Din sökning på "*" gav 528039 sökträffar
Extreme Hardness Achievements in Binderless Cubic Boron Nitride Tools
Binderless cubic boron nitride tools are available in two forms: single phase cBN and dual phase wBN/cBN (w is wurtzite phase). In this work, a novel heat treatment process involving surface heating using a continuous wave CO2 laser followed by tandem waterjet quenching of the laser beam path was applied to increase the hardness of both forms of boron nitride. Stress-induced phase transitions and
Optimal intra-symbol transmit windowing for multicarrier modulation
Windowing of the transmitted blocks in a multicarrier system yields an improved spectral containment of the resulting basis functions, which allows larger transmit power compared to no windowing while fulfilling the power spectral density (PSD) requirements. Most transmit window designs proposed so far aim at maximising the mainlobe energy and thus the spectral containment of the transmit basis fu
Grekiska för filosofer. En introduktion
People are strange
Non-Materialism in a Bottle: Constructing Global Identities in Local Settings
Overview of the impacts of climate variability and climate change on runoff in Iceland
REVEALS reconstructions of vegetation cover from whole Holocene pollen records along N-S and W-E transects in North and Central Europe for comparison with simulations from a dynamic vegetation model (Swedish LANDCLIM project)
Varying moisture content and eigen-stresses in timber elements
The Glycaemic Index; importance of dietary fibre and other food properties
Swedish applied verbs derived by the prefix be-
Abstract is not available
The EMEP MSC-W chemical transport model -- technical description
Impact of switching activity on the energy minimum voltage for 65 nm Sub-VT CMOS
Brott och smutstvätt: en betraktelse av vardagens sysslor genom en litterär lins
On sensory feedback in hand prostheses
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar ämnet känselåterkoppling i handproteser. Att mista sin hand är en traumatisk upplevelse och den som har mist sin hand förlorar både känsel och motorik. En rudimentär greppfunktion kan återskapas genom att använda en handprotes. Nya och avancerade proteser som kontrolleras med hjälp av muskelsignaler finns numera på marknaden och dessa myoelektAmputation of the hand implies the loss of the ability to grasp and the ability to "feel". The grasping function can be primitively restored using an active prosthesis. Multiarticulating electrically powered hands have recently made their way to the market and these hands provide enhanced grasping and gripping capabilities. However, these hands provide no direct and conscious sensory feedback to
Så var det 1968
Building and climate influence on balance temperature of buildings
Döden gjorde Sylvia Plath odödlig
Att styra ett hållbart byggande - En definition av och en styrmodell för ett hållbart byggande
A large part of the Earth’s turnover of resources is associated with buildings and building construction. There is therefore a complex relationship to be taken into consideration when realizing construction projects, since economic and social aspects also affect individual people. In order to gain an overall perspective on this relationship during the construction process, one solution is to adapt