

Din sökning på "*" gav 526284 sökträffar

Becoming What We Know : Franz von Baader on Cognition and Revelation

This essay examines the Bavarian physician, mining engineer, and Catholic romantic philosopher Franz von Baader's (1765-1841) enigmatic claim that we think because we are thought with the help of the moral theologian Servain Pinckaers OP (1925-2008) and the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1934-2021). Using Pinckaers' idea of 'fontal knowledge' and Csikszentmihalyi's notion of flow, I interprThis essay examines the Bavarian physician, mining engineer, and Catholic romantic philosopher Franz von Baader's (1765-1841) enigmatic claim that we think because we are thought with the help of the moral theologian Servain Pinckaers OP (1925-2008) and the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1934-2021). Using Pinckaers' idea of 'fontal knowledge' and Csikszentmihalyi's notion of flow, I interpr

CCI policymaking in Sweden : The challenge of integration

Researchers have pointed to challenges in the implementation of integratedpolicy, as policymaking is undertaken in highly vertical structures withdiverse policy goals, content and processes in different policy subsectors.This article studies cultural and creative industries (CCI) policymakingwith an integrative ambition. It contributes to knowledge of CCE support byunpacking the policymaking proce

Kollektivtrafik till ett nytt sjukhus i Lund

Lunds Universitetssjukhus är det största sjukhuset i Skåne. Sjukhuset närmar sig 100 år och behöver moderniseras och därför kommer en omplacering av sjukhusområdet att göras omkring år 2040. Denna studie undersöker svagheter och möjligheter för kollektivtrafik till det nya sjukhusområdet för att kunna möta behovet av kollektivtrafik år 2040. Studien bygger på en litteraturstudie tillsammans med enThis study examines the challenges and opportunities for public transport to meet the future demand for Lund University Hospital which will be reloacted in 2040. Based on a survey targeting on employees at the current hospital (N=780), the result reveals that employees younger than 40 are driving as much as the group above 65, while the age group between 40 and 65 is mostly using either public tra

Fire Regimes in the Middle East: Scoping the State of Knowledge about Influences on Wildfire Occurrences

Recent years have seen an increase in reports on rising wildfire occurrences in countries of the Middle East. Wildfires are integral parts of terrestrial ecosystems and as such prone to the recent, large-scale anthropogenic changes of global ecosystem dynamics. However, the systematic analysis of patterns of wildfire occurrences – fire regimes – is concentrated on a few well studied regions and re

Utvärdering av flyktrännor vid nedströmsmigration av fisk - Hydraulisk analys och modellering utifrån inmätta fältdata

Behovet av förnybar energi är stort och förväntas öka i framtiden. I Sverige står vattenkraft för en betydande andel av elproduktionen, där anläggningarna ofta innebär fysiska hinder för vandringsberoende fiskarter. För att bibehålla elproduktionen och samtidigt säkerställa god konnektivitet i vattendragen krävs väl fungerande migrationslösningar förbi kraftverken, både för uppströmsvandrande och The need for renewable energy is substantial and is expected to increase in the future. In Sweden, hydropower accounts for a significant portion of the energy production, with facilities often presenting physical barriers to migratory fish species. To maintain electricity production while ensuring good connectivity in watercourses, effective migration solutions past the power plants are required f

Towards determining the role of m6A-modified LINE-1 in Human Brain Development

LINE1s are a subfamily of retrotransposons occupying around 17-21% of our genome. Most of these have lost their ability to transpose on their own, due to truncation of 5’UTR or the accumulation of mutations. Despite this, they can act as cis-regulatory elements and affect gene expression. One RNA modification has been proposed to regulate their expression is called N6-methyladenosine (m6A). It is

Studies of telomerase-reactivated and aged ALT Naumovozyma castellii cells

Can we fool the molecular time? Cells in our body contain all the information needed for their structure and function, stored in the genetic material, the DNA. Like volumes of an encyclopedia, DNA is organized into chromosomes. Every time the cells divide, all chromosomes are copied, and each new cell gets one copy. But the copying mechanism is not perfect; the end parts of each chromosome -calle

Antibody-dependent allostery of the M1 protein

Den förrädiska antikroppen Streptokocker är en lömsk bakterie som har många olika sätt att ta sig runt vårt immunförsvar. Den kan låtsas vara en del av vår kropp genom att klä sig själv i en proteinkapsel som är väldigt likt ett mänskligt protein, bryta ned våra celler med hjälp av utsöndrade gifter och använda vårt immunförsvar mot oss genom att binda antikroppar till sig själv. En virulensfaktoThe Group A streptococcus (GAS) (Streptococcus pyogenes) is a significant human pathogen known for causing a diverse range of diseases, spanning from mild diseases such as pharyngitis to life-threatening diseases such as necrotizing fasciitis. Its virulence comes from a plethora of immune evasion mechanisms, but the M protein with its hypervariable region and ability to bind human proteins, stands

Temporal Analysis of the Thalamic Neuronal Degeneration, Demyelination and Inflammation after Cortical Ischemic Stroke

Stroke is a highly debilitating disease of the central nervous system occurring as a result of cerebral ischemia – deprivation of a cerebral tissue from blood that supplies it with oxygen and glucose, causing the cells in affected tissue to die, bringing about a large number of downstream effects and responses. Localized infarction in the brain also triggers tissue death and related responses in r

Robotic Avian Wing Explains Aerodynamic Advantages of Wing Folding and Stroke Tilting in Flapping Flight

Avian flapping strategies have the potential to revolutionize future drones as they may considerably improve agility, increase slow speed flight capability, and extend the aerodynamic performance. The study of live birds is time-consuming, laborious, and, more importantly, limited to the flapping motion adopted by the animal. The latter makes systematic studies of alternative flapping strategies i

Persistence Pays : Diagnosing Tuberculous Meningitis after 11 Negative Polymerase Chain Reaction Evaluations

Managing tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is challenging because of its poor prognosis and the difficulty in making an early diagnosis due to the low sensitivity of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) evaluations. A 75-year-old woman presented with fatigue and multiple enlarged lymph nodes and was initially suspected of having metastatic cancer of unknown primary origin. Differen

Astigmatism Reduction in a High-Intensity Bulk Multi-Pass Cell

Att framställa färger via olinjär optik Genom att studera ljus, i synnerhet dess interaktioner med materia, har mängder av framsteg gjorts inom teknik och vår förståelse för universums lagar. Lasern var en revolutionerande teknik när den kom 1960, och den möjliggör idag forskning inom extremt korta tidsskalor med hög intensitet. Ultrakorta laserpulser, som endast är några femtosekunder (10^−15 s)In recent years, the Multi-Pass Cell (MPC) has been increasingly employed and researched upon, after emerging as a promising post-compression technique for making ultrafast laser pulses shorter. Like most post-compression techniques, MPCs utilize a nonlinear effect, Self-Phase Modulation (SPM), which stems from the intensity-dependence of the refractive index of certain nonlinear materials, to ove

The Freedom Theatre : Performing Cultural Resistance in Palestine

The Freedom Theatre is one of the most remarkable institutions in occupied Palestine, and indeed the world. Nestled in Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank, the theatre has faced attacks, threats, imprisonment of many functionaries, and the assassination of its co-founder. And yet the theatre has not only endured, it has grown, from a provisional hall with rented plastic chairs to one of Palestine'The Freedom Theatre is one of the most remarkable institutions in occupied Palestine, and indeed the world. Nestled in Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank, the theatre has faced attacks, threats, imprisonment of many functionaries, and the assassination of its co-founder. And yet the theatre has not only endured, it has grown, from a provisional hall with rented plastic chairs to one of Palestine'