

Din sökning på "*" gav 529726 sökträffar

Data 0

Theme DATA Enabling us to better store, observe and understand what we measure. Data is central to understanding the world around us. Making good use of data is a vital part of tackling societal challenges. The DATA theme brings together colleagues from several faculties of Lund University: School of Economics & Management, Humanities & Theology, Engineering, Medicine, Science, and Social Sciences

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/data_0.pdf - 2025-03-19

Data micheal witt

Michael C. Witt I am interested in seeing the principles of library science applied to research data curation. Michael C. Witt is an Associate Professor of Library Science at Purdue University in USA. He leads the Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2), which is situated within the Research Data unit of the library. Witt is also the library’s liaison to the Department of Computer Science and is a

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/data_micheal_witt.pdf - 2025-03-19

Degrowth eng

Degrowth The Degrowth theme investigates how societies could be organized if economic growth is no longer an overriding social and political objective. In recent years, degrowth has been established as an umbrella term that critiques the centrality of economic growth in our societies and embraces various alternatives for ecological sustainability and social justice. A common misconception about de

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/degrowth_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Eng utlysning unga doktorer

Postal address Pufendorf Insititute, Lund University, Box 117, 221 20 Lund Visiting address Biskopsgatan 3, Lund Website www.pi.lu.se 1 Lund, 27th of April 2017 Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies Call for proposals to form a ”Theme for young PhDs” at the Pufendorf IAS 2018 The Pufendorf Institute invites researchers to apply for a “Theme for young PhDs” to start in the spring of 2018. This i

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/eng_utlysning_unga_doktorer.pdf - 2025-03-19

Inbjudan 25maj ehealth

PUFENDORF INSTITUTET LUNDS UNIVERSITET Inbjudan till tema eHealth: Varmt välkommen till ehälsotemats avslutning på Pufendorfinstitutet, liksom lanseringen av ett nytt nätverk vid Lunds universitet eHealth@LU Onsdagen den 25 maj 2016, kl 14.00 – 18.00 Pufendorfinstitutet, Biskopsgatan 3, Lund Lokal: hörsalen bottenvåningen PROGRAM 14.00 Välkomsthälsning av koordinatorerna Gudbjörg Erlingsdottir och

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/inbjudan_25maj_ehealth.pdf - 2025-03-19

Intersectionality eng

ASG Intersectionality and Climate Scenarios Interdisciplinary methods The group aims to develop a critical method for analysing climate visions and climate scenarios. An analysis of visions and scenarios on climate and climate policies is based on a number of questions, which are developed in group discussions with the help of invited researchers. The first task is to analyse scenarios, primarily

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/intersectionality_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Invitation colombian panel

Panel: Different Scenarios After the Colombian Conflict Date: October 7, 2016 Time: 15:00 to 17:00 Place: Pufendorf Institute, Biskopsgatan 3, Lund Colombia recently signed a peace agreement with the guerrilla FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). While there is hope about the possibility to end one of the oldest armed conflicts in the world, there is uncertainty about the different scena

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/invitation_colombian_panel.pdf - 2025-03-19

Invitation workshop sept 24

Invitation and Call for Papers Exploring New Big Science: Challenges and New Directions A multidisciplinary workshop September 24, 2015 Pufendorf institute for advanced studies, Lund university It is our pleasure to invite you to a workshop exploring the challenges of New Big Science, a concept that capture scientific endeavours that involve big projects, big money, big data, and/ or big facilitie

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/invitation_workshop_sept_24.pdf - 2025-03-19

Kpersson2014-12-01 ebolaworkshop

PowerPoint-presentation Olika invasionsvägar och effekter av inhibitoriska antikroppar mot P. Falciparum malaria Kristina Persson Inst. för mikrobiologi, tumör och cellbiologi Karolinska Institutet The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia Global och nationell hantering av Ebolautbrott Differentialdiagnostik Kristina E M Persson kristina.persson@med.lu.se * Utdrag ur ugand

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/kpersson2014-12-01_ebolaworkshop.ppt - 2025-03-19

Language of accounting eng

ASG Language of Accounting – FINANCIAL REPORTING AS ORGANISATIONAL COMMUNICATION Financial communication permeates our daily lives. The increasing volume of information about stock prices, corporate revenues and returns on invested capital can be seen as a sign of the growing importance of the financial economy in broader layers in society. Not only publicly quoted companies and their shareholders

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/language_of_accounting_eng.pdf - 2025-03-19

Lmk manifest 2015

LMK 2015[1] För ett bättre Lunds universitet nu Vi är elva disputerade forskare i juniora positioner från alla utom en av universitetets fakulteter. Vi har identifierat tre fundamentala brister vad gäller att tillvarata kapaciteten hos unga forskare. Nedan presenterar vi dessa brister, deras konsekvenser och våra förslag på hur de kan åtgärdas nu. Karriärvägar nonchaleras för juniora, disputerade

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/lmk_manifest_2015.pdf - 2025-03-19

Mall berakning av lonekostnader och semesterersattning 2020

Blad2 Beräkning av lönekostnad vid anställning på kortare tid än ett år, inkl. full ersättning för semesterkostnader. Fyll i fälten som är gulmarkerade. Namn Lön 2020 Justerad lön med 3% LKP Semester Månader Totalt % Summa Löpande semesterkostnader TOTAL kostnad: Koordinator Mimmi Pigg 57,000 58,710 30,529 9041.34 8 722,955 30% 216,886 31,439 248,326 Askungen 44,500 45,835 22,936 7058.59 8 557,225

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/mall_berakning_av_lonekostnader_och_semesterersattning_2020.xlsx - 2025-03-19

Nyhetsbrev 160928 eng 0

28th of September 2016 Seven Year Review of the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University Alan Irwin, Kate Soper and Richard Taylor were asked to evaluate the Institute and besides being given access to all necessary material they also visited the Institute for a week this past April. Their efforts culminated in this document. We thank our three evaluators for all their hard work

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/nyhetsbrev_160928_eng_0.pdf - 2025-03-19

Pa a plurality of lives about 0

Theme A Plurality of Lives A few decades ago both the creation of new life and the discovery of extraterrestrial life would have been seen as science fiction. Today, the scientific community generally agrees that it is a question of when, not if, any of these endeavors will be successful. In spite of this, there are reasons to believe that we are ill-prepared for the challenges, as well as the opp

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/pa_a_plurality_of_lives_about_0.pdf - 2025-03-19

Pa energy justice desta mebratu

Desta Mebratu on the Importance of Energy - Energy has always played a central role in all forms of social transformation in human history. Desta Mebratu is a guest researcher involved in the theme Energy Justice. He is affiliated with Stellenbosch University as an Extra Ordinary Associate Professor, Center for Complex Systems in Transition, School of Public Leadership. Before that he was the Depu

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/pa_energy_justice_desta_mebratu.pdf - 2025-03-19

Pa imaging for life

ASG Imaging for life Many fields of research are in great need of imaging with differing contrasts and a range of length scales to study everthing from molecules and cells to organs and live organisms. Additionally, researchers today frequently use both integrative and correlative analysis methods to answer their sceintific questions. Lund University has great expertise in imaging and several exce

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/pa_imaging_for_life.pdf - 2025-03-19

Pa innovation for whom

ASG Innovation for whom Universities as drivers of social innovation for inclusive development In the ongoing refugee crisis in Europe, 162 877 persons applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015. Integrating hundreds of thousands of new arrivals into the Swedish society in the coming years is but one example of societal challenges that will require social innovations, not least within Higher Educational

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/pa_innovation_for_whom.pdf - 2025-03-19

Pa narrating climate futures

ASG Narrating Climate Futures Grappling with the challenge of climate change requires action in the present that addresses how we want the future to unfold. This requires foresight of alternative futures and how our actions can shape the world to come. There are a range of techniques to this end – from modelling and scenario techniques, demonstration and experimentation, to cultural interventions

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/pa_narrating_climate_futures.pdf - 2025-03-19

Pa new pathways out of poverty

ASG New Pathways out of poverty This project is about poverty. From an interdisciplinary perspective it seeks to find potential pathways out of poverty as a persistent problem with many roots and drivers. Due to its complex dynamics and multidimensionality, it is the subject of research in many disciplines including, among others, anthropology, economics, geography, sociology, political science, m

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/pa_new_pathways_out_of_poverty.pdf - 2025-03-19