

Din sökning på "*" gav 530377 sökträffar

Cirkulär vattenanvändning i Simrishamns kommun ur en kvalitetsaspekt - Möjligheterna för återanvändning av vatten för dricksvattenändamål och bevattning av åkermark efter konstgjord infiltration

Färskvatten av god kvalitet och kvantitet är avgörande för mänsklig överlevnad och livskvalitet. För att ta vara på befintliga vattenresurser vid vattenbrist kan renat avloppsvatten återanvändas. Simrishamns kommun i östra Skåne upplever redan idag vattenbrist och återanvändning av vatten genom konstgjord infiltration övervägs därför. Syftet med det här arbetet är att klargöra den kemiska kvalitetSufficient quantity and quality of fresh water is crucial for human survival and quality of life. Water resources in water scarce areas can be efficiently managed by water reuse. In the Swedish municipality of Simrishamn, water scarcity is already a fact. Therefore, indirect water reuse by artificial infiltration is considered. The aim of this project is to examine the chemical quality and thereby

Semi-Automatic calculation of the stability of shear walls in multi-storey buildings

Stabilitetsberäkningar under tidigt projektstadium är tidskrävande och små ändringar i byggnadens geometri kräver nya tidskrävande beräkningar. Vanligtvis är byggnader modellerade i 3D program såsom Revit och Tekla men beräkningar utförs i andra program. Ett beräkningsprogram i Dynamo (tillägg till Revit) har skapats som kan hämta geometriska data och material data från en Revit modell och automatPerforming horizontal stability analysis in the conceptual design phase is time consuming and adjustments in the geometry of the building require new time consuming calculations. Often buildings are modelled in 3D modelling software such as Revit and Tekla but the calculations are often performed in a separate software. A script in Dynamo (add-in to Revit) has been designed that manages to gather

One Size Does Not Fit All - A study on crisis management within a Swedish university during the COVID-19 pandemic

The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the current field of research on crisis management within higher education. More precisely, this thesis aims to increase the understanding of the scope and dimensions to be considered by universities when preparing and planning for a potential crisis. A qualitative study with abductive reasoning has been conducted to fulfill the purpose of this t

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av neonatalavdelningen IVA, SUS

På neonatalavdelningen i Lund bedrivs högspecialicerad vård av barn som föds i för tidig gestalationsålder. I december 2020 skedde en brand i sjukhusets källare, detta resulterade i att brandskyddet på avdelningen förbättrades då brister upptäcktes under branden. Denna rapport är huvudmomentet i kursen Brandteknisk riskvärdering på Lunds Tekniska Högskola. I rapporten analyseras och utvärderas detOn the neonatal ward in Lund a higly specialized medical care is practised on infants born in a to early gestalation age. In december 2020 there was a fire in the hospitals basement which resulted in improving the fire protection in the ward when flaws where discoverd after the fire. This report is the main part of the course fire protection risk evaluation on Lunds Techincal University. In the re

Bakom kulisserna på cancelkultur

Examensarbetets titel: Bakom kulisserna på cancelkultur Seminariedatum: 2022-06-03 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete kandidatnivå i marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Tilda Alexandersson, Sandra Andreasson och Linnéa Wrobel Handledare: Peter Svensson Fem nyckelord: Cancelkultur, Generation Z, Drivkrafter, Kapitalteori, Bandwagon-effekt Forskningsfråga: Vilka bakomliggandeTitle: Behind the scenes of cancel culture Seminar date: 2022-06-03 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Marketing. Authors: Tilda Alexandersson, Sandra Andreasson and Linnéa Wrobel Advisor: Peter Svensson Key words: Cancel culture, Generation Z, Driving force, Capital theory, Bandwagon-effect Research question: What underlying d

Evaluation of a testing method for shear stiffness properties for cross laminated timber

Utvärdering av testmetod för bestämning av skjuvstyvhet för korslimmat trä Byggbranschen står inför stora utmaningar de kommande åren. Cirka 20% av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser kommer från just denna bransch. Betong, som länge varit ett tryggt och pålitligt val är en av bovarna i dramat. Nya mer klimatsmarta byggmaterial är därför ett måste. Ett allt mer populärt alternativ till betonCross laminated timber (CLT) is an engineered wood product that was first developed in the 1990s. Since then it has grown in popularity thanks to its many advantages such as: low environment impact, high degree of prefabrication and low weight. As the material is relatively new the standardization process is still in the early stages. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate a testing method whic

Sequential Good-Turing and the Missing Species Problem

This essay introduces the sequential Good-Turing estimator and reviews the Good-Turing, Good-Toulmin and smoothed Good-Toulmin estimators. Some theoretical properties and drawbacks of the estimators are described. MonteCarlo simulation is then used to compare the performance of the sequential Good-Turing estimator to the performance of the Good-Toulmin estimator along with the smoothed Good-Toulmi

En granskning av hydrogelparametrar för bioprintning

Bioprinting is the act of using a 3D-printer in order to make structures out of materials that contain living cells. A big problem with this is that there is no defined standard for how this bioink should be made or what characteristics it should possess. This report intends to establish a set of criterias with which to evaluate the quality of the hydrogel used to create a bioink. This project wil

Climate Change Performance as a Proxy for Transformative Capacity: A quantitative study of the relationship between the cognitive, structural and agency dimension of transformative capacity and climate change performance of 43 countries (2008-2022)

In this study, the quantitative relationship between the three dimensions of transformative capacity – cognitive, structural and agency – and the climate change performance of countries is examined. To do this, indexes are created and panel data regressions conducted. The result indicates a significant negative relationship between the cognitive and diversity dimension index and climate change per

3D Privacy Masking using Monocular Depth Estimation

This thesis strives to dive deeper within the area of Monocular Depth Estimation, approximating distance information from one single image using deep neural networks. It introduces a thorough evaluation and analysis of state-of-the-art depth estimation models regarding proposed aspects of relevance for downstream video applications, specifically in a surveillance domain. This leads to three custom

Merger Control in the EU: When is an Impediment to Effective Competition Significant?

Merger control is an important component of competition law in the EU. There are two levels of merger control in the EU. The first level is EU merger control for transactions that have an EU dimension, which fall within the jurisdiction of the Commission under the EU Merger Regulation. The second level is national merger control for transactions which do not meet the criteria of the EU Merger Regu

Can Your Darkness be Measured? Validating the Dark Core of Personality in Swedish

Objective: The Dark Factor of Personality (D) measures the underlying core of all aversive traits. The present study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Swedish version of three item sets D70, D35, and 16 in regard to their factor structure, item quality and functioning, reliability, and convergent and discriminant validity. Method: A convenience and prolific sample (N = 294) was analyze

A tuber for Ghanaian development: Influence of agro-processing activities in the lives and livelihoods of cassava farmers.

The study explores the influence of agro-processing activities in the lives and livelihoods of cassava farmers in five communities located in four districts in the Ashanti and Volta regions in Ghana. The qualitative research is done by performing thirty-six semi-structured interviews to farmers and stakeholders along the cassava value chain. The research concludes that agro-processing activities a

A study of Spontenous CP Violation in the Scale Invariant 2HDM

Inom partikelfysik försöker forskare hitta en så djupgående och allmän modell som möjligt. Den modell som experimentellt har verifierats kallas för Standardmodellen (SM). Det finns dock andra teorier, såsom Tvåhiggsdubbletmodellen (2HDM), som innehåller mer exotisk fysik. Dock är experimentella verktyg begränsade och som fysiker vill man gärna kunna ha en teori för att kunna förutspå egenskaper soIn this thesis, we study the Higgs mass spectrum and spontaneous CP violation, where one of the Higgs vacuum expectation values acquires a non-trivial phase θ in a Type-I 2HDM. We begin by investigating CP violating effects at tree-level, and then expand our studies by taking into account one-loop radiative corrections. After imposing tadpole conditions we discover that this model gives the same m

Continuous health monitoring via sampling of metabolites released through the skin

Introduction Skin metabolomics may serve as a powerful tool to evaluate the physiological changes oc- curring in the body as a range of compounds, coming from inside the body, are retained in the skin. Background The diffusion kinetics of metabolites across the skin, the composition of the skin, the metabolites released as a consequence of different illnesses as well as the relationship be- tween

Klingande kulturarv : en undersökning om informationspraktiker hos professionella musiker inom fältet tidig musik

The purpose of this master’s thesis is to illuminate the information practices of professional musicians in the field of Early music. These musicians have a special interest in exploring the performance practices of the time periods when the music was composed, to make it more vivid in the present. This more and more widespread approach to Early music is called Historically Informed Performance (H

Small Purchases Make A Big Difference

The high competition in the FMCG market today has led to an increased focus on retaining customers and adding value beyond the core business interest. Consequently, most brands engage in cause-related activities to drive brand loyalty. However, the FMCG industry is characterized by low customer involvement, which could argue why cause-related activities do not affect customer behavior. Furthermore

Value proposition for a multi-sided platform connecting ideators, investors, and talents

Entreprenörskap karaktäriseras av en snabbföränderlig och osäker miljö. I tillägg har intressenter i området olika perspektiv och bekymmer samt är beroende av varandra. För att en ny affärsverksamhet ska lyckas är finansiering och humant kapital ofta viktiga faktorer, särskilt inom tech, och i dagsläget är det svårt att skapa/uppnå ”rätt” koppling i samspelet mellan unga företag (ideators), investThe field of entrepreneurship is characterized by a fast-changing and uncertain environment. In addition, stakeholders within the field all come with different perspectives and concerns and are dependent upon each other. For a new business to be successful, financing and human capital are often determinants, especially within tech, and it is difficult to attain the “right” connections between youn

Phase and Interface Design in Potential Earth-Abundant Multi-Component Photocatalysts

Transition metal phosphides are low-cost, earth-abundant semiconductors with promising properties for photocatalysis, including water-splitting. When combined with other semiconductors or noble metals in nanoparticles, their photocatalytic performance can be drastically enhanced. Currently, significant research efforts are aiming to explore the facet and interface evolution and the correlation wit