

Din sökning på "*" gav 532855 sökträffar

Kartläggning av framtida risker och sårbarheter inom elnätsbolag - fokus på klimatförändringar och långsiktiga samhällstrender

Klimatkrisen, befolkningstillväxten och alltmer ansträngt elförsörjning. Vad måste Skånes eldistributörer göra för att säkerställa att elen levereras till dig i framtiden? Vilka utmaningar står de inför? Risk- och sårbarhetsanalys är ett viktigt steg i att reducera risker och minimera sårbarheter i samhället, dvs. ett sätt för att öka samhällets förmåga att förbereda sig inför kriser och extraordTo gain increased understanding of how long-term societal trends affect the southern Swedish electric distribution systems, a risk and vulnerability assessment was conducted with the help of literature analysis, interview and Matlab simulations. A representative distribution network was created to mimic Helsingborgs network, owned by Öresundskraft. A comprehensive literature study and interview wi

Systematiskt brandskyddsarbete i restaurangmiljö

The aim of this thesis is to gain knowledge about how systematic fire prevention work in restaurants in Sweden and to gain knowledge of risks in restaurants and nightclub environments. The aim is also to gather some solutions of how to improve the knowledge of fire safety and systematic fire prevention work if needed in restaurants, and which type of companies that needs these solutions. Informati

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner som främjar aktivitetsengagemang hos vuxna inom psykiatriska öppenvårdsformer.

Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa kan innebära att en person upplever svårigheter att hantera vardagen och därmed påverka individens aktivitetsengagemang negativt. Aktivitetsengagemang innefattar en individs livsstil i form av rutiner, balans mellan olika typer av aktiviteter samt social delaktighet och är viktigt för hälsan, delaktighet och rehabiliteringen av psykisk ohälsa. Dock saknas det studier som kBackground: Mental illness can have a negative effect on a person's ability in coping with everyday life and thereby occupational engagement. Occupational engagement is important for health, participation and the rehabilitation of mental illness and includes an individual's lifestyle in the form of routines, balance between different types of activities and social participation. However, t

Computational modelling of photosynthetic excitons coupled to a microcavity

Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) is a theory that is used for describing the interaction between matter and cavity modes. Not until relatively recently, cavity QED has been extended to the study of photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes (LHCs). Multiple phenomena unique to strongly cavity-coupled molecular systems have also been observed in LHCs in cavities. Of such phenomena, one is the fo

Construction Supervision with Augmented Reality

Construction sites are key points regarding implementing robot supervision to create more secure, reliable, and free hand-work workspaces. This project’s scope is to develop a complete interpretation of a modern concept of surveillance. For this case, the test scenario is the industrial lab at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, known as RobotLab. For its development, an Augmented Reality

Reducing Polarization in Opinion Networks in the Presence of Stubborn Leaders

We study the problem of reducing polarization (variance) of opinions at stationarity in a directed weighted graph with node set divided into two groups: stubborn, initialized with a fixed opinion and regular who repeatedly update their opinion to the average of their out-neighbors, known as the DeGroot model with stubborn nodes. We show how the polarization can be minimized for a number of simple

En undersökning av debias påverkan på allvarlighetsbedömningar av fysiskt och psykiskt våld.

Studien reflekterar över konceptet debias, en teknik som avser att reducera påverkan av bias, och dess effektivitet med hänsyn till allvarlighetsskattningar av narrativ innehållande våld i nära relationer. Specifikt undersökte metoden debias påverkan på olika former av kommunikationsbias. Narrativ som beskriver både fysiskt och psykiskt våld presenterades i en enkät (N = 118) som innehöll två grupThis study reflects on the concept of debias, a technique developed to reduce biased interpretations, and its effectiveness with regard to severity assessments concerning intimate partner violence. Specifically, the method aims to estimate the effects of debiasing on different forms of communication bias. Narratives describing physical and psychological violence were thus presented in a survey for

Den svenska IPO-frenzyn

Titel: Den svenska IPO-frenzyn Seminariedatum: 14-1-2022 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15HP Författare: Hugo Melin, Benjamin Noring, Nikki Samarzija Handledare: Håkan Jankensgård Nyckelord: IPO, IPO-frenzy, Förstadagsavkastning, Hot issue market, Underprissättning Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det föreligger någon signifikant skillnad på de sven

Det Globala Pusslet - En jämförelse av underprissättning samt dess bakomliggande faktorer i tillväxt- och etablerade ekonomier

Examensarbetets titel: Det Globala Pusslet: En jämförelse av underprissättning samt dess bakomliggande faktorer i tillväxt- och etablerade ekonomier Seminariedatum: 13/01 - 2022 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i finansiering, 15 hp Författare: Carl Fernquist, Elias Edin, Wilma Overgaard Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: Börsintroduktion, Underprissättning, Tillväxtekonomi, Et

Missväxt för vem? En analys av missväxten i Jönköpings län 1868-1869

Famine has played an essential part in the rise and fall of many civilizations. Yet, many considers the plight of famine a phenomenon of the past, reserved for but the poorest parts of the world. In Europe there are plenty examples of famine and hardship during the 19th century. When the most recent famine in Swedish history struck the area of Småland during the 1860s, the mortality distribution d

Fate of nanoplastics and their effects on ecosystem functions in constructed wetlands

The production of plastics has seen incredible growth in recent years. Accordingly, the release of plastic particles (micro and nano) into the environment is also increasing. Information on environmental, biological concentrations, and the fate of nanoplastic (NP) in aquatic environments are scarce. Most in vitro studies have been investigating the effects of NPs at higher exposure concentrations

Jag är den ni söker: En experimentell studie kring jobbannonsers effekt på skönmålning

Personality tests are a common tool in recruitment. A problem that may arise is candidates who adjust their answers in a socially desirable way to improve their chances of employment. The research question of this study was: “How the reporting of personality traits is affected by manipulation of the content of a fictional job advertisement and can this be interpreted as socially desirable respondi

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av moralisk stress inom slutenvården

Bakgrund: Moralisk stress infinner sig när en individ vet vad som är moraliskt rätt att göra men hindras av olika anledningar. Fenomenet återfinns i olika kontexter inom sjukvården med varierande intensitet. Etik och moral tillhör sjuksköterskeprofessionen och moraliskt stressande situationer är vanligt förekommande i arbetet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenhe

“Det är du som säger att jag är utanför” - Framställningar av hemlöshet i ETC och Svenska Dagbladet

The aim of this study was to explain how homelessness is depicted in two of Sweden's national newspapers, ETC and Svenska Dagbladet, during Sweden's first period of Covid-19 restrictions, March 11th 2020 to September 29th 2021. The two newspapers were chosen due to the difference between their ideological values, hence another aim became analysing how the depictions differed in these newsp

"Jag känner bara att jag håller mig över ytan just nu” - En kvalitativ studie om arbetstrivsel inom socialtjänsten.

The aim of this study is to analyze the well-being of social workers in the Swedish Social services. With the point of departure in organizational theory, this study aims to explore how well-being is expressed in the daily work by the social workers themselves. Further, with an in-depth qualitative approach and through semi-structured interviews with seven social workers from the same municipality

Autism i skolmiljön - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares arbete för autistiska skolelevers sociala situation

The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers in the primary school work for the social situation of autistic school pupils from year 6 to 9. The main focus in this investigation was to study the teacher's own experience on how they contribute to social inclusion and participation of autistic school pupils. We look at existing teaching methods and improvements which the teachers use to

Se mig hör mig - att möta närstående i sorg En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund; I princip alla människor kommer någon gång under livet att drabbas av en förlust. Oberoende av arbetsplats kommer sjuksköterskor att stöta på närstående i sorg. Trots detta upplever många sjuksköterskor okunskap och ett obehag inför uppgiften att bemöta sörjande närstående. Syfte; Att belysa sjuksköterskans bemötande gentemot närstående i sorg, orsakat av obotlig sjukdom och död. Metod;

Digitala lösningar, att balansera inkludering och exkludering - En kvalitativ studie av socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet med klienter med missbruksproblematik till följd av restriktionerna under covid-19 pandemin

Following the covid-19 pandemic, restrictions have been implemented in many social services in Sweden to reduce the risk of spreading the disease further. These have often included refraining from meeting clients in person and working remotely. The aim of this study was to examine how social workers that work with clients with substance use problems have adapted to these restrictions and how they

A practical framework for the electric vehicle routing problem

The routing of a delivery fleet is a classical optimization problem, known as the vehicle routing problem (VRP), which can heavily impact the quality of a logistic distribution process. Historically, the VRP formulation has mainly included internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). However, due to their reduced environmental impact, the inclusion of electric vehicles (EVs) has become more popula

What You Perceive is What You Achieve: The Impact of Student Perceptions of Effective Teaching on Student Achievement

Effective teaching and its impact on student outcome has been operationalized in previous research through formal measures and external observations, but also through measurements based on teacher self-reports. Thus, although the recipients of teaching are the students themselves, the students’ perceptions of effective teaching and teacher behaviors, and potential links to student academic outcome