

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Etik, autenticitet och det språkliga autentiska tecknet

Följande text syftar till att belysa frågan om etik och dess relation till autenticitet (respektive inautenticitet) med tilläggsfrågan om språkets betydelse för förståelsen av den ordlösa erfarenheten i det autentiska mötet mellan ett ”jag” och ett ”du” utifrån framför allt den fransk-litauiske filosofen Emmanuel Levinas (1906–1995) ansikte-mot-ansikte- etik. Frågan om jagets förhållande till den

Managing harmful floor emissions including 2-ethylhexanol by using an emissions barrier

The present communication describes the use of an emissions barrier to prevent spread of hydrolysis products from plastizisers in plastic mats and from the glue used to attach such mats onto a concrete slab. In particular, 2-ethylhexanol was focussed at. Elevated air concentrations of 2-ethylhexanol has been associated with a range of health symptoms such as e.g. cough, airways irritation, fatique

High-speed optical and laser diagnostics - Internal combustion engines and gas turbine applications

Increasing demands to meet regulations on combustion emissions and their environmental impact, and the need to improve their efficiency in different applications, have been the centre of focus in research and industry for decades. Optical and laser diagnostics have been proven to be amongst the best available tools due to their remote nature and non-intrusiveness, high spatial and temporal resolut

Folkbildaren: Nils Liljas populärvetenskapliga insats i den romantiska kontexten

This essay is written with the intention to analyze in what way Nils Liljas published works Menniskan och Kärleken, can be seen as works with the intention to popularize science. What language and linguistic techniques he use in his texts will be examined, to motivate the thesis that he wrote these to reach out to a bigger crowd, than that of the academic circles in the society. With a theoretical

Complexation of octenyl succinic anhydride-esterified corn starch/ polyphenol-rich Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) extract: Structural and digestibility features

Native and octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA; degree of substitution = 0.0164 ± 0.002)-esterified corn starches were employed for the manufacture of the starch-polyphenol V-type complexes. For this, the aqueous extract of Roselle was used as a rich source of polyphenols. Assembled OSA starch-polyphenol VI-type complexes were obtained, primarily due to hydrogen (H)-bond interactions and hydrophobic C

Distributed focusing reduces mirror error sensitivity on x-ray beamlines

The appearance of very low emittance, high-power synchrotron sources has resulted in ever longer beamlines, often requiring a very weak curvature on the mirrors that transport the beam to the experiment, where the radius of curvature is on the order of kilometers. Manufacturing weakly curved, low figure error grazing incidence mirrors is difficult as the mirrors must be manufactured to an accuracy

Production of very-low-energy highly charged ions by synchrotron radiation

Very-low-energy highly charged ions have been produced by use of white and monochromatic x rays from a wiggler line at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory to generate vacancy cascades following inner-shell photoionization. Recoil-ion energies have been determined and are shown to correspond essentially to room temperatures, even for high charge states. Promising applications to study of

Spectrally Tunable Broadband Gate-All-Around InAsP/InP Quantum Discs-in-Nanowire Array Phototransistors with a High Gain-Bandwidth Product

High-performance broadband photodetectors offering spectral tunability and a high gain-bandwidth product are crucial in many applications. Here, we report on a detailed experimental and theoretical study of three-terminal phototransistors comprised of three million InP nanowires with 20 embedded InAsP quantum discs in each nanowire. A global, transparent ITO gate all around the nanowires facilitat

Predicting Cybersecurity Threats in Critical Infrastructure for Industry 4.0: A Proactive Approach Based on Attacker Motivations

In Industry 4.0, manufacturing and critical systems require high levels of flexibility and resilience for dynamic outcomes. Industrial Control Systems (ICS), specifically Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, are commonly used for operation and control of Critical Infrastructure (CI). However, due to the lack of security controls, standards, and proactive security measures in t

Novel electrode design for non-destructive resistivity measurement on material in geotechnical standard sample cylinders

We present a novel design of an electrode arrangement for measurement of the resistivity of soil samples contained in a sample cylinder used in standard geotechnical site investigations in Sweden. The objective is to make it possible to measure the resistivity of the same samples that are to be used for mechanical tests, without disturbing the samples in order to get unbiased mechanical test data.

Is there any criminal law protection for exploited migrant workers in Sweden? Logics of criminal law and the labour migration regime

The exploitation of migrant workers is widespread in the Nordic countries in labour intensive sectors. This article investigates whether there is any criminal law protection in practice for exploited migrant workers in Sweden. On the basis of descriptive statistics regarding the outcomes of criminal investigations on human trafficking for forced labour and on human exploitation for forced labour aThe exploitation of migrant workers is widespread in the Nordic countries in labour intensive sectors. This article investigates whether there is any criminal law protection in practice for exploited migrant workers in Sweden. On the basis of descriptive statistics regarding the outcomes of criminal investigations on human trafficking for forced labour and on human exploitation for forced labour a

Learner–environment adaptations in multiple language learning : casing the ideal multilingual self as a system functioning in context

Multiple language learning has been largely neglected in L2 motivation research. Recently, complexity principles have been used to model multilingual motivation. In this work, multilingual self-guides are conceptualised as emergent from interactions between the motivation systems of different languages. Motivational systems and their emergent properties are also influenced by the contexts in which

Syftet med syftet - En analys av syftesöverträdelser inom EU-konkurrensrätten med fokus på matpriskriget inom Sverige 2023

Uppsatsen gör avstamp i att utreda konkurrensrättens syften, hur vertikala prisbindningar regleras och vad konsekvenserna av att tillämpa en vertikal prisbindning innebär. För en samtidsrelevant förankring skapas en kartläggande rättsdogmatisk situation utifrån en av Sveriges största dagligvaruföretags prissänkningskampanjer. I förhållande till deras höga marknadsandelar skulle en slagkraftigare pThe thesis begins by investigating the purposes behind competition law, how vertical price restraints are regulated, and the consequences of applying a vertical price restraint. For a contemporary contextualization, a mapping of the legal dogmatic situation is created based on one of Sweden's largest grocery retailers' price reduction campaigns. Considering their high market shares a more

Motivational teaching as a relational practice : Three concepts, three connections

Language teaching is all about relationships. As Earl Stevick famously put it, success in learning a language “depends less on materials, techniques and linguistic analyses, and more on what goes on inside and between the people in the classroom” (1980 p. 4). For the teacher, getting students engaged in learning activities, and involved in developing communicative competence, requires interpersona