

Din sökning på "*" gav 532866 sökträffar

Academic Library Managers’ Use of Artefacts in their Everyday Cooperative Work Practices

This interpretive focused-ethnographic study was conducted to illuminate and gain deeper understanding on managers’ everyday cooperative work practices using artefacts. In the dissertation, artefacts refer to digital technologies and information. The doctoral research specifically examines how artefacts in the workplace of an academic library are used in academic library managers’ everyday coopera

Origins of spousal cross-concordance for psychiatric disorders : A test of the social stress theory for alcohol use disorder

Background The authors sought to clarify the impact of spousal psychiatric disorders of differing severity [major depression or anxiety disorders (DAD) v. bipolar disorder or nonaffective psychosis (BPN)] on proband risk for alcohol use disorder (AUD) during marriage. Methods In a Swedish cohort (N = 744 628), associations between spousal DAD and BPN and proband AUD were estimated with Cox proport

Family display and recognition in bonus relations

Bonus relations (such as step-grandparents, step-grandchildren, and families of choice) can be chosen, or they can be forced up on you, they can be regarded as very important to extremely peripheral. Bonus relations negotiate familiarity and can vary from inclusion to exclusion. Common to bonus-relations are their non-biological aspect: they are not blood-line relations, and to many families and fBonus relations (such as step-grandparents, step-grandchildren, and families of choice) can be chosen, or they can be forced up on you, they can be regarded as very important to extremely peripheral. Bonus relations negotiate familiarity and can vary from inclusion to exclusion. Common to bonus-relations are their non-biological aspect: they are not blood-line relations, and to many families and f


This article examines the idea of degrowth, a concept in political ecology used to envision a democratically planned downscaling of production and consumption in affluent regions of the world as a means to avoid ecological breakdown, decrease inequality, and improve quality of life. Since its inception at the beginning of the 2000s in France, the idea of degrowth has sparked a worldwide social mov

Operational loss estimation in irrigation canals by integrating hydraulic simulation and crop growth modeling

Identifying operational losses in irrigation canals can be difficult due to inaccurate simplification in designing and operating national guidelines. However, this study aims to provide a practical solution to this problem by identifying operational losses, which are the primary cause of off-farm irrigation water losses. The method involves simulating the daily delivered water to individual Irriga

In search of environmental risk factors for obsessive-compulsive disorder : study protocol for the OCDTWIN project

Background: The causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) remain unknown. Gene-searching efforts are well underway, but the identification of environmental risk factors is at least as important and should be a priority because some of them may be amenable to prevention or early intervention strategies. Genetically informative studies, particularly those employing the discordant monozygotic (MZ

Bioremediation by MFC technology

As the world gears up for the Net Zero carbon emissions, demand for raw materials is set to skyrocket as they are key elements of global economy and they have essential roles in improvement of life quality and the performance of manufacturing productivity. The various conventional treatment methods, including physical, chemical, and biological processes, may become outdated and may generally be re

Performance evaluation with turbulent flow and heat transfer characteristics in rectangular cooling channels with various novel hierarchical rib schemes

Turbulators, such as ribs, dimples, and pin-fins, play a vital role in the internal cooling efficiency of turbine blades. As a typical turbulator, various rib configurations using a uniform arrangement scheme have indicated high heat transfer enhancement but the friction loss is simultaneously subject to a great increase. In this work, a novel hierarchical arrangement scheme of ribs is developed a

Assessment of the TRX2p-yEGFP Biosensor to Monitor the Redox Response of an Industrial Xylose-Fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain during Propagation and Fermentation

The commercial production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass such as wheat straw requires utilizing a microorganism that can withstand all the stressors encountered in the process while fermenting all the sugars in the biomass. Therefore, it is essential to develop tools for monitoring and controlling the cellular fitness during both cell propagation and sugar fermentation to ethanol. In t

Soluble CD163 and glycated haemoglobin were independently associated with the progression of diabetic retinopathy in adult patients with type 1 diabetes

Objective High vitreous levels of soluble (s)CD163 have been demonstrated in severe diabetic retinopathy (DR). The aim of this study was to explore the predictive values of plasma sCD163 and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) for DR progression in adults with type 1 diabetes. Methods and analyses The study design was prospective. Fundus photography performed in 2009 and at follow-up (≤12 years later) we

Probing the structure of χc1 (3872) with photon transition form factors

We propose studying the structure of the χc1(3872) axial vector meson through its γL∗γ→χc1(3872) transition form factor. We derive a light-front wave function representation of the form factor for the lowest cc¯ Fock state. We found that the reduced width of the state is well within the current experimental bound recently published by the Belle Collaboration. This strongly suggests a crucial role

An urban ‘age of timber’? Tensions and contradictions in the low-carbon imaginary of the bioeconomic city

What will the low-carbon cities of tomorrow be made from? We see an unexpected answer today in the return of ‘premodern’/‘preindustrial’ materials to central cities and skylines. Champions of new mass timber materials have driven a race on iconic ‘plyscrapers’ and, increasingly, novel systems of industrial prefabrication. Drawing on the notion of sociotechnical imaginaries, we explore how advocate

In vivo anterior cruciate ligament strain behaviour during a rapid deceleration movement : Case report

The mechanism of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is still unclear. To gain this insight, knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of the healthy ACL during activities that may stress the ligament must be investigated in vivo. The goal of this research was to measure ACL strain in vivo during rapid deceleration, a sport type movement that has been previously shown to precede injuries to the AC

Extracellular matrix sensing via modulation of orientational order of integrins and F-actin in focal adhesions

Specificity of cellular responses to distinct cues from the ECM requires precise and sensitive decoding of physical information. However, how known mechanisms of mechanosensing like force-dependent catch bonds and conformational changes in FA proteins can confer that this sensitivity is not known. Using polarization microscopy and computational modeling, we identify dynamic changes in an orientati

Building innovation capacity : research framework and findings

This final report accounts for the framework and key results from the VINNOVA-funded research and development project, Building Innovation Capacity. The purpose of the BIC project was to explore two features of innovation capacity: 1. How do we explain and measure innovation capacity? 2. How do we develop innovation capacity? Overall, the BIC project shows that an organization's innovation ability

Digital Norm Contestation and Feminist Foreign Policy

This article examines the role of digital norm contestation in feminist foreign policy (FFP). It analyzes how states that participate in digital diplomacy are involved in challenging and resisting norms, values and expectations related to feminist positionings in the digital environment. The article presents an analytical framework for the study of digital norm contestation and conducts an empiric

Våld, tvång och åtrå

Att med magi försöka locka åt sig ett objekt för sin kärlek är en företeelse som förekommit i många kulturer och Egypten under hellenistisk och romersk tid är inget undantag. Målet med detta arbete är att undersöka just denna typ av magi. För detta ändamål har jag valt att undersöka vad jag anser kan kallas för kärleksbesvärjelser i korpusen Papyri Graecae Magicae (PGM). De typer av texter jag u

Audiovisual Input in the Swedish EFL Classroom

The aim of this essay is to gain insight into how audiovisual input is used in the classroom as a tool to teach vocabulary. This is done by exploring the use of digital audiovisual input in the form of film, documentaries, short videos, and cultural video content in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. Audiovisual input contains a few key elements: audio, video, and on-screen text; t