

Din sökning på "*" gav 532441 sökträffar

Att förstå pch stötta patienter med stickrädsla

Bakgrund: Anestesisjuksköterskan ska bedriva en säker vård där ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt ska ligga till grund för patientmötet. Inom sjukvården är perifer venkatetersättning och intravenös kanylering bland de mest förekommande procedurerna. Dessutom förekommer stickprocedurer vid flertal andra interventioner som till exempel fosterdiagnostik och olika typer av vävnadsprover. Upp tilBackground: The anaesthesia nurse must provide safe care with a person-centred approach as the foundation for encounters. Peripheral venous catheterization and intravenous cannulation are among the most common procedures in healthcare. Additionally, needle procedures occur in various other interventions such as fetal diagnostics and tissue sampling. Up to 30% of adult patients expirience som fo

Investigation of brake wear particle emissions from heavy-duty vehicles

Emissions from road transport are one of the biggest health threats during the 21st century and are therefore being regulated with Euro standards. Part of the emissions from road transport originates from brakes and brake wear particle will therefore be included in the new standards. Brake system manufacturers will have to meet the new Euro standard and potentially reduce emissions from their prod

Perioperativ intravenös magnesium tillförsel och dess påverkan på akut postoperativ smärta

Bakgrund: 75% av patienter som genomgår kirurgi upplever medel till svåra smärtor postoperativt. Akut postoperativ smärta är vanligt och nästan 20 procent av patienterna upplever svår smärta under de första 24 timmarna efter operationen, en siffra som har varit i stort sett oförändrad under de senaste 30 åren. Förutom lidandet kan otillräcklig smärtbehandling leda till många fysiologiska problem p

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YOU ARE A DAY TOMORROW – THE CLASSROOM AS BATTLEFIELDYou Are a Day Tomorrow, a spatial audio play, experienced in a classroom. It is a memoir tying past and present, a personal narrative exploring the social dynamics of school and the institutional influence on the body and soul. It presents an auditory sensitivity analysis that examines nostalgia and brutality. You Are a Day Tomorrow is an invita

State-corporate legal symbiosis and social harm: the case of the steel factory ‘Ilva’ in Taranto, Italy

For more than a decade, epidemiological surveys have shown that Taranto, Italy, has a critical health situation. In particular, two epidemiological reports have established a causal link between mortality and morbidity in Taranto and the industrial production of Ilva, one of Europe’s largest steel mills. Despite its negative impact on local health, Ilva has been allowed to produce thanks to a favo

Talk is cheap - En studie i reflexiv kontroll i informationssfären

This study aims to examine Russian reflexive control within the information sphere in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. In particular, it examines whether Russian publicly available official and non-official Telegram news channels use reflexive control measures in its communication to a Swedish- and English-speaking international audience regarding Swedish support for Ukraine

Pellicular expanded bed matrix suitable for high flow rates

A new type of expanded bed matrix with a heavy core of stainless steel covered with an agarose layer was prepared. Two bead size fractions, the smaller one (32–75 μm ∅) having a single particle core and the larger (75–180 μm ∅) with an agglomerate of stainless steel particles constituting the core, were chosen for further characterisation. The dispersion behaviour was determined both in packed bed

Metabolic and angiogenic biomarkers in breast cancer: potential clinical implications of host–tumor interactions

Background: Both caveolin-1 (CAV1) and insulin-like growth factor bindings protein 7 (IGFBP7) have been linked to angiogenesis, insulin-like growth factor (IGF) receptor 1 (IGF-1R) signaling, and the tumor microenvironment. However, CAV1 and IGFBP7 have not yet been adequately characterized and investigated as potential prognostic or treatment-predictive biomarkers at the genomic, transcriptomic,

On the right track? Energy use, carbon emissions, and intensities of world rail transportation, 1840–2020

The history of rail transport can offer valuable insights for future energy transitions due to its importance in promoting clean mobility. There is a complex interplay between the evolution of the railway network, fuel consumption, efficiency, energy service, and CO2 emissions that requires further exploration. We developed a dataset that covers energy use in all stages of rail transportation, as

Kvinnors intresse av planerad hemfödsel i Sverige En kvantitativ enkätstudie

Abstrakt Bakgrund Forskning från olika delar av världen visar att kvinnors val av födelseplats påverkas av en mängd faktorer, inklusive sociodemografiska faktorer, kulturella preferenser och tillgänglighet till vårdresurser. World Health Organization betonar kvinnors rätt till stöd, säker förlossning och möjligheten att välja födelseplats. Idag finns inte den möjligheten för alla svenska kvinno

In depth analysis of the passive film on martensitic tool alloy : Effect of tempering temperature

Effect of tempering temperature on the composition of the passive film of a martensitic tool alloy was studied by synchrotron-based hard/soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electrochemical analyses. The contents of Cr and Mo in the passive film are affected by precipitation of tempering carbides. Increase of tempering temperature from 200 to 525°C leads to enhanced formation of Cr/Mo-rich te

Regional skillnad i incidensen av skador efter ledprotesoperation

Hip and knee arthroplasties are mostly successful procedures; however, patient injuries may occur and should be reported to Löf, the Swedish patient insurance. This study investigated the incidence of patient injuries after primary total hip and knee arthroplasty in the Swedish regions, differences in incidence depending on annual surgical volume, and types of approved injuries. Approved patient i

Performance of 4Kscore as a Reflex Test to Prostate-specific Antigen in the GÖTEBORG-2 Prostate Cancer Screening Trial

Background and objective: We investigated whether adding 4Kscore as a reflex test to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) could improve the screening algorithm for prostate cancer (PC). Methods: In the GÖTEBORG-2 PC screening trial, 38 000men (50–60 yr) were invited to PSA testing and, if elevated, followed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). For 571 men with PSA ≥3.0 ng/ml and evaluable outcomes, 4Ks

Navigating an emerging innovation ecosystem : a case study of fuel cell innovation in Taiwan

The Taiwanese government has actively promoted and established policies for developing fuel cell research and industrial activities since the early 2000s. The activities, including those of Taiwanese policy actors, private firms, and research institutions, are part of a fuel cell innovation ecosystem. Through an embedded case study, this paper examines past national policies, sectoral-level develo

Antisvart rasism och diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden : Skillnader mellan afrosvenskar och den övriga befolkningen i bruttolön, disponibel inkomst och möjlighet att göra karriär på den svenska arbetsmarknaden.

Afrosvenskar är överrepresenterade i lågstatusyrken samtidigt som gruppen är underrepresenterad i arbeten med högre status. Det är också vanligare med arbetslöshet i den här gruppen om man jämför med övriga svenskar.Störst löneskillnader mellan afrosvenskar och övriga befolkningen syns i Stockholmsregionen.Förutom att afrosvenskar har lägre lön jämfört med övriga befolkningen med samma utbildning

The duality of man: An exploration of masculine identities as both drivers and disruptors of far-right climate denialism in Canada

The climate is in a state of emergency. Anthropogenic climate change is destroying social and environmental systems across the world (albeit, unevenly) and jeopardizing the safety and humanity of present and future generations. Nevertheless, climate denialism persists as a rhetoric and belief, particularly within the burgeoning far-right political projects in countries most responsible for rising

Climate clash: navigating the dilemma between carbon-intensive study abroad and climate action

Climate-focused study abroad relying on high-emitting travel poses a dilemma between study abroad and emission reductions. This study employs the three spheres of transformation investigating this dilemma through coding syllabi (n=156,) surveying educators (n=9,) and interviewing (n=14) Climate Action Network for International Educators (CANIE) affiliates considering whether studying climate chang