

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

Energy intensity : the roles of rebound, capital stocks, and trade

According to conventional wisdom, improving energy efficiency is an easy way to mitigate climate change and improve energy security, though the reduction in energy intensity in developed economies is largely due to offshoring energy-intensive production to developing countries. This chapter presents a contrarian view. Theory, historical evidence, and time series analysis suggest that the economy-w

Ambulanspersonalens hantering av hotfulla situationer i ambulanssjukvården

Bakgrund: Hot och våld blir allt vanligare inom hälso- och sjukvården samt ambulanssjukvården. Anledningen till varför det sker kan bero på olika saker, allt från påverkan av berusningsmedel till psykisk ohälsa och kan uttryckas verbalt, fysiskt och psykiskt. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva ambulanspersonalens hantering av hotfulla och våldsamma situationer i ambulanssjukvården. M

Therapist-guided and self-guided internet-delivered behavioural activation for adolescents with depression : a randomised feasibility trial

OBJECTIVE: Access to effective treatments for adolescents with depression needs to improve. Few studies have evaluated behavioural activation (BA) for adolescent depression, and none remotely delivered BA. This study explored the feasibility and acceptability of therapist-guided and self-guided internet-delivered BA (I-BA) in preparation for a future randomised controlled trial (RCT). DESIGN: A si

En kommentar till Sveriges krispolitik mot människor på flykt

Denna artikel behandlar några av de förändringar som genomfördes i svensk migrationslagstiftning under 2016 för att minska antalet asylsökande, öka incitamenten för självmant återvändande och tydligt signalera till omvärlden att andra länder i Europa måste träda fram och dela ansvaret för flyktingmottagandet. Syftet med artikeln är att reflektera över hur de dramatiska kursändringar som ägde rum g

The emotional well-being of parents with children at genetic risk for type 1 diabetes before and during participation in the POInT-study

Introduction: This study examined the emotional impact that parents experience when confronted with an increased genetic risk of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in their child. Population-based screening of neonates for genetic risk of chronic disease carries the risk of increased emotional burden for parents. Methods: Information was collected using a well-being questionnaire for parents of infants identif

Methylation of the serotonin reuptake transporter gene and non-motor symptoms in dystonia patients

BACKGROUND: Dystonia is a rare movement disorder, in which patients suffer from involuntary twisting movements or abnormal posturing. Next to these motor symptoms, patients have a high prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity, suggesting a role for serotonin in its pathophysiology. This study investigates the percentage of DNA methylation of the gene encoding for the serotonin reuptake transporter (S

Abrupt loss and uncertain recovery from fires of Amazon forests under low climate mitigation scenarios

Tropical forests contribute a major sink for anthropogenic carbon emissions essential to slowing down the buildup of atmospheric CO2 and buffering climate change impacts. However, the response of tropical forests to more frequent weather extremes and long-recovery disturbances like fires remains uncertain. Analyses of field data and ecological theory raise concerns about the possibility of the Ama

Factors influencing return to work after surgery for ulnar nerve compression at the elbow

Ulnar nerve compression at the elbow (UNE) frequently affects people of working age. Surgically treated patients may not immediately return to work (RTW) postoperatively. In 2008, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency reformed the national insurance policy. We aimed to examine RTW postoperatively for UNE, variations among surgical methods, and potential risk factors for prolonged RTW (sick leave > 6

The effect of noisome preparation methods in encapsulating 5-fluorouracil and real time cell assay against HCT-116 colon cancer cell line

The formulation of niosomes is influenced by a number of variables, and these variables may eventually affect the formulation's outcome. One of the elements that can influence the physico-chemical properties of niosomes is the method used in preparation of the formulation. In this study, we established if various methods of preparation have any impact on the prepared vesicles when loaded with 5-fl

Demolish, recycle, build new or renovate – energy use throughout the life cycle.

The building industry has a major impact on the global carbon emissions, the use of natural resources and generation of waste. A drastic change is needed for this industry to be a part of a sustainable future. Within this research, a case study is performed to investigate how cultural values of a building can be preserved when energy efficiency measures are taken, with a low global warming potenti

Gender and Preferences in the Labor Market: Insights from Experiments

Despite increased female educational attainment and labor market participation, labor markets around the world remain characterized by vertical and horizontal gender segregation. This chapter reviews recent findings from the experimental economics literature that shed light on some of the causes of gender differences in labor market outcomes. First, it reviews the recent literature using incentivi

Wood structure explained by complex spatial source-sink interactions

Wood is a remarkable material with great cultural, economic, and biogeochemical importance. However, our understanding of its formation is poor. Key properties that have not been explained include the anatomy of growth rings (with consistent transitions from low-density earlywood to high density latewood), strong temperature-dependence of latewood density (used for historical temperature reconstru

A measurement of the K + → π + μ + μ− decay

A sample of 2.8 × 104K+ → π+μ+μ− candidates with negligible background was collected by the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS in 2017–2018. The model-independent branching fraction is measured to be (9.15 ± 0.08) × 10−8, a factor three more precise than previous measurements. The decay form factor is presented as a function of the squared dimuon mass. A measurement of the form factor parameters and

Learning Online Multi-sensor Depth Fusion

Many hand-held or mixed reality devices are used with a single sensor for 3D reconstruction, although they often comprise multiple sensors. Multi-sensor depth fusion is able to substantially improve the robustness and accuracy of 3D reconstruction methods, but existing techniques are not robust enough to handle sensors which operate with diverse value ranges as well as noise and outlier statistics

Unraveling the Reaction Mechanism of Mo/Cu CO Dehydrogenase Using QM/MM Calculations

Some microorganisms, like the aerobic soil bacteria, Oligotropha carboxidovorans, have the capability to oxidize the highly toxic atmospheric gas carbon monoxide (CO) into CO2 through CO dehydrogenase enzymes, whose active site contains a bimetallic MoCu center. Over the last decades, a number of experimental and theoretical investigations were devoted to understanding the mechanism of CO oxidatio

Maximizing QRS duration reduction in contemporary cardiac resynchronization therapy is feasible and shorter QRS duration is associated with better clinical outcome

AbstractBackground We aimed to evaluate if optimization by maximizing QRS duration (QRSd) reduction is feasible in an all-comercardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) population, and if reduced, QRSd is associated with a better clinical outcome.Methods Patients with LBBB receiving CRT implants during the period 2015–2020 were retrospectively evaluated. Implantsfrom 2015–2017 were designated as conBackgroundWe aimed to evaluate if optimization by maximizing QRS duration (QRSd) reduction is feasible in an all-comer cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) population, and if reduced, QRSd is associated with a better clinical outcome.MethodsPatients with LBBB receiving CRT implants during the period 2015–2020 were retrospectively evaluated. Implants from 2015–2017 were designated as controls. S