

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

Social interaction in local public squares after dark

This paper explores social interaction in local public squares under different lighting conditions. At its best public squares are social spaces that engender a sense of belonging, increase the quality of life and wellbeing of individuals. It is proposed that outdoor lighting would be essential to the use of the public realm after dark, but empirical results regarding lighting conditions and socia

Mathematical modelling of temperature and emissions in fluidised bed furnace

The circulating fluidised bed boiler (CFB) consists of developing the combustion of a mass of fuel, in this case biomass, within a bed of particles in suspension, which have been fluidised by an ascending air current. Combustion occurs in a controlled manner throughout the entire furnace at temperatures around 850 ºC, which is lower than in conventional boilers, reducing NOx emissions. However, NO

Food systems of the Andean Quechua: Countering industrial agriculture through harmonious living, food sovereignty, and traditional knowledge

The Potato Park is an Andean Quechua biocultural heritage territory where six communities restored a rich biodiversity of native potatoes and other crops. Their food system has gained global recognition over the past two decades for the communities’ cultural and agricultural conservation efforts. The central question of this study is how do the communities resist the hegemonic industrial agricultu

Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens omfördelning av handelsbolagsresultat - när, hur och varför?

Skatterätten anknyter till många civilrättsliga termer och bestämmelser. Vid beskattningen har de getts samma innebörd inom skatterätten som i civilrätten. Till följd av den vida avtalsfriheten har det gett de skatteskyldiga stora möjligheter att påverka beskattningen. Förehavanden kan således konstrueras så att de träffas av skattesystemets lägre skattesatser. Häremot har såväl rättstillämparen sThe Swedish tax system is linked to many civil law concepts and provisions. In taxation, they have been given the same meaning in tax law as in civil law. As a result of the wide freedom of contract, this has given taxpayers great opportunities to influence taxation. Dealings can thus be designed so that they are affected by the tax system's lower tax rates. On the other hand, both the judicia

Kartläggning av ljumskproblematik och höftfunktion hos en grupp svenska fotbollsspelare på subelitnivå

Bakgrund Höft- och ljumskskador är den näst vanligaste skadan som drabbar fotbollsspelare och spelare på alla olika nivåer påverkas. På grund av sportens stora popularitet är det viktigt att kunna identifiera spelare som riskerar att skadas och på så sätt förebygga vävnadsskada och skadefrånvaro. Alla skador leder däremot inte till frånvaro från match eller träning och det är vanligt att spelare f

Contested justice - Climate justice activists’ and coal workers’ interpretations of a just transition in the Rhinish lignite phase out

The combustion of lignite coal for energy production significantly contributes to Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions, leading climate justice activists to advocate for an immediate coal exit. Workers of the lignite industry strongly oppose this as they worry about the structural decline of mining regions and their financial security. The concept of Just Transition is increasingly employed to bridg

Nattliga eskapader: Om Eugène Janssons skymningsmåleri och cruising

At the turn of the twentieth century, Swedish painter Eugène Jansson created a series of paintings inspired by the city nights of Stockholm. This bachelor thesis examines the paintings in relation to urban gay spaces and sexual meetings in the early nineteen hundreds. The paintings by Jansson, himself a homosexual male, have at a few times vaguely been described as portraying the moments before an

Content and strength of conflict of interest policies at Scandinavian Medical Schools: a cross sectional study

BackgroundConcerns around staffs’ and students’ interactions with commercial entities, for example drug companies, have led several North American medical schools to implement conflict of interest (COI) policies. However, little is known about COI policies at European medical schools. We analysed the content and strength of COI policies at Scandinavian medical schools.MethodsWe searched the websit

Effect of Regular, Low-Dose, Extended-release Morphine on Chronic Breathlessness in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease : The BEAMS Randomized Clinical Trial

IMPORTANCE: Chronic breathlessness is common in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Regular, low-dose, extended-release morphine may relieve breathlessness, but evidence about its efficacy and dosing is needed.OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of different doses of extended-release morphine on worst breathlessness in people with COPD after 1 week of treatment.DESIGN, SETTING

User-orientation in public service organizations : Making use of value as a thick concept

Value is a key concept in public service logic. However, exactly what the concept of value brings to public services, where the value of a service cannot be linked to a cost or a payment, has not received much attention. In this article, examples are shown of how value is expressed empirically by a corpus based on interviews with various stakeholders in a municipal service context. The study prese

Patients´ experiences of pain in the intensive care – The delicate balance of control

AimTo explore the patients´ experiences of pain when being cared for in the intensive care.DesignAn exploratory, qualitative design was chosen.MethodInterviews were performed with patients (October 2015–March 2017) within a week of post-intensive care (N = 16). Thematic analysis was used as method for analysis.ResultsThe findings generated two themes – a lack of control and to struggle for control

Påverkas svensk handel av gränskontroller?

In this essay I will be studying the effects of border control on Sweden’s international trade, using the gravity model and a fixed effects method. The gravity model is one of the empirically most successful tools in the field of international economy today. But it is also a tool which relies on the literature and previous research for its theoretical foundation. The regression used in this essay

Of Legal Mobilisation and Active Citizenship: Examining NGO Litigation in India to Eradicate Manual Scavenging

For decades, manual scavengers – people cleaning and engaging with human faeces as part of the sanitation chain, most of whom are Dalits – in India have been protesting against the severe health risks and exploitation associated with their work. Despite the enactment of stricter laws and high-profile court cases and wins, manual scavenging persists rampantly. Yet, non-governmental organisations (N

Interna rapporteringskanaler - ett ändamålsenligt verktyg för visselblåsare? - En undersökning av i vilken mån utformningen av interna rapporteringskanaler enligt 5 kap. visselblåsarlagen uppfyller sitt tilltänkta syfte

Den 17 december 2021 trädde en ny visselblåsarlag i kraft. Lagen infördes för att genomföra visselblåsardirektivet. Det övergripande syftet med visselblåsarlagen är att stärka skyddet för enskilda som rapporterat om missförhållanden som de fått kännedom om i arbetsrelaterade sammanhang. För att förverkliga ändamålet har det bland annat införts en skyldighet för verksamhetsutövare, med 50 eller fleOn the 17th of December 2021 the new Whistleblowing Act came into effect. The regulation was introduced to annex the European Whistleblowing Directive. The main aim of the Whistleblowing Act is to strengthen the protection for individuals who report information on a wrongdoing in a work-related context. To fulfil this purpose an obligation to have internal reporting channels have been imposed. Thi

Product destruction: Exploring unsustainable production-consumption systems and appropriate policy responses

The practice of product destruction, whereby retailers or manufacturers dispose of viable consumer products such as unsold goods or customer returns, is an extreme expression of the linearity of our current production-consumption system. This qualitative exploratory study aims to uncover why companies engage in this highly unsustainable and resource-inefficient behaviour and to explore the potenti

Being Here Just as A Human Being : The performance of the public libraries in Malmö in terms of integration in an ethnically diverse context

Public libraries are not warehouses for books but education supporters, social justice and inclusion promoters and socialising providers by virtue of their comprehensive and well-organised media resources and the space of library buildings. Based on the social impacts mentioned above, public libraries play a significant role in social integration and cohesion, which is one of their responsibilitie

Phosphorous Precipitation in Source Separated Greywater for Direct Environmental Release.

Allt eftersom vår förståelse om vår egen miljöpåverkan förändras, så förändras också begräns- ningsstrategierna vi använder för att förhindra och motverka dem. En viktig källa till antropo- gena utsläpp är avloppsvatten eftersom det innehåller patogener, näringsämnen, och mikroför- oreningar. Ett skifte mot källsorterat avloppsvatten under de senaste åren har öppnat dörren för att anpassa och fokuAs our understanding of the impact humans have on the environment changes, so too do the mitigation strategies we employ to prevent it. One major source of anthropogenic pollution is wastewater effluent. A shift towards source separation of wastewater into different streams in recent years has opened a door to tailor treatment to specific types of water. The largest propor- tion of domestic wastew

Cold air exposure at − 15 °C induces more airway symptoms and epithelial stress during heavy exercise than rest without aggravated airway constriction

Purpose: Exposure to cold air may harm the airways. It is unclear to what extent heavy exercise adds to the cold-induced effects on peripheral airways, airway epithelium, and systemic immunity among healthy individuals. We investigated acute effects of heavy exercise in sub-zero temperatures on the healthy airways. Methods: Twenty-nine healthy individuals underwent whole body exposures to cold air

Taktila cues för att facilitera skapulothorakal muskelaktivitet - en pilotstudie med EMG

Bakgrund: Icke-traumatisk skuldersmärta är ett vanligt förekommande problem som drabbar upp till 26% av befolkningen. Nedsatt muskelaktivitet i m. serratus anterior och m. trapezius pars ascendens anses vara en stor orsak till smärta och dysfunktionella rörelsemönster. Tidigare forskning har visat att cues kan vara ett sätt att öka muskelaktivitet och förbättra skulderfunktionen. En form av taktil