

Din sökning på "*" gav 529470 sökträffar

The Carbon Impact of Component Production in China: Investigating the Impact of Carbon Border Adjustment Policies for a Global Manufacturing Company

Title: The Carbon Impact of Component Production in China: Investigating the Impact of Carbon Border Adjustment Policies for a Global Manufacturing Company Authors: Fabian Bergman & Spiros Pavlidis Supervisor: Eva Berg, Lecturer at Engineering Logistics, Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University Examiner: Louise Bildsten, Associate Lecturer at Engineering Logistics, Faculty of Enginee

Legacy effects of temperature alterations on microbial resistance and resilience to drying and rewetting

With warming in soils due to climate change, a series of secondary factors arise, which have multifaceted effects on soil microbial communities. Of these, alterations to soil moisture are among the most crucial to understanding how microbial functions will change in the face of climate change. As living organisms, microbes must adapt to their environment, and their adaptations are reflected in the


Objective: Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) is an established risk marker in diabetic vascular disease, and associated with the degree of diabetes complications, renal failure, and atherosclerosis in older individuals. The relationship between aortic stiffness and AGEs has not been thoroughly examined in the younger population. We aimed to evaluate the association between AGEs and aortic sti

From Streaming to Evoking That Extra Feeling

This study aims to investigate how brand extensions within streaming services affect consumers’ attitudes and emotional attachment to the parent brand. Beyond fit and quality, we provide an explanation of the connection between brand extensions, emotional attachment, and consumer attitude. This research adopts a critical realist ontology, interpretivism epistemology, and abductive approach through

Identifying the Barriers to Pre-owned Fashion: A Consumer Perspective

Thesis Purpose: This study aims to enhance the understanding of factors that discourage consumers from buying pre-owned fashion in a multichannel retail setting. Methodology: Rooted in a qualitative and exploratory method, this study is further guided by an abductive approach. By embracing the essence of the social constructivist epistemology and a relativistic ontological standpoint, it delves i

The Versatile Touchpoint: User-generated content as a new touchpoint in the customer journey

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how a new touchpoint has emerged due to the customers or potential customers sharing their customer journeys on social media through user-generated content. Methodology: This paper takes a qualitative approach where netnography research has been conducted to collect data on the social media platform TikTok. After the collection process, the d

Innovation Investments During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The authors of this paper identified a gap in the debate revolving around innovation during a crisis and recognized the importance of exploring whether being highly innovative is universally desirable across all sectors during times of crisis. While previous research has emphasized the positive impact of innovation on performance, it is essential to investigate the negative impact of innovation an

Framtidsfullmakter och finansinstitut: Ett fungerande system?

År 2017 antogs lag (2017:310) om framtidsfullmakter, LFF, med syftet att fungera som ett alternativ till systemet för godmans- och förmyndarskap i föräldrabalken (1949:381). LFF infördes för att ge enskilda möjligheten att kontrollera sina framtida ekonomiska och personliga förehavanden. Målet med den nya lagstiftningen var att öka den enskildes integritet och rätt till självbestämmande. FramtidsfIn 2017, the Act on powers of attorney for the future (2017:310) was adopted with the aim of serving as an alternative to the system for limited guardians and administrators in the Parental Code (1949:381). The Act was introduced to give individuals the opportunity to control their future financial and person-al affairs. The goal of the new legislation was to increase the individual´s integrity an

Anonyma vittnen i Sverige - Införandet av anonyma vittnens påverkan på rättssäkerheten

Med tanke på den ökade gängkriminaliteten i Sverige under de senaste åren har en stor debatt kring anonyma vittnen skapats och fått stor uppmärksamhet. Inte minst efter att vi fick en ny regering under hösten 2022 som genom Tidöavtalet har lovat att införa ett system med anonyma vittnen. Sverige är ett av de få länderna i EU som inte tillåter anonyma vittnen i dagsläget men det kommer sannolikt atConsidering the increased gang-related crime in Sweden in recent years, a significant debate on anonymous witnesses has emerged and gained considerable attention. This is particularly notable following the formation of a new government in the autumn of 2022, which, through the Tidö Agreement, has pledged to introduce a system of anonymous witnesses. Sweden is one of the few countries in the Europe

The Formula to Success

Research question: How does the consumer-brand relationship evolve between fans and highprofile sport teams? Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to understand how the consumer-brand relationship evolves between fans and high-profile sports teams, more specifically, Formula 1 teams. It will explore the triadic relationship that exists with other consumers in addition to the dyadic relationship betw

...de dödas kroppsliga forms uppståndelse och ett evigt liv. - En undersökning av Origenes syn på kroppens uppståndelse

In this essay, I will examine what Origen of Alexandria believed about the resurrection of the body. Origen was condemned as a heretic at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553, one of the main reasons for this was that he was said to deny the physical resurrection of the body. Due to the condemnation of Origen, the work of copying his works was also stopped, with the result that many of Orig

Development of a guide system for free neutron oscillation searches at the European Spallation Source

Några av de stora mysterierna inom fysik idag handlar om vad mörk materia egentligen är och varför det finns så mycket mer materia än antimateria i universum. Två av de planerade instrumenten vid ESS i Lund, HIBEAM och NNBAR, har som mål att försöka besvara dessa frågor genom att studera hypotetiska fria neutronoscillationer. I detta arbete har optiska guidesystem för neutroner på HIBEAMs strålstrIn this project, a neutron delivery system for the study of free neutron oscillations at the HIBEAM beamline at the European Spallation Source (ESS) has been developed. The HIBEAM experiment is part of a two-stage program at ESS which will address open questions in physics; specifically the nature of dark matter and the observed asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the Universe. This will be

The Overstory: A Blueprint for Cultural Change in the Anthropocene

Within the field of ecocriticism, there is an ongoing discussion about climate change fiction and the capacity for literature to inspire cultural change in relation to the climate crisis of the Anthropocene. Relatively new novels explore the inherent conflict between consumerist features of contemporary human culture and scientific facts regarding human impact on life on Earth. In Richard Powers P

Stigma och självbild hos äldre arbetslösa – en studie om personer över 55 år och deras situation i långtidsarbetslöshet

Denna kandidatuppsats syfte var att ta reda på hur personer över 55 år upplever sin situation som långtidsarbetslöshet i Sverige. Hur man upplever normer och fördomar och på vilket sätt det påverkar arbetslösas självbild. För att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar har intervjuer gjorts med tre deltagare för att få en djupare inblick över deras situation och deras egna upplevelser av att vara

Är det meningsfullt? En kvalitativ studie som belyser arbetstagares upplevelse och dess betydelse för arbetsmiljöarbete

Arbetstagare och deras arbetsmiljö är ett ständigt aktuellt ämne som diskuteras i olika sammanhang. Det framkommer också dystra bilder vilka signalerar undermålig arbetsmiljö runt om på en del av landets arbetsplatser. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka arbetstagares upplevelser och dess betydelse för arbetsmiljöarbetet. Mot bakgrund av det ställs frågor kring vad som påverkar arbetstagares

Effects of split diesel injection strategies on combustion, knocking, cyclic variations and emissions of a natural gas-diesel dual fuel medium speed engine

Accelerated by the harms and depletion risk of fossil fuels, transition to low-carbon or renewable fuels have become an urgent need for combustion engines to decarbonize transport sectors. Natural gas-diesel dual-fuel combustion is a promising method to achieve these goals by allowing the usage of natural gas in diesel engines. However, this concept has drawbacks of low combustion efficiency, high

The Path to the Soft Life: Exploring the Blesser Phenomenon in South Africa

South Africa has one of the highest incidences of HIV in the world and young women are disproportionately affected. Scholars have pointed to the practice of Transactional Sexual Relationships (TSR) as a driving force behind HIV incidences among young women. However, research devoted towards understanding TSR and why women engage in these relationships remains debated. In 2016, the Blesser-phenomen

Investigation of Analog Calibration Systems for Spurious Tone Suppression in Frequency Triplers

The market for Wi-Fi receiver designs for latest Wi-Fi standards, that cover RF bands in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 6 GHz spectrum, require increasingly stringent power consumption limitations as more of the market is driven towards battery-powered devices. In order to meet those needs, it is crucial to explore different ways of reducing power consumption in various receiver blocks. One such power con