

Din sökning på "*" gav 532100 sökträffar

Domestic revenue mobilization and informality : Challenges and opportunities for sub-Saharan Africa

Effective domestic revenue mobilization has gained renewed urgency, especially in the light of the need to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. In taxation debates, the ‘informal sectors’ have hitherto been assumed to be a part of the problem and implicitly mistaken for lucrative tax bases. First, I critically interrogate current conceptualizations of informality to highlight how the informality th

Role of multiple risk factors in mental disorders diagnosed in middle-aged women : A population-based follow-up study

The aims of the study were 1). to investigate the association between the potential risk factors including socio-demographic, lifestyle and DNA methylation and mental disorders in middle-aged women from a large population-based follow-up study, and 2). to estimate the risk score by combining the potential risk factors to examine the mental disorder's incidence. A total of 6461 women, aged 50-65 ye

Samverkan i demokratisk anda - En metod för att möta komplexa utmaningar

Detta kapitel handlar om samverkan mellan sektorer och organisationer som en metod för social förändring. Vi vill med detta kapitel både beskriva en särskild metod för samverkan och reflektera över dess möjligheter och utmaningar. Metoden har utvecklats av Sensus studieförbund (Region Skåne-Blekinge) som är en av de stora organisationer som driver folkbildning i Sverige idag. Utgångspunkten för me

Överflöd och brist : Matfattigdom i välfärdssamhället

Detta kapitel tar sig an att försöka belysa ett nytt landskap i Sverige med ökad matdistribution genom civilsamhällets verksamheter. Hur kan vi förstå matfattigdom i ett välfärdssamhälle och civilsamhällets matdistribution? Vad händer när vi ser mat som en rättighet eller välgörenhet? Centrala begrepp förklaras, utvecklingen och praktiken belyses och en rad utmaningar för det sociala arbetet och vThis chapter undertakes to try to shed light on a new landscape iSweden with increased food distribution through civil society activities.How can we understand food poverty in a welfare society and the food distribution of civil society? What happens when we view food as a right or a charity?Central concepts are explained, development and practice are highlighted and a number of challenges for soc

Bokomtale av "Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space: Institutional Change in Russia"

Antologin Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space: Institutional Change in Russia behandlar Rysslands satsning under senare år på att etablera ett fosterhemssystem i stället för de ökända institutionerna för omhändertagna barn. Den praktiska implementeringen redogörs för från olika aktörers perspektiv, myndighets- och NGO-personal såväl som fosterföräldrar och barn, med fokus både på inst

Five propositions on how to combine threat and opportunity management in practice to further develop the project

Risk management in project contexts is increasingly more infocus amongst researchers and practitioners, including the debate on ifand how opportunities can be integrated into the work with threats, or ifseparation is better. In this conceptual paper, integratingseveral strands of literature including risk management, projectmanagement, and organization theory in terms of sensemaking andparadox per

From dilute to concentrated solutions of intrinsically disordered proteins: Sample preparation and data collection

It is well-known that an increasing proportion of proteins, protein regions, and partners of globular proteins are being recognized as having an intrinsic disorder, and therefore, not adopting a single three-dimensional structure in solution. For these proteins, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) has become a premier method for examination, since it can provide information about the ensemble of t

Evolution of the sources of TTG and associated rocks during the Archean from in-situ 87Sr/86Sr isotope analysis of apatite by LA-MC-ICPMS

Radiogenic isotopes provide an important means towards elucidating Archean crustal evolution. The global Hf and Nd isotope record of Archean crustal fragments has been instrumental to unveiling the history of ancient crustal growth and differentiation. The Rb-Sr system could provide valuable complementary constraints in this regard, as this system is particularly sensitive to magmatic fractionatio

Leave no trace: A non-destructive correlative approach providing new insights into impactites and meteorites

Impact cratering is today recognized as a fundamental geological process on all rocky bodies in the solar system. On Earth, however, processes such as plate tectonics and erosion have eradicated most craters from the geological record, or they may be buried under sediments, oceans, and vegetation. The formation of a hypervelocity impact crater involves extreme pressures and temperatures that induc

Classification of sequence tags from tandem mass spectrometry spectra using machine learning models

Motivation: Proteomics is the large-scale study of all the proteins found in a cell, tissue or organism. In the last few years, and thanks to the development of mass spectrometry and bioinformatics, proteomics has led the research in several fields, ranging from medicine to agriculture. In order to reconstruct the amino acid sequence de novo protein sequencing can be used. It uses the protein’s mo