

Din sökning på "*" gav 529676 sökträffar

All-cause and AIDS-related mortality among people with HIV across Europe from 2001 to 2020 : impact of antiretroviral therapy, tuberculosis and regional differences in a multicentre cohort study

Background: All-cause and AIDS-mortality in Europe has been decreasing between 1996 and 2020. However, regional differences as well as their drivers remain unclear. This study investigates mortality differences and their drivers, including usage of and response to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and active tuberculosis (TB), among people with HIV across Europe. Methods: People with HIV enrolled in Eu

Medial temporal lobe atrophy patterns in early- versus late-onset amnestic Alzheimer's disease

BACKGROUND: The medial temporal lobe (MTL) is hypothesized to be relatively spared in early-onset Alzheimer's disease (EOAD). Yet, detailed examination of MTL subfield volumes and drivers of atrophy in amnestic EOAD is lacking.METHODS: BioFINDER-2 participants with memory impairment, abnormal amyloid-β status and tau-PET were included. Forty-one EOAD individuals aged ≤65 years and, as comparison,

Sit-to-stand performance in children with cerebral palsy : a population-based cross-sectional study

Background: Sit-to-stand (STS) is one of the most commonly performed functional movements in a child’s daily life that enables the child to perform functional activities such as independent transfer and to initiate walking and self-care. Children with cerebral palsy (CP) often have reduced STS ability. The aim of this study was to describe STS performance in a national based total population of ch

Modulating protein unfolding and refolding via the synergistic association of an anionic and a nonionic surfactant

Hypothesis: Nonionic surfactants can counter the deleterious effect that anionic surfactants have on proteins, where the folded states are retrieved from a previously unfolded state. However, further studies are required to refine our understanding of the underlying mechanism of the refolding process. While interactions between nonionic surfactants and tightly folded proteins are not anticipated,

Tätortsnära strandskydd - Intresseavvägningar och möjligheter i miljöbalken & plan och bygglagen

Strandskyddet i Sverige har en lång historia och har länge varit viktigt för att skydda allemansrätten och på senare tid även djur- och naturvärden, trots detta är lagstiftningen polariserande och ofta debatterad. Skyddet gäller vid landets alla vatten och innebär att byggnads- eller anläggningsåtgärder inte får utföras inom 100 meter från strandlinjen. Regleringen hittar vi främst i miljöbalken oThis thesis strives to investigate and make sense of the complex regulations surrounding the availability of exploitable land along bodies of water in Sweden. With the Shore Protection regulations found in the Swedish Environmental Code it becomes apparent that most sought after land along the sea, lakes and running water for planning and construction in accordance to the Planning and Building Act

Do Probiotics Cause a Shift in the Microbiota of Dental Implants-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of this current systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the potential microbiological effect of probiotics on the implant microbiota. The secondary aim was to evaluate if probiotics have any effect as an adjunct to non-surgical peri-implant treatment in reducing peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis clinical parameters-bleeding on probing, modified Ging

Nutritional markers of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes in adults : Findings of a machine learning analysis with external validation and benchmarking

OBJECTIVES: Using a nationally-representative, cross-sectional cohort, we examined nutritional markers of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes in adults via machine learning.METHODS: A total of 16429 men and non-pregnant women ≥ 20 years of age were analysed from five consecutive cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Cohorts from years 2013-2016 (n = 6673) was used for external va

Audio Fingerprinting - A Decomposing Study

Ljudfingeravtryck är en välkänd teknik som genererar unika fingeravtryck för ljudsignaler vilka som senare kan användas för identifiering. Ett välkänt exempel på detta är Shazam-applikationen vars koncept är att matcha en kort låtsnutt med en databas för att hitta namnet på låten och artisten. Generellt skapas ljudfingeravtrycken genom att applicera en tids-frekvens-transform på ljudsignalen och eAudio fingerprinting is a widely employed technique that involves generating unique fingerprints for given audio signals that later can be used for identification. A well-known example of this is the Shazam application where the concept is to match a short song snippet with a database to find the name of the song and artist. Generally, the audio fingerprints are created by applying a time-frequenc

Twenty-year trajectories of morbidity in individuals with and without osteoarthritis

OBJECTIVES: To identify multimorbidity trajectories over 20 years among incident osteoarthritis (OA) individuals and OA-free matched references.METHODS: Cohort study using prospectively collected healthcare data from the Skåne region, Sweden (~1.4 million residents). We extracted diagnoses for OA and 67 common chronic conditions. We included individuals aged 40+ years on 31 December 2007, with inc

Antimicrobial Peptides : Roles in Periodontal Health and Disease

Why do cockroaches and rats survive in sewers and other extremely challenging conditions? The answer is that through evolution they have been equipped with antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that protect them from microbiological insult. In the case of cockroaches and rats, the AMPs are very potent, allowing for these challenging environments [1–3]. AMPs are the most ancient and primitive arm of the hu

Matematikundervisning med interfolierat lärande

I detta arbete undersöks hur interfolierat lärande i matematikundervisningen påverkar elevernas prestationer inom ämnet och hur eleverna upplever undervisning i praktiken. Interfolierat lärande innebär att eleverna undervisas genom att metoder och områden blandas istället för det traditionella där områden oftast behandlas enskilt. I matematiken kan detta innebära att uppgifter från olika områden b

International retailers as a main force for sustainability

PurposeThis study investigates how global retailers develop sustainability through network interactions that influence institutionalized sustainability perceptions. The findings enable retailers to drive sustainability systematically and understand the critical internal and external issues.Design/methodology/approachThe study investigates how retailers can work to increase support for sustainabili

Dynamic modelling of power cycles for Small Modular Reactors

Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) present a transformative approach to nuclear energy, offering enhanced cost-effectiveness and ease of implementation compared to traditional large-scale reactors. This study investigates the dynamic behavior of the steam cycle within SMRs using Simscape MATLAB for simulation. The research focuses on understanding the thermodynamic principles and fluid dynamics that go

Non-linear high impedance resonators enabling fast charge detection

Ultrasnabba laddningsmätningar i kvantsystem Detektorer byggda med olinjära mikrovågsresonatorer möjliggör ultrasnabb avläsning av kvantkomponenter. Dessa detektorer är av stort intresse för utvecklingen av kvantdatorer. Framtidens kvantdatorer forskars om idag. Deras minsta beståndsdel - kvantbiten - har flera implementeringar gjorda med supraledande komponenter. I supraledande kvantkomponenterThis thesis explores fast charge detection, enabled by the use of quantum dots and non-linear high impedance resonators. In particular, the non-linearities of the resonator are utilized to yield a strong readout from the quantum dot detector. With a strong signal, faster integration times are possible. One of the most useful techniques for fast electrical readout is measuring impedance changes. Th

Machine Learning Classification on Behavior-Based Security Alerts : A Comparative Study of Three Algorithms

Inom cybers ̈akerhetsbranschen pl ̊agas s ̈akerhetsanalytiker av ett stort antal falska positiva varningar. Detta tar tid och resurser och g ̈or s ̈akerhetsanalytiker mer ben ̈agna att f ̈orbise verkliga s ̈akerhetshot. I samarbete med Orange Cyberdefense unders ̈oker detta examensar- bete f ̈orm ̊agan hos tre maskininl ̈arningsalgoritmer, Decision Trees, Naive Bayes och Support Vector Machines (SIn the cybersecurity industry, security analysts are plagued by a high number of false positive alerts of various types. This takes up time and resources, and makes security analysts more prone to overlook true security threats. In collaboration with Orange Cyberdefense, this thesis investigates the ability of three machine learning algo- rithms, Decision Trees, Naive Bayes and Support Vector Mach

MILD combustion of low calorific value gases

The utilization of low calorific value gases (LCVG) in combustion devices presents particular challenges in terms of ignition and sustained combustion stability due to the presence of non-combustible components. Moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion has emerged as a promising technology for LCVG combustion, offering numerous advantages such as high combustion efficiency, reduce