

Din sökning på "*" gav 532466 sökträffar

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta under COVID-19 pandemin - Systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Första fallen av COVID-19 kom i december 2019 i Kina. I mars 2020 blev COVID-19 klassat som pandemi. Pandemin satte stor press på sjukvården världen över, men framför allt på intensivvården och intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna som tog emot ett större antal patienter än normalt. Syfte: Att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta under COVID-19 pandemin ur ett globalt peBackground: The first cases of COVID-19 emerged in China in December 2019. In March 2020 COVID-19 became a pandemic. The pandemic put a big strain on healthcare all over the world but especially intensive care units and the critical care nurses who had to take care of an unusually large number of patients. Aim: To highlight critical care nurses' experiences of working during the COVID-19 pande

Balancing Different Legal and Ethical Requirements in the Construction of Informed Consents in Qualitative International Collaborative Research Across Continents - Reflections from a Scandinavian Perspective

International research collaborations engage multiple countries, researchers, and universities. This enhances the magnitude of contextual challenges, including legal and ethical dimensions across various jurisdictions, that must be bridged in qualitative research regardless of discipline, also in the construction of informed consents. From a Scandinavian perspective, this discussion paper explores

Facilitating conversations about race : staff views on the importance of accountability and trust in a student-led project

Significant conversations provide a private and safe space for teachers to develop their thinking about teaching and learning. These conversations are important to academic development but may be limited by their privacy, although Roxå & Mårtensson noted that it was possible to create a culture which led to extended networks. This study explores how the concept of such conversations can be dev

Unveiling Immune Complexity and Regenerative Dynamics in Pleurodeles waltl: A Cross-Species Single-Cell Analysis

Unveiling the Immune System: Pleurodeles waltl and the Puzzle of Regeneration Salamanders like Pleurodeles waltl have extraordinary regenerative capabilities, these creatures can regrow limbs, tails, and even parts of their hearts, a stark contrast to humans, who have much more limited regenerative abilities. Previous studies have shown that the immune system plays a major role in the regenerati

The Global South as a theoretical and methodological marker for scientific inquiry : researching and teaching decolonial peace

How do we know, theorize, and teach the possibilities of peace in the Global South? For most of Eurocentric literature on the topic, peace in the Global South seems like an impossible utopia. Building on Freire’s pedagogy, I argue for a decolonial approach to peace studies centered on the agency of Global South peoples and their power to transform the world. This means that the construction of kno

Temporality, nationalism and the territorialisation of public space : Commemorational presences in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

In this article, I investigate how material strategies of commemoration are part of the recategorisation of public space in a series of nationalistic projects in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. I look especially at the different ways in which these commemorative territories are made present, and the specific view of history that these presences entail. The studied cases include for example the transformat

Operationssjuksköterskans upplevelse av kommunikation i operationsteamet- En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Brister i kommunikation och teamarbete hos vårdpersonal är en bidragande faktor till vårdskador för patienter. Kommunikation i ett operationsteam sker i en komplex arbetsmiljö mellan flera olika professioner som besitter olika kompetenser, där det interprofessionella teamarbetet har påverkan för patientsäkerheten. Operationssjuksköterskan är en del av det operativa teamet och ska förhåll

Från alliansfri till alliansmedlem

Som ett resultat av Rysslands fullskaliga invasion av Ukraina som påbörjades i februari 2022, beslutar sig Sverige för att efter 200 år av neutralitet och alliansfrihet söka medlemskap i försvarsalliansen NATO. Efter en förhållandevis kort politisk beslutsprocess på strategisk nivå lämnar Sverige, tillsammans med Finland, in sina respektive ansökningar i maj 2022. Denna kvalitativa fåfallsstudie

Civila, andra klassens medarbetare i Försvarsmakten?

För att fullgöra Försvarsmaktens uppgifter är samarbetet mellan civila och militära kompetenser avgörande. Trots Försvarsmaktens arbete med systematisk arbetsmiljö och skapandet av en gemensam värdegrund rapporterar myndigheten om en upplevd ”vi och dom” kultur mellan de civila medarbetarna och de militära officerarna. Syftet med studien är att belysa hur civilanställda uppfattar den militära orga

Apollonian and Dionysian Trust in Vaccination

Vaccine hesitancy is a significant concern worldwide. While some attribute it to a lack of knowledge, experiments have revealed that merely providing additional scientific information has little effect on vaccination hesitancy. This chapter aims to better understand negative and positive vaccination sentiments and actions by examining scientific findings’ non-random and non-linear influence on peo

Sudanese and Somali Women in Ireland and in Finland : Material Religion and Culture in the Formation of Migrant Women’s Identities in the Diaspora

In this chapter, the meaning and importance of material religion and culture for the formation of migrant women’s religious, cultural, ethnic and national identities in the diaspora will be investigated. The chapter will compare two groups of African Muslim women coming from Sudan and Somalia who migrated to two different European countries – Ireland and Finland respectively. The focus of the chap

Miniaturised expanded-bed column with low dispersion suitable for fast flow-ELISA analyses

Flow-ELISA measurements of the monoclonal antibody concentration in cultivation broth containing murine hybriboma cells were carried out using a small expanded-bed column (0.5×2.5 cm) charged with protein A. A new specialised pellicular agarose/stainless steel matrix designed for high flow rates with fast mass transport properties was used. Special care was taken to get an efficient flow distr

Effects of Zinc Concentration and Initial Condition on Precipitation Kinetics of Magnesium Alloys

Magnesium är en silvervit metall med unika egenskaper som gör den väldigt intressant. Metallen är bland de lättaste med en densitet på 1.74 g/cm3, återvinningsbar och leder ström. Magnesium är biologiskt nedbrytbart i kroppen och anses därmed vara en utav de främsta kandidaterna för biomedicinska implantat. En utav utmaningarna med användning av magnesium som implantat är dess begränsande inneboenMagnesium alloys are promising candidates for biomedical implants due to their ability to dissolve in the human body, which improves the surgical procedures making a secondary surgery to remove the implant unnecessary. However, one of the main challenges magnesium alloys faces in terms of an implant is their inferior strength compared to such permanent implant materials as stainless steel and tita

‘Is it worth doing this or is it better to commit suicide?’ : On ethical clearance at a university

The article examines the formal process of ‘ethical clearance’ for social science research at a large university and illuminates how it functions to undermine its stated purpose. We find that rather than promoting ethical standards, the bureaucratic process creates negative and cynical attitudes and game playing. For almost all participants, the entire procedure is counterproductive and experience

Diverting ostomy prior to neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer should be used selectively : A retrospective single-center cohort study

Background:Rectal cancer patients commonly benefit from neoadjuvant therapy before resection surgery. For these patients, an elective ostomy diversion is frequently considered, despite the absence of conclusive evidence when a diversion is advantageous. This is a retrospective observational single-center study on a 4-year consecutive rectal cancer cohort undergoing neoadjuvant therapy, aiming at i