transformation of society away from fossil fuels. Despite the widespread support for a GND in the UK, government action at the national level remains stagnant. The recent burst of energy in local climate politics, with over 75% of local authorities in the UK declarin

Bristfällig tvångsvård - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur bristen på resurser påverkar behandlingspedagogers arbete inom SiS-hemmens verksamhet.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the lack of resources within a large treatment care organization (SiS) can affect the healthcare assistants professional work with the target group. The main focus was to investigate the contributing factors that affected the lack of resources in terms of the service providers work with the target group. Our findings indicated that the level of the e

The War Of Deception, Operation Iraqi Freedom

This Bachelor thesis will go into depth of how the rhetorical arguments used by the Bush administration led to the justification of war against Saddam Hussien’s regime in Iraq 2003. This will be accomplished through the application of normative theory and its dif erent types of instruments, used on Bush himself and one of his colleagues in the Bush Administration, Paul Wolfowitz, who had the key i

Rysk roulette: Med sikte på Ukraina

The purpose of the essay is to investigate the reasons for Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 by adopting a defensive and offensive realist perspective. Hypothetical explanations for the invasion such as balancing of threats are operationalized based on offensive defense policy, geographical proximity and military capability, while expansion of power is interpreted as challenging the status

Estimating the risk of insurance fraud based on tonal analysis

Insurance companies utilize various methods for identifying claims that are of potential fraudulent nature. With the ever progressing field of artificial intelligence and machine learning models, great interest can be found within the industry to evaluate the use of new methods that may arise as a result of new advanced models in combination with the rich data that is being gathered. For this end,

A Scoping Review of Tools to Assess Psychosocial Stress in Humanitarian Aid Workers

This study presents a scoping review of tools to assess psychosocial stress in humanitarian aid workers, with a particular focus on the third version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ III), and an overview of interventions to address work-related stress in this population. The databases Lubsearch and PsycInfo were searched for journal publications reporting on the validity of th

From the Third World to the First

Over the past half century, Singapore has gone from a tiny island in Southeast Asia to becoming one of the world's most developed countries. Singapore's achievements are reflected not only economically, but also in its emergence as a global innovation and financial services center. The intrinsic single-case study country narrative approach will be used in this study to explore the nature a

Investigating Relations between Regularization and Weight Initialization in Artificial Neural Networks

Artificiella Neurala Nätverk (ANN) är en form av maskininlärning som är populär just nu. Den har många användningsområden inom dagens teknik, till exempel som bildigenkänning. Att programmera ett sådant nätverk är dock inte det lättaste man kan göra. Ett vanligt problem som uppstår när ett ANN byggs upp är överträning, vilket sker när nätverket är för kraftfullt för problemet det ska lösa. En vanlL2 regularization is a common method used to prevent overtraining in artificial neural networks. However, an issue with this method is that the regularization strength has to be properly adjusted for it to work as intended. This value is usually found by trial and error which can take some time, especially for larger networks. This process could be alleviated if there was a mathematical relationsh

Bose-Einstein Condensate Jets from Different Traps

This thesis presents a numerical study of the emission of jets by a trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). The Gross-Pitaevskii equation is used for the simulation of this phenomenon. When the scattering length of a trapped BEC is periodically modulated it emits jets of matter. We study how the pattern of these emitted jets changes when a BEC is trapped in a circular trap, an equilateral triangul

“It works in Denmark”- a quantitative study on Danish stop and search zones

År 2004 implementerade Danmark en ny lag, som tillåter polisen att utfärda så kallade visitationszoner, som ett verktyg för att bekämpa framför allt våldsbrott. I Sverige, har implementering av sådana zoner blivit ett återkommande inslag i den politiska debatten och riksdagsmotioner, i samband med att bekämpa gängbrottslighet. Ett vanligt argument för implementering är ”det fungerar i Danmark”. ÄnIn 2004, Denmark implemented a new law which allows the police to issue so-called “Stop & Search zones”, as a measure to defeat mainly violent crimes. In Sweden, the implementation of such zones is a current frequently occurring matter in the political debate and parliamentary motions, in the context of defeating gang crime. One common argument in favor of implementation is “It works in Denmar

User Acceptance During Covid-19

As the Covid-19 virus started to emerge in the beginning of March 2020, organizations and businesses worldwide had to change their work environments. Due to the obvious physical risks that the virus brought, employees all over the world were forced to practice work through re- mote spaces instead of regular office situated environments. This instant demand for isolation erased the face-to-face com

Explore or exploit? Unpacking the situational conditions and cognitive mechanisms underlying entrepreneurial learning in the new venture development process

This study explores when and why entrepreneurs choose entrepreneurial learning strategies that emphasize exploration or exploitation. Most studies have focused on explaining the different characteristics of exploration and exploitation, their performance implications, whether they are complementarities or substitutes and how particular organizational structures can support their coexistence. We ap

”Jag kan leva på detta!” : Utmaningar och möjligheter med arbetet som influencer

Det här kapitlet undersöker fenomenet influencers från ett arbetslivsperspektiv. Den kulturanalytiska utgångspunkten är ett intresse för hur personer som försörjer sig som influencers i sociala medier själva upplever arbetet, det liv som arbetet innebär och de hälsorisker det medför. Forskning om influencers har ofta haft ett annat fokus, såsom ett marknadsföringsperspektiv som beskriver hur föret

Extending relativistic linear response theory to address solvent effects

The central aim of this thesis is to derive, implement and test new methods to calculate various types of spectroscopies of compounds containing heavy elements in an aqueous environment. Methods that can target such systems have to consider the following:(i) It is crucial to take relativistic effects into account.(ii) Modeling of larger systems is expensive in quantum chemistry. Thus, cheaper opti

Godtycklig straffskärpning? - Om ungdomsreduktionen utifrån proportionalitet- och humanitetsprincipen.

Det har funnits en tradition i det svenska påföljdssystemet att särbehandla unga myndiga. Den 2 januari 2022 slopades delvis ungdomsreduktionen. Underlaget för den delvis slopade ungdomsreduktionen bestod av betänkandet Slopad straffrabatt för unga myndiga vilket utgjorde underlag för propositionen Slopad straffrabatt för unga myndiga vid allvarlig brottslighet. Propositionen ledde till att ungdomThere’s been a tradition of special treatment toward young adults in the Swedish legal sanction system. On January 2, 2022, the young adult penalty reduction was partially abolished. The basis for the partially abolished young adult reduction consisted of the report Abolished sentence reduction for young adults (Slopad straffrabatt för unga myndiga), which in turn formed the basis for the proposit

We need engineers - not dishwashers

The aim of this essay is to perform a media study of how the identity of” immigrants” is constructed and which discourses about “immigrants” appear in one of the Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet. With this study, I intend to shed light on how the discourse reflects and affects the broader marginalization in the Swedish society. This research is limited to the time period between January 2015, and D