

Din sökning på "*" gav 538950 sökträffar

Tidiga avhopp vid erbjuden psykoterapi hos studentterapeuter - en kvalitetsutvecklingsstudie

Den här kvalitetsutvecklingsstudien på en utbildningsmottagning för blivande psykologer syftade till att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad mellan de som tidigt hoppade av erbjuden psykoterapi och de som fortsatte behandlingen. Studien hade en kvasiexperimentell design utan randomisering eller kontrollgrupp. Deltagarna bestod av 519 klinter som sökt hjälp på Psykoterapimottagningen vid Lunds un

Simulering - Ett alternativ till den traditionella konfliktstudien?

Det finns många typer av säkerhetsstudier. En av dessa är en så kallad konfliktstudie. När man idag gör en traditionell konfliktstudie analyserar man trafiksäkerheten, oftast utifrån video-data. Det vill säga en observering av den verkliga situationen. En traditionell konfliktstudie har gjorts av Svensson & Ekblad, (2018) på en korsning vid Heleneholmsstigen/Ystadvägen i Malmö där man byggt omThere are many types of traffic studies. One of these is a so-called conflict study. Today when you do a traditional conflict study, you usually analyze traffic safety based on video data, which is an observation of the real situation. A traditional conflict study was made by Svensson & Ekblad, (2018) at a crossing at Heleneholmsstigen/Ystadvägen in Malmö, where a bicycle crossing was rebuilt.

Returns within Fashion E-Tailing

The purpose of this master’s thesis is to provide a contribution to the research body regarding consumer returns, particularly within the online fashion retail industry. A quantitative data analysis approach is chosen and two main methods are used: data study that aims to identify patterns and interesting relationships in the data, and a simulation study that uses real input data to attempt to ide

Developing a Virtual Consumer: From Human Skin to FE Modelling

--- Att skapa en virtuell konsument: från mänsklig hud till FE modellering --- Interaktionen mellan konsument och produkt ur ett upplevelseperspektiv blir allt vanligare att simulera i den virtuella världen. För att nämna några exempel så simulerar IKEA liggkomfort medans bil- och flygplansindustrin simulerar sittkomfort. Det är ett spännande område av flera anledningar varav två är att dels så äIn the 'on-the-go' society of today, the use of single unit beverage packages has increased. Consequently, the interaction between the consumer and the package have also attracted greater interest when trying to gain advantages in a competitive market. One way of gaining such an advantage is by decreasing the developing costs of products: either by reducing time spent, or money invested in

Improved control strategies for primary frequency control in Swedish combined heat and power plants

A model of the Swedish power plant Mälardalen Energi, developed by Solvina AB was simulated in Dymola with different types of control strategies in order to evaluate if they could improve the operational flexibility of the plant and, thus, its ability to deliver frequency control to the Swedish power grid. Several different control strategies and process modifications were tested and compared to p

Investigating the accuracy of Digital Elevation Models from UAV images in areas with low contrast : a sandy beach as a case study

Elevation models are important in many applications in Geographical Information System (GIS), both when applying environmental analyses and in urban planning studies. The production of elevation models has been a difficult and expensive task using traditional surveying techniques. Remote sensing methods for producing digital elevation models have solved the difficult part of the task, which consis

Pedestrian Evacuation Modelled by a Conservation Law with a Two-inflection-point Flux Function

When designing a building one must consider safety aspects. One such aspect is that in the case of an emergency people should be able to efficiently evacuate the building. In this paper we investigate how the width-profile of a corridor leading to an exit might affect the efficiency of evacuation. We model the dynamics of crowds using a continuum model, leading to a one-dimensional non-linear hype

Battery energy storage design and operation in an HVDC-system with WPP clusters

The electricity sector is in the beginning of a large shift from centralized dispatchable production to distributed variable production. With this necessary change, new challenges arise. One crucial challenge is related to upholding the system balance in the power grid. In this master thesis, a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) has been implemented in an HVDC-system with large amounts of Wind P

Insights from experimental hybridization on floral trait inheritance and reproductive isolation in self-compatible and self-incompatible Arabis alpina L. (Brassicaceae)

Hur ärvs blomdoft? Att lukta gott är inte bara viktigt för oss människor. I växternas värld är doft, eller de kemiska doftsignalerna, livsviktigt för att kunna locka till sig pollinatörer eller avskräcka fiender. Vi vet redan mycket om hur insekter reagerar på kemiska signaler från växter och hur doft varierar mellan olika växtarter, men fortfarande väldigt lite om hur blomdoft ärvs inom växtpopuOne of the main challenges in evolutionary ecology is to identify the factors and agents that drive diversification. Two of the most diverse groups of organisms on earth are plants and insects, and evidence strongly suggests that the diversification of both groups is driven by the interactions between them. One fruitful way for understanding how these interactions evolve and diversify is to identi

En attraktiv arbetsgivare behåller sin personal

Within the last twenty years, the Swedish military has been drastically reduced in size and capability. The conscription service was discontinued which made retaining personnel difficult. The service was reinstated nine years later due to the geopolitical instability around Sweden and the national goal to double personnel by 2035. Consequently, the military must focus on retaining trained personne

Eston Kohver - En bricka i vilket spel?

The abduction, or arrest as it´s referred to in Russia, of Eston Kohver on the border between Estonia and Russia in September 2014 caused many nations in the western world to condemn the practices of both the Russian counter-intelligence directorate and the Russian justice system. The aim of this thesis is to try to uncover why Russia acted as it did by applying Graham Allison and Philip Zelikows

Evaluating fulvestrant-resistance in HCC1428 breast cancer cells

Overcoming drug resistance in breast cancer Breast cancer remains the most common malignancy in women worldwide with over 2 million newly diagnosed cases in 2018, accounting for almost a quarter of all cancer cases in women. More than 70% of breast tumors depend on estrogen for survival and growth, which led to the development of targeted therapy against the associated cellular hormone receptor

Volatility of Bitcoin in a European Context

In 2009, Bitcoin was introduced to the world. Today, ten years later, there are still gaps in the research of how to model the cryptocurrency. In this thesis, the capacities of different volatility models to capture the high volatility of Bitcoin returns are investigated. The models used are GARCH-type models: GARCH(1,1), IGARCH(1,1) and GJR-GARCH(1,1). Jumps, or outliers, are also detected and fi

Evolutionary dynamics and mating behaviour associated with female-limited colour polymorphisms in the damselfly genus Ischnura

Female-limited colour polymorphisms provide interesting examples of intraspecific genetic diversity but, in most polymorphic taxa, we know little about the macroevolutionary origin and subsequent history of polymorphism during diversification. The damselfly genus Ischnura includes many species with multiple, heritable female colour morphs. The evolutionary origin of polymorphism in this clade is u

Planering för social blandning: En diskurs om grannskapseffekter och stadsförnyelse

Strategies and goals of social mix as a mean to fight against problems that are connected to segregation has had an upsurge since the beginning of 2000 in urban planning. The aim of this study is to acknowledge and furthermore problematize the dominant discourse of a planning for social mix. The logic behind the political discourse is that heterogeneous areas brings better life chances for people,

Rättssäkerhet och psykiatrisk tvångsvård

Sedan mentalsjukhusen avskaffades har olika åtgärder vidtagits för att stärka patientens rättssäkerhet. Den speciella instansordning med utskrivningsnämnder som första instans och psykiatrinämnden som andra instans övergavs. Domstolsprövningen utförs nu av de ordinarie förvaltningsdomstolarna som inhämtar medicinsk expertis från chefsöverläkaren och en annan läkare utifrån. Vidare, har LSPV ersattSince the mental hospitals were abolished various measures have been taken to strengthen the patients’ legal certainty. The special scheme of appeal with the discharge board as first court and the psychiatric board as appeal court was abandoned. The judicial review is now carried out by the regular administrative courts who acquires medicinal expertise from the chief doctor and another doctor from

Synthesis of new Tröger´s Base derivatives

Trögers bas upptäcktes först av Julius Tröger 1887, det är en symmetrisk molekyl med fyra stycken sexledade ringar som sitter ihop utan ringspänning. Molekylen är kiral (skiljer sig från sin spegelbild) tack vare de två kväveatomerna som hindras av bryggan mellan dem att röra sig, detta skapar en konkav form och en hydrofob (vattenskyende) ficka i molekylen med de två sexledade ringarna nästan vinThis thesis describes the preparation of the previously unknown Tröger´s base mono- and bislactams from Tröger´s base and the transformation via olefination, stereoselective hydrogenation and reduction yielding Tröger´s base derivatives which features functional groups pointing into the interior of its cavity. The target molecules are two new chiral molecular cleft molecules which may be useful i

Hållbara mänskliga rättigheter

Idag befinner vi oss i en allvarlig situation av klimatförändringar där vi måste skapa en hållbar utveckling för att vi och framtida generationer ska överleva och tackla klimatförändringarna. Detta påverkar inte minst de mänskliga rättigheterna, då de redan mest utsatta människorna lider konsekvenserna av såväl klimatförändringar som de åtgärder vi tar för att mildra och förhindra dem. Således exi

Prioritetsskillnad mellan SOS och ambulanssjukvård vid uppdrag beställda av vårdcentral

Bakgrund: Tidigare studier har visat att Svenskt index för akutmedicinsk larmmottagning har svårt att prediktera vilka patienter som är akut sjuka respektive icke akut sjuka. Det kan innebära att ambulanssjukvården får köra ett onödigt stort antal uppdrag med hög prioritet vilket i sin tur leder till ökad belastning samt ökade risker, framförallt i trafiken. Vårdcentraler kan göra beställning av a