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Upload instructions electronic samples arcojazz musikht20 eng

Upload_Instructions_Electronic_Samples_ArCoJazz_MUSIKHT20_eng Upload Instructions: Arranging/Composition – Jazz Specialisation (Bachelor) As a part of your application for Performance Programme, Bachelor’s level – Arranging/Composition – Jazz Specialisation, (ArCoJazz) at the Malmö Academy of Music, you will be required to submit work samples. The instructions only apply to you who apply for studi

https://www.mhm.lu.se/en/sites/mhm.lu.se.en/files/upload_instructions_electronic_samples_arcojazz_musikht20_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Upload instructions electronic samples compfime musikht20 eng

Upload_Instructions_Electronic_Samples_CompFiMe_MUSIKHT20_eng How to submit work samples: Composition – Scoring for Film and Media (Master) As a part of your application for Performance Programme, Master’s level – Composition – Scoring for Film and Media, (CompFiMe) at the Malmö Academy of Music, you will be required to submit work samples. The instructions only apply to you who apply for studies

https://www.mhm.lu.se/en/sites/mhm.lu.se.en/files/upload_instructions_electronic_samples_compfime_musikht20_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Upload instructions electronic samples ht19 eng

Upload_Instructions_Electronic_Samples_ht19_eng Work Sample Upload Instructions As a part of your application to the following programmes at the Malmö Academy of Music, you will be required to submit work samples. • Bachelor’s Programme: Individual Studies • Bachelor’s Programme: Arrangement/Composition – Jazz Specialisation • Master’s Programme: Jazz/Improvisation The instructions only apply to y

https://www.mhm.lu.se/en/sites/mhm.lu.se.en/files/upload_instructions_electronic_samples_ht19_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Utbildnings utbpl kandidat ky1

– 254 – Utbildningsplan 1 Identifikation • Programmets namn och inriktning: kyrkomusikerutbildning. • Omfattning i högskolepoäng: 180 hp. • Nivå: G. • Programkod: KGKYM. • Utbildningsplanen är beslutad i Konstnärliga fakultetsstyrelsen den 12 juni 2013. Utbild­ ningsplanen träder i kraft den 2 september 2013. 2 Programbeskrivning Högre kyrkomusikerutbildning syftar till att utbilda musiker med god

https://www.mhm.lu.se/en/sites/mhm.lu.se.en/files/utbildnings_utbpl_kandidat_ky1.pdf - 2025-03-19

Utbildningsplan musikdramatik repetitor 2019 is 3 april beli gallande eng

Utbildningsplan_Musikdramatik_REPETITÖR_2019_IS_3 april_BeLi_GÄLLANDE_eng Programme syllabus Master’s programme in Music, Music Drama – Répétiteur, 120 credits 1. PROGRAMME DETAILS • Name and specialisation of programme: Master’s Programme in Music, Music Drama - Répétiteur. • Scope in higher education credits: 120. • Cycle: Second • Programme code: KAMUS. Specialisation: MURE 2. DETAILS OF APPROV

https://www.mhm.lu.se/en/sites/mhm.lu.se.en/files/utbildningsplan_musikdramatik_repetitor_2019_is_3_april_beli_gallande_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Abstract booklet

PUFENDORF INSTITUTE For Advanced Studies The Pufendorf IAS Symposium on Interdisciplinarity ABSTRACT BOOKLET 4 May 2018 The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies welcomes you to the Symposium on Interdisciplinarity. The speakers have been invited to give us a deeper and varied understanding on the demands for epistemic agility called for by an institute such as ours, where the ethos is: groups

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/abstract_booklet.pdf - 2025-03-19

Air in african cities

Microsoft Word - Dokument12 Air in African Cities HOW TO PROPERLY ADDRESS SERIOUS PROBLEMS IN AN ALREADY CHALLENGED AREA OF OUR WORLD This theme will explore the links between air pollution and sustainable urban development in African cities. Many parts of Africa face challenges such as malnutrition, inadequate health care, effects of climate change, and political and economic instabilities. On to

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/air_in_african_cities.pdf - 2025-03-19

Asg con-x

ASG How Evidence Based Practices Handle Conflicting Knowledge: the Case of Hormonal Contraceptives (CON-X) The aim of this ASG is to initiate some understanding of how the communication between community and research is created, what it is and how it should be conveyed are factors that are important to asses as it can vary between the different research disciplines as well as how new research is v

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/asg_con-x.pdf - 2025-03-19

Asg crisis

ASG CRISIS This ASG on CRISIS revolves around critical explorations of crisis. The ASG's work focuses on the alarming reports about crises such as hurricanes and floods; political instability and unpredictability; soaring civilian casualties due to armed conflict; scenes of desperate refugees and migrants; persisting poverty; and outbreaks of aggressive diseases. Such discourses, images and practi

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/asg_crisis.pdf - 2025-03-19

Asg human memory

ASG Human Memory in the Digital Age Much of human interaction and communication increasingly takes place in a digital universe. The professional and personal lives of many people today include both offline and online elements. At work, computers constitute an essential tool; in private, the smartphone is an omnipresent device that connects one with family and friends, delivers entertainment and ne

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/asg_human_memory.pdf - 2025-03-19

Asg rapid brain change and long term outcomes 2019-2019 eng

Microsoft Word - ASG Rapid brain change and long term outcomes 2019-2019 ENG.docx ASG Rapid brain change and long- term outcomes We continue to learn new skills and develop our abilities throughout our life. Modern neuroimaging methods let us look inside the brain and observe how and where changes occur as an effect of experience. In the recent past, researchers have come to realize that learning

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/asg_rapid_brain_change_and_long_term_outcomes_2019-2019_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Asg resourcification 2018-2019 eng

Microsoft Word - ASG Resourcification 2018-2019 ENG.docx ASG Resourcification The economization of everything or the essence of sustainability? The Resourcification ASG sets out to discuss society through a resourcebased worldview. This has several conflicting aspects, including scarcity of resources (water, antibiotics), abundance of resources (obesity, fossil fuels), mismanagement of resources (

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/asg_resourcification_2018-2019_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Asg the roles of photography

ASG The Roles of Photography in Academic Research and Communication Photography and the photographic image have played a central role in research in many different disciplines. Despite this, we seldom reflect over photography’s role in research, and even less compare and discuss the different ways in which photography is approached and used across disciplines. The primary aim of this ASG is to cre

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/asg_the_roles_of_photography.pdf - 2025-03-19

Blood eng

ASG Blood GOOD AND EVIL Blood is an essential part of human life, so fundamental that it has been equated with life itself. However, blood has a complex and contradictory cultural value. While mostly associated with positive values as a symbol of life and of strong bonds between human beings, it has is also been linked to evil and danger. For example, blood frequently represents crime, war, and da

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/blood_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Call for applications theme 2021-2022

Microsoft Word - Pufendorf brevmall ENG.docx Postal address Lund University, Pufendorf IAS, Box 117, S-221 00 Lund Visiting address Biskopsgatan 3, Lund Telephone +46 46 222 00 00 E-mail ansokan@pi.lu.se Website www.pi.lu.se/en CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Themes at the Pufendorf Institute, autumn semester 2021 – spring semester 2022 Employees at Lund University are hereby invited to apply for the oppor

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/call_for_applications_theme_2021-2022.pdf - 2025-03-19

Call for asg 2016-2017

Microsoft Word - Brevmall, svenska utlysning ASG.doc   Postadress: Pufendorfinstitutet, Lunds universitet, Box 117, SE-221 20 Lund. Besöksadress: Biskopsgatan 3, Lund www.pi.lu.se Pufendor f ins t i tu te t Call for ASG proposals 2016-2017 The Pufendorf Institute calls for submission of proposals to form an "Advanced Study Group" How do you make a proposal for an Advanced Study Group for 2016–2017

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/call_for_asg_2016-2017.pdf - 2025-03-19

Call for themes 2017-18 eng

Microsoft Word - Utlysning teman 2017-18 ENG.docx   Postal address Pufendorf Insititute, Lund University, Box 117, 221 20 Lund Visiting address Biskopsgatan 3, Lund Website www.pi.lu.se 1 Lund, 4 October 2016 Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies Call for proposals to form a theme at the Pufendorf Institute The Pufendorf Institute invites researchers to apply for a “theme” to start in the autum

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/call_for_themes_2017-18_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Crisis symposium 1 oct. 26 2017

Lund Sept., 2017 1 Pufendorf Institute Advanced Study Group CRISIS: Critical Explorations of Crisis 2017-2018 This newly launched Pufendorf Institute Advanced Study Group on CRISIS revolves around critical explorations of crisis. The Group’s work focuses on the alarming reports about crises such as hurricanes and floods; political instability and unpredictability; soaring civilian casualties due t

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/crisis_symposium_1_oct._26_2017.pdf - 2025-03-19

Crisis symposium programme website

1QUOUSQUE TANDEM ABUTERE Critical Explorations of Crisis PROGRAMME 21 – 22 OCTOBER, PUFENDORF IAS, LUND Monday, October 21, 2019 08:30 – 09:00 Registration, tea & coffee 09:00 – 09:15 Welcome & introduction to the Pufendorf Theme on CRISIS by Vasna Ramasar 09:15 – 10:30 Setting the Scene: Anti-Crisis Address by Janet Roitman Introduced and moderated by Helle Rydstrom 10:30 – 11:00 Fika 11:00 – 11:

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/crisis_symposium_programme_website.pdf - 2025-03-19

Crisprideas symposium program 13 oct

CRISPRideas symposium_inbjudan-13 okt New genome editing technologies for medicine and agriculture – implications for society SYMPOSIUM 13 OCTOBER | ONLINE AND ONSITE AT LUND UNIVERSITY 13 October 2020, 09.00 – 17.00. Online and in the main lecture hall, Dept. of Biology, Lund University, Sölvegatan 35, Lund. The symposium is organised by the Pufendorf IAS Theme CRISPRideas. For programme and regi

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/crisprideas_symposium_program_13_oct.pdf - 2025-03-19