

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

Spectroscopic model characterisation of hot exoplanet atmospheres

Hot Jupiters are gas giants under intense stellar radiation with short orbital periods of only a few days. Due to their large radii, hot temperatures, and large scale heights, hot Jupiters can be observationally characterised in detail through spectroscopy over an entire orbital phase. Transmission spectroscopy is one of the tools that aid us in understanding the complex chemistry of exoplanet atm

CEO talk of sustainability in CEO letters: towards the inclusion of a sustainability embeddedness and value-creation perspective

PurposeThis paper aims to examine how CEO talk of sustainability in CEO letters evolves in a period of increased expectations from society for companies to increase their transition towards becoming more sustainable and to better account for progress and performance within the sustainability areas.Design/methodology/approachBy adopting an interpretive textual approach, the paper provides a careful

Play with a purpose: Intensive parenting, educational desires and shifting notions of childhood and learning in twenty-first century Singapore

This article examines how Singaporean parents negotiate complex expectations in relation to current reforms aimed at raising creative and problem-solving children. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, the article explores how ideas of brain-claiming, resilience, and natural exposure shape parenting practices around young children’s learning. The findings suggest that parents’ sentiments of uncertaintyThis article examines how Singaporean parents negotiate complex expectations in relation to current reforms aimed at raising creative and problem-solving children. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, the article explores how ideas of brain-claiming, resilience, and natural exposure shape parenting practices around young children’s learning. The findings suggest that parents’ sentiments of uncertainty

Quantitative properties of the creation and activation of a cell-intrinsic duration-encoding engram

The engram encoding the interval between the conditional stimulus (CS) and the unconditional stimulus (US) in eyeblink conditioning resides within a small population of cerebellar Purkinje cells. CSs activate this engram to produce a pause in the spontaneous firing rate of the cell, which times the CS-conditional blink. We developed a Bayesian algorithm that finds pause onsets and offsets in the r

Analyses of composite insulators with crimped end-fittings : Part I - Non linear finite element computations

The purpose of this research has been to design an advanced numerical model that can be used to evaluate the mechanical behavior of composite insulators with crimped end-fittings subjected to axial tensile loads. Two issues have been addressed in this study. First, examples of insulator failures due to improper crimping have been shown and discussed. Second, comprehensive nonlinear two- and three-

Block copolymer-based hybrid nanomaterials for nanoimprint applications

In this Master’s thesis project, a block copolymer (BCP) film was used in combination with sequential infiltration synthesis and etching to manufacture a nanoimprint lithography stamp consisting of silicon. The BCP film was designed to contain perpendicularly aligned hexagonally placed cylinders, a pattern that will later be investigated for antibacterial properties after being transferred via nan

Grovmotorisk utveckling hos barn med idiopatisk Pes Equino Varus Adductus

Bakgrund: Pes Equino Varus Adductus (PEVA), även känt som klumpfot, är en medfödd felställning i fotens leder som kräver omfattande behandling under flera år. Det finns ett fåtal studier om hur PEVA påverkar barns grovmotoriska utveckling. Mer kunskap behövs om vilka faktorer som eventuellt kan påverka den grovmotoriska utvecklingen. Syfte: Att beskriva och jämföra utveckling av grovmotorik och pa


Object and context are inseparable. Meaning, interpretation and function are derived from the relation between them. Extrapolate emphasizes the connection between the object and its physical context. The luminaire is the start of a series of objects, which extend their presence by relating closely to the existing context – complementing it instead of working against it. The light source is suspen

The Effects of Internet use on Political Participation: A Statistical Analysis of the African Context

The internet brings a multitude of opportunities for information access, communication, and mobilization. Many studies point to the democratizing effect of the internet in that it increases political participation among citizens. However, much of this evidence is produced on a Western context where the penetration of the internet is well-established. This thesis examines the effect of internet use

The Gendered Secondary Impacts of COVID-19 as a Critical Juncture for NGO Program Policy? Insights from The Hunger Project

This thesis employs a historical institutionalist lens to analyze whether the gendered impacts of COVID-19 have initiated a critical juncture in The Hunger Project’s program policy. Crises such as COVID-19 may lead actors within organizations to question existing policies, giving them greater opportunities than normal to transform these, with lasting consequences. Theory-testing process-tracing is

A Rebalancing Act? - Human Rights and Environmental Counterclaims in International Investment Arbitration

Internationell investeringsrätt är ett mycket komplext rättsområde som består av cirka 3000 internationella investeringsavtal som syftar till att främja och skydda utländska investeringar. De tillhandahåller en tvistlösningsmekanism kallad investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mellan investerare och stater som ger investerare rätt att stämma värdstater direkt inför internationella skiljedomstolInternational investment law (IIL) is a highly complex area of law that consists of around 3000 international investment agreements (IIAs) that aim to promote and protect foreign investment. They provide for investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) which gives investors the right to sue host States directly through international arbitral tribunals. During the last decade, this system has received

Rätten till en trygg bostadsrätt - Konsumenträttsliga brister vid köp och ägande av bostadsrätt

Bostadsrätt är en av de vanligaste boendeformerna i Sverige. Det finns närmare 30 000 aktiva bostadsrättsföreningar och ungefär en miljon bostadsrätter. Under det senaste decenniet har priserna på bostadsrätter tredubblats och många nybyggnationsprojekt har inletts. Att köpa en bostad är för många en av de viktigaste investeringarna i personens liv, inte bara för att det är en stor ekonomisk affärCooperative apartments are one of the most common forms of housing in Sweden. There are closer to 30,000 active tenant owners’ associations and approximately one million cooperative apartments. In the last decade the price of a cooperative apartment has tripled, and many new construction projects have been launched. To buy a home is often one of the most important investments in a person’s life, n

Likhet inför aktiebolagslagen - Något om tillämpningen av likhetsprincipen och generalklausulerna

Uppsatsen behandlar likhetsprincipen och generalklausulerna i svensk aktiebolagsrätt. Reglerna utgör en del av det så kallade minoritetsskyddet. Även om bestämmelserna är gamla, är tillämpningen och förhållandet mellan likhetsprincipen och generalklausulerna något som fortfarande debatteras. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utröna hur tillämpningen av reglerna ska förstås och hur de förhåller sig till The thesis deals with the principle of equality and the general clauses in the Swedish Companies Act. The rules form part of the so-called minority protection. Although the regulations are old, the application and relationship between the principle of equality and the general clauses is something that is still debated. The essay aims to find out how the application of the rules should be understoo

Behavioral Pain Scale – translation, reliability, and validity in a Swedish context

BackgroundAssessing pain in the intensive care unit (ICU) is challenging. Due to intubation and sedation, communication can be limited. International guidelines recommend assessing pain with instruments based on behavioral parameters when critically ill patients are unable to self-report their pain level. One of the recommended instruments, the Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS), has shown good validity

Könsrelaterade riskfaktorer för främre korsbandsskador – en litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Främre korsbandsskador är en av de vanligaste skadorna inom idrottsskadetraumatologin. Detta är ett bekymmer då det främre korsbandet är en av de viktigaste stabiliserande strukturerna i knäleden. Vid en skada förlorar idrottaren således mycket av knäledens stabilitet och neuromuskulära kontroll, vilket ofta ger långsiktiga negativa konsekvenser såsom instabilitet och artros. Det finns f

Omprövning av markavvattningsföretag - när, av vem och hur?

Sammanfattning Markavvattning innebär att en åtgärd som genomförs permanent ändrar markens vattenförhållanden. Detta görs för att marken ska bli lämplig att använda genom att ta bort oönskat vatten genom dränering eller dikning. Det kan också vara genom skydd mot vatten vid invallning. Markavvattning ska uppfylla syftet att varaktigt öka en fastighets lämplighet för ett visst ändamål. Ett markavvDrainage units are measures that permanently modify the water conditions of the land. This is done through drainage or dikes to make the soil more suitable for use by removing unwanted water. Drainage units shall fulfill the purpose of permanently increasing the suitability of a property for a specific purpose. A joint drainage unit is a drainage unit commonly used by several properties. For execu

Community Seed Banks – too Embedded to Fail? A comparative case study on the sustainability of community seed banks in Uganda and Tanzania

Since the 1980s, community seed banks (CSBs) have been established around the world to conserve and improve access to indigenous seed for smallholder communities and contribute to food and seed sovereignty. However, after the withdrawal of external support, these CSB initiatives often collapse. Using a qualitative, comparative case study design, this study provides an in-depth analysis of CSBs est

Study of the kinetics, mechanisms and catalysis activity of photo-electro degradation of organic pollutants via new neural network based methodology

A novel calculation methodology containing modeling and statistics was developed to assist the experimental process for the investigation of organics treatment process. A continuous-flow photo-electro treatment of Norfloxacin (NOR) was chosen as a target subject. The methodology is based on a new synergistic work of reaction energy calculation, full-scanned neural network (NN) simulation and new p