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Fria varurörelser i den Europeiska gemenskapen. En studie av gränsdragningen mellan gemenskapsangelägeheer och nationella angelägenheter.

Popular Abstract in Swedish EG-fördragets regler om varors fria rörlighet är ett centralt område inom de Europeiska gemenskapernas rättsordning. Detta rättsområdet har stor betydelse i det praktiska rättslivet, såväl för offentlig förvaltning som för enskilda företag. I denna bok behandlas spörsmål rörande EG-fördragets regler om icke-tariffära handelshinder (artiklarna 30, 34 och 36). Ända sedanThis thesis concerns the Articles 30, 34 and 36 of the EC-Treaty and conflicts of competence between the Community and the Member States. It deals especially with the delimitation between community concerns and national concerns in the field of non-tariff barriers to trade in community law. A new perspective concerning the application of Articles 30 and 34 of the EC-Treaty is introduced. It is arg

Nominal phrases from a Scandinavian perspective

This monograph presents a new model of the internal syntax of nominal phrases. The model is mainly based on Scandinavian, since with the wide range of variation that Scandinavian displays in the nominal domain, despite the close genetic relationship between the different varieties, Scandinavian is particularly well-suited for explorations into nominal syntax. Among the topics covered are the basic

The potential of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) for biogas production

Popular Abstract in Swedish Transportsektorn står för 63% av Sveriges använding av kol, olja och gas. Biobränslen som etanol, biodiesel och biogas står bara för 6.8% av energin som används för nationella transporter, biogas står för 12% av detta. Ökad produktion av biobränslen för transproter behöver inte betyda minskad produktion av jordbruks- och skogsråvaror för annat. Dels kan restprodukter anBiofuels are currently produced from agricultural crops, and an increasing use of crops for this application is expected in the EU in the years to come. The dominating crops cultivated in the EU for biofuel production today have a relatively large environmental impact. The European Energy Agency has identified several lignocellulosic crops, including industrial hemp, as more sustainable potential

Sustainable Development In Practice - Infrastructure for the third generation mobile telephone system in Sweden

The infrastructure for the third generation of mobile telephony, UMTS, is under construction in Sweden. Within three years four operators were to build competing systems to cover 99,98 % of the population. The case of the 3G infrastructure illustrates how the sustainability issues are handled in planning and environmental management, with conflicting goals between institutional levels and compet

Law and participation

The issue of participation is of interest to scholars in law because of its relation to new forms of governance and regulation (Black 2000, 2001; de Burca and Scott 2006). Empirical studies of participation in biotechnology licensing show however that such procedures “itself may cause serious trouble when it is embedded in a formal procedure with a relatively strong legal framework.” (Bora & H

Towards the Rational Design of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Gipsgjutning är ganska enkelt. Blanda gipset med vatten och rör runt lite. Häll därefter blandningen i en form om du vill ha en gipshund eller så, eller i en tallrik om du vill trycka av en kroppsdel. Om du vill ha en handavgjutning så tryck dit handen en stund och låt gipset stelna. Sedan är det klart. Bara den hand du gjutit av kommer att passa; var det högerhanden såMolecular imprinting is a technique by which polymeric materials selective for a given target molecule can be created through a casting procedure. Functionalised monomers are added to a solution of molecular templates. Monomer-template complexes are formed and subsequently fixed through polymerisation, and following removal of the template species from the resultant molecularly imprinted polymer,

Food-Related Gram-Positive Bacteria: Enterotoxin A Expression in Staphylococcus aureus and a New Regulation Mechanism in Lactococcus lactis

Popular Abstract in English Foods, microorganisms, and humans have been tightly associated from the start of human history. Foods are not only the source of nutrients for humans, but also good media for microorganisms. Although we humans discovered the existence of microorganisms relatively recently, we have been dealing with them for hundreds and thousands of years. We have used some microorganisStaphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) is the most common enterotoxin found in outbreaks of staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP). Based on the amount of SEA produced, S. aureus strains were divided into two main groups, high- and low-SEA-producing strains. The differences in the amounts of SEA formed were found to be associated with the levels of expression of the sea gene and the bacteriophage version

Modeling Diesel Engine Combustion with Detailed Chemistry Using a Progress Variable Approach

In this work, we present an unsteady flamelet progress variable approach for diesel engine CFD combustion modelling. The progress variable is based on sensible enthalpy integrated over the flamelet and describes the transient flamelet ignition process. By using an unsteady flamelet library for the progress variable, the impact of local effects, for example variations in the turbulence field, effec