

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients with invasive group A streptococcus infection : an observational study

BACKGROUND: Group A streptococci (GAS) are known to cause serious invasive infections, but little is known about outcomes when patients with these infections are admitted to intensive care. We wanted to describe critically ill patients with severe sepsis or septic shock due to invasive GAS (iGAS) and compare them with other patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. METHODS: Adult patients admit

Helpful and challenging aspects of breastfeeding in public for women living in Australia, Ireland and Sweden : a cross-sectional study

BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding in public continues to be contentious with qualitative evidence confirming that women face many challenges. It is therefore important to gain understanding of not only the challenges but also what women perceive is helpful to breastfeed in public.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with women living in Australia, Ireland or Sweden currently breastfeeding or hav

#metoo och de fem förtalsdomarna

Berättigad kritik mot rättsväsendet eller okontrollerad pöbeljustis? I kölvattnet av #metoo-rörelsen kvarstår spänningen mellan de sociala mediernas virala rätt och rättsväsendets formella rätt. Rättsvetaren Linnea Wegerstad tar sig här an kärnan i den senaste tidens fem #metoo-relaterade förtalsåtal: konflikten mellan rätten att berätta om sexuellt våld och rätten att inte bli föremål för ryktess

Vägar till en god kultur : Tillit, lärande och etik

När vi försöker minska detaljstyrning och formalism i offentlig sektor blirorganisationskulturen viktigare än någonsin. Goda resultat och en godkultur går hand i hand. I den här boken kan du läsa om vad etttillitsbaserat arbete för en god kultur kan innebära. Författaren förklararhur denna ansats skiljer sig åt från hur många organisationer arbetar idag– en ansats som är starkt påverkad av New Pub

Lack of PCSK6 Increases Flow-Mediated Outward Arterial Remodeling in Mice

Proprotein convertases (PCSKs) process matrix metalloproteases and cytokines, but their function in the vasculature is largely unknown. Previously, we demonstrated upregulation of PCSK6 in atherosclerotic plaques from symptomatic patients, localization to smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the fibrous cap and positive correlations with inflammation, extracellular matrix remodeling and cytokines. Here,

Systematic review and network meta-analysis with individual participant data on cord management at preterm birth (iCOMP) : Study protocol

Introduction: Timing of cord clamping and other cord management strategies may improve outcomes at preterm birth. However, it is unclear whether benefits apply to all preterm subgroups. Previous and current trials compare various policies, including time-based or physiology-based deferred cord clamping, and cord milking. Individual participant data (IPD) enable exploration of different strategies

Igg subclasses of antineutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies (anca)

Sera that had been positive in routine ELISA for ANCA were studied retrospectively for the IgG subclass distribution of these autoantibodies. An ELISA previously developed for measurement of IgG sub classes of anti-GBM antibodies was modified for this purpose. Of a total of 247 sera, 114 were found to be positive in at least one of the assays for IgG subclasses of anti proteinase 3, 72 of these pa

Outsider, Bystander, Insider. : The Second World War, the Holocaust and Uses of the Past in Sweden

One way to analyze the twists and turns in Swedish history politics regarding the Second World War and its legacy is to turn to a typol-ogy of uses of history. Despite differences in occupations, places, and times, uses of history are often joined together by certainneeds and functions that certain choices of history can provide. In this pa-per, I discuss how the images of the Second World War and

Hilly environment and physical activity among community-dwelling older adults in Japan : a cross-sectional study

OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether a moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) level and walking time were associated with a hilly environment in rural Japanese older adults. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Unnan city, Ohnan and Okinoshima towns in Shimane, Japan. PARTICIPANTS: Data were collected from 1115 adults from the Shimane CoHRE study, who were aged 60 years and older and livi

Altered Sarcomeric Structure and Function in Woody Breast Myopathy of Avian Pectoralis Major Muscle

The “Woody” or “Wooden” breast disease is a severe myopathy of pectoralis major muscle recently identified within rapidly growing broiler lines all around the world with a prevalence rate around 20%, or even higher. Although of significant ethical and economic impact, little is known regarding the structural and functional aspects of the contractile apparatus in the woody breast muscle. The aim of

Energetics of the DNA-Filled Head

Mechanical changes within cells and viruses have been shown to be of great importance for various mechano-signaling processes. In phage and herpesviruses, strong confinement of double-stranded DNA inside the capsid generates tens of atmospheres of pressure. This confinement leads to electrostatic sliding friction between neighboring DNA strands. This affects the mobility of the encapsidated genome