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CED Seminar - Marco van Leeuwen

20 May 2025 13:30 to 14:30 | Seminar Seminar title: The HISCO family: origins, status quo and future Marco van Leeuwen at Utrecht University will present a seminar titled:The HISCO family: origins, status quo and futureMarco van Leeuwen (webpage uu.nl) NB: Please note the time of the seminar! About the eventLocation:Ideon Alfa1:2003 Scheelevägen 15B 223 63 LundContact:madeleine [dot] jarl [at] ekh

https://www.lusem.lu.se/calendar/ced-seminar-marco-van-leeuwen - 2025-03-12

Interested in studies?

We are waiting for you! The Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) is triple accredited and one of the world’s leading business schools. At LUSEM you can study economics, business administration, economic history, business law, informatics and statistics in an international environment. Triple accredited and highly rankedA degree from LUSEM has a good reputation: the School is

https://www.lusem.lu.se/study/interested-studies - 2025-03-12

Application and admission

GUIDELINES Lund University uses a national application system run by University Admissions in Sweden. It is only possible to apply during the application period. Apply for Bachelor’s studiesApply for Master’s studiesApply to coursesApply for Doctoral studiesApply for exchange studies Apply for Bachelor's studies Step 1: Apply online Check that you meet the entry requirements for the programme/cour

https://www.lusem.lu.se/study/application-and-admission - 2025-03-12

Bachelor’s programmes

Business and economics students have been educated in Lund for centuries. With analytical acumen and knowledge based on solid academic ground, our graduates are well-equipped to meet society’s challenges at both local and global levels. Our excellent reputation is based on solid hard work. Added to this is our firm foundation as a part of Lund University, and the tradition of Scandinavian manageme

https://www.lusem.lu.se/study/bachelors-programmes - 2025-03-12

Master’s programmes

Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) offers studies at advanced level within a broad range of subjects related to economics and management. At LUSEM you can choose from 13 different programmes, all taught in English. Graduates from Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) are well prepared to be leaders of tomorrow. We are accredited by both EQUIS, AMBA and

https://www.lusem.lu.se/study/masters-programmes - 2025-03-12

Redefining classical music and opera across borders

– bridging performing art, AI creativity and entrepreneurship A collaboration between the Centre for Aesthetics and Business Creativity (ABC), the Malmö Academy of Music, the Inter Arts Centre (IAC) and the research cluster on “Creativity, AI, and the Human” at the Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI), University of Edinburgh. The partnership promises to explore the untapped intersections of business

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/research-centres/centre-aesthetics-and-business-creativity-abc/collaborations-abc/redefining-classical-music-and-opera-across-borders - 2025-03-12

The Jan Söderberg Family Prize in Economics and Management

2019–2022 A prize worth SEK 1 million for outstanding and ground-breaking research, and a full day dedicated to popular science and interdisciplinary lectures in economics and management 2019–2022 – this was the result of a generous donation from the Jan and Åsa Söderberg family to the Lund University School of Economics and Management. The Jan Söderberg Family Prize in Economics and Management wa

https://www.lusem.lu.se/about-lund-university-school-economics-and-management-lusem/lusem-awards-and-prizes/jan-soderberg-family-prize-economics-and-management - 2025-03-12

Lund Brand Management Group

Lund Brand Management Group (LBMG) is a research group founded 2010 at Lund University School of Economics and Management in Sweden. Our research focuses on strategic brand management. Our research purpose is to develop the understanding of brand phenomena as part of business, society and the world around us at large. We are particularly interested in how strong, sustainable, and valuable brands a

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/research-networks/lund-brand-management-group - 2025-03-12

Preventing Inequalities in Health

Preventing inequalities in health through better policy decisions of preventative and health promoting Interventions The overall aim of this program is to develop, design, and implement an improved decision-making process for prevention and health promotion policies. In shaping prevention and health promotion policies, tough decisions must be made about which strategies to implement. Economic eval

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/department-economics/research-department-economics/foundations-networks-department-economics/preventing-inequalities-health - 2025-03-12

LUSEM Library opening hours

Regular opening hours Staffed hoursMonday–Friday: 10.00–18.00Unstaffed hours, self serviceLU card is required for access.Monday–Friday: 9.00–10.00 and 18.00–20.00Saturday: 9.00–15.00A return box is placed outside the library entrance, you access it around the clock with your LU card. Self service During hours with self service, students and employees at Lund University have access to the library. 

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/lund-university-school-economics-and-management-library/lusem-library/lusem-library-opening-hours - 2025-03-12

New student at LUSEM Library

Welcome! Below you'll find some useful library information. Before you come to LUSEM Library: To avoid crowding we appreciate if you have done the following before you come to the library.1. Student accountAll students at Lund University receive a student account when they start. You use it to log in to a number of electronic services and resources.Read more about student accounts at the Universit

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/lund-university-school-economics-and-management-library/lusem-library/new-student-lusem-library - 2025-03-12


Copyright is a protection of the forms and expressions of an idea. A work is copyrighted if it is sufficiently original, meaning that the work must be an independently achieved and original result of the author’s own creative process. The copyright will always be assigned to a physical person and apply without registration. It is valid regardless of form of the work. The copyright protection does

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/lund-university-school-economics-and-management-library/lusem-library-research-support/copyright - 2025-03-12

Course packages

Lund University School of Economics and Management offers course packages on both Master's level and Bachelor's level. Some course packages are available in English and can be applied for in the international round, some are only available in Swedish and then presented on our Swedish web site. Master's levelStatistics: Master Course – Statistical Methods for Data Science – 60 creditsYou will learn

https://www.lusem.lu.se/study/courses/course-packages - 2025-03-12

Job Market Candidates

Meet our PhD candidates Kajsa Ganhammar, Negar Seyedehnegar Khaliliaraghi, Prakriti Thami and postdoctoral fellow Davide Pietrobon who are on the job market 2024-2025. Placement officerPetter Lundborg, Department of Economics, Lund Universitypetter [dot] lundborg [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (petter[dot]lundborg[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)  Our Job Market Candidates 2024 Department of Economics Kajsa Ganh

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/department-economics/doctoral-studies-department-economics/job-market-candidates - 2025-03-12

Lund Population Day 2019

Fertility Program 10.15-10.30  Welcome and introduction Martin Dribe - Director of CED - and Lisa Eklund - Department of Sociology/CED 10.30-12.00  Fertility in Rich Countries: Trends, Surprises and Underlying Factors Tomas Sobotka - Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences 12.00-13.00  Lunch (only for pre-registered) 13.00-14.30 Chair: Johan Sandberg - Department of Sociology/

https://www.lupop.lu.se/lund-population-day-2019 - 2025-03-12

Lund Population Day 2018

Migration Program 10.00 - Welcome and introduction Professor Martin Dribe, Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM)/Department of Economic History/Centre for Economic Demography 10.30-12.00 - Keynote speaker: Professor Timothy Hatton, University of Essex: Refugees and asylum seekers, the crisis in Europe and the future of policy. 12.00-13.00 - Lunch in Ljusgården 13.00-14.30 - Sh

https://www.lupop.lu.se/lund-population-day-2018 - 2025-03-12

Lund Population Day 2020

Healthy Ageing Lund Population Day 2020 will take place on September 24. It will be possible to attend either in person (Segerfalksalen, BMC, Lund - number of participants is limited to 30) or online. Keynote lecture (11.00-12.00)Why study active ageing and how? Professor Taina Rantanen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland [Abstract]Afternoon sessions (13.00-16.30)To be old with intellectual disabili

https://www.lupop.lu.se/lund-population-day-2020 - 2025-03-12

Lund Population Day Newsletter

Fill out the questionnaire below to sign up for the Lund Population Day newsletter! Please note, that in doing so you agree to the storing of your information on Lund University servers. Full name (required) E-mail address (required) Affiliation Subscribe / unsubscribe (required) Subscribe Unsubscribe Leave this field blank Lund Population Day A yearly full-day thematic, interdisciplinary conferen

https://www.lupop.lu.se/form/lund-population-day-newsletter - 2025-03-12

HEAP - Health promoting Environments for an Aging Population

A register and GIS study to assess effects of urban green and low-noise neighborhoods on social service and nursing home This study investigated the possible effects of health-promoting environments on utilization of home care, using current neighborhood as well as the place of residence five and ten years earlier, respectively. Furthermore, whether the neighborhood environment affects the risk of

https://www.lupop.lu.se/heap-health-promoting-environments-aging-population - 2025-03-12