Din sökning på "*" gav 527295 sökträffar
A Large Sample Fe and Al Abundance Study in the Globular Cluster Omega Centauri
Studier av kärnladdning och masstal för atomkärnor i den primära kosmiska strålningen
[abstract missing]
Kommunernas skenvärld. Synpunkter på statsbidragen
Nourishment for the piggy bank:facilitation of external financing in incubators
Variations on the Evidence-Based Timeline Retrospective Method A Comparison of Two Cases
Project retrospectives can be a powerful tool for process improvement through obtaining new insights. However pure experience-based reflections may lead to incorrect conclusions. Our method, evidence-based timeline retrospectives (EBTR), mitigates this risk by providing a pre-generated timeline that visualises project history based on evidence rather than relying on subjective opinions and biased
The Stollberg ore field - petrography, lithogeochemistry, mineral chemistry, and ore formation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna studie har gått ut på att relatera litogeo- kemin (= kemin i bergarter) kring Stollbergs järn- och sulfidmalmsfält i Bergslagen till mineralogi och geologisk utveckling. Bergarterna kring Stollberg, liksom kring nästan alla andra järn- och sulfidmalmer (Cu, Pb, Zn) i Bergslagen, utgörs av vulkaniska bildningar. De vulkaniska bergarterna och tillhörande malmer bilThe Paleoproterozoic Fe-Pb-Zn-Mn(-Ag) Stollberg deposit is situated in the Bergslagen region of south-central Sweden. 6.65 Mt of sphalerite, galena and manganiferous skarn magnetite ore occur as disseminations and semi-massive to massive ore bodies hosted by volcanogenic sediments and carbonate rocks. Field relations, mineralogy and geochemistry suggest that the felsic volcanic rocks at Stoll- be
Automatic estimation of pitch range through distribution fitting
Evaluation of a passive control strategy for the decrease of acoustic loads behind backward-facing steps
Problems and Solutions for Microprocessor Protection of Series Compensated Lines
Protection of systems with series compensated lines is considered to be one of the most difficult tasks for relay manufacturers and utility engineers. Protection and control of surrounding circuit elements, particularly transmission line protection, needs to be adapted to the variations introduced by these devices. Fixed series capacitors and thyristor controlled devices introduce harmonics and no
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