

Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar

En stor skara lysande män och några inklämda kvinnor i klänning: En diskursanalys av läromedel i historia

Den här uppsatsen är en genuskritisk analys av läromedel i historia för gymnasiet. Studien har ställt frågan hur Yvonne Hirdmans två genusprinciper produceras och reproduceras i historieboken Alla tiders historia 1b. Genusprinciperna innebär (1) att kvinnliga och manliga normer särhålls samt (2) att den manliga normen överordnas den kvinnliga normen. Metoderna som tillämpas är Norman Faircloughs k

Motpolsdynamik under Bosnienkriget: En teoriprövning av feministisk teori

När omvärlden blev uppmärksammad på de hemskheter som pågick under Bosnienkriget så skedde en internationell förändring. Framförallt då omvärlden uppmärksammades på de våldtäkter tusentals kvinnor utsattes för som del av den strategiska krigsföringen. Systematiska massvåldtäkter i krigsföring fördömdes och internationella institutioner såsom FN upprättade internationella regelverk som rubricerade

Enclosed Democracy - What role do gated communities play in the democratization process in Brazil?

Denna uppsats tittar på frågan om vilken roll gated communities har spelat i demokratiseringsprocessen i Brasilien. För att besvara frågan har primärdata som hämtats under fältarbete i São Paulo i Brasilien analyserats. Material i form av tio semi-strukturerade intervjuer med boende i gated communityt Alphaville 1 i Barueri och i Condominio da Sucupira i Carapicuiba, två semi-strukturerade intervjThis thesis looks into the question of what role gated communities have played in the process of democratization in Brazil. To answer the question primary data collected during field work in São Paulo in Brazil has been analyzed. Material from in total ten semi-structured interviews with residents in the gated communities Alphaville 1 in Barueri and Condominio da Sucupira in Carapicuiba, two semi-

Managing the Melting Poles: A study of environmental protection management in the Arctic and Antarctic

Despite drastically shrinking ice sheets in both the northern- and southernmost point of our planet, the reactions to it are of quite different character. In the Antarctic, the melting ice is unconditionally linked to global warming and disaster, whilst the Arctic sees unveiling economic opportunities. In this essay, the authors attempt to conclude why the environmental protection policy differs i

IS:framgångsrik terrororganisation eller stat i kris?

Islamiska staten (IS) har genomgått en evolutionär förändring olik majoriteten av terrorgrupper. Denna uppsats undersöker huruvida IS utvecklats till en statsliknande organisation med hjälp av tre teorier och perspektiv. De utvalda perspektiv och teorier som nyttjats är Montevideokonventionen, John Lockes sociala kontrakt och Maximilian Webers statsteori som alla använder olika definitioner av vad

Den tillrättalagda kunskapen

Föreliggande kvalitativa textstudie undersöker SIDAs utvärderingspolicy genom att anlägga en kritisk konstruktivistisk metod och teori inspirerad av Carol Bacchi. Studien avser belysa hur utvärderingar skapas som en ‘lösning’ för att möta konstruerade ‘problem’. Analysen visar att ‘problemet’ grundas i en brist på kunskap om utvecklingsinsatsers process och effekter, vilket åtgärdas genom ett rati


This thesis investigates Twitter posting in Greek during the period of the Greek referendum in 2015 and in particular between June 27, when the referendum was announced, and July 6, one day after the referendum was completed, and how the Greek people use various external sources to express themselves (i.e. political thoughts, actions, inquires). The main research question is “What is the role of i

Crises and their impact on the energy system: Sweden 1900-2013

Throughout history, changes have occurred in the energy system, where social and economic factors have been identified as drivers for these changes. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether crises, financial crises and energy supply crises, have been drivers for changes in the energy system in Sweden for the period 1900-2013. To investigate these changes, energy prices is measured as th

Injection Molded Nanostructures Together with Hearing Instrument Materials

The purpose of this Master's Thesis was to gain insight to how injection molded nanostructures could be used together with hearing instrument materials. The reason to investigate this new nanotechnology was to see if it is of interest for Oticon to invest in. To reach conclusions, literature was studied regarding surfaces wetting properties, capillary effects, adhesion and material properties.

Bristande trycksårsprevention. Sjuksköterskans ansvar. En litteraturstudie.

Trycksår är ett vanligt förekommande globalt bekymmer för hälso- och sjukvården som orsakar ett onödigt vårdlidande för patienten. Befintliga riktlinjer, evidensbaserad kunskap och trycksårspreventiva hjälpmedel förekommer, men trots detta fortsätter trycksår att uppstå. Studiens syfte var att belysa orsaker till varför trycksår uppkommer trots riktlinjer för prevention finns tillgängliga för vård

Talent acquisition gamified: Insights from playing the game at PwC Hungary

The emergence of gamification in the field of talent acquisition evoked the interests in researchers and practitioners alike. However, as research on this topic is still in its infancy, we sought to explore the intersection of both fields within a PSF to extend the perspective on the understanding of the use of gamification in similar contexts. The purpose of this research was to explore how gamif

Legislation, Policy and Procedure: A Critical Study of The Child Protection Law in Kuwait

The aim of this study is to critically explore the effects of pre-existing norms on the establishment of child protection policies in Kuwait, as well as to deliver an analysis of the timeline of the formation of the Child Rights Law (CRL), taking into account the role of institutional and administrative capacities in the country. The subject is analyzed using the concepts of policy diffusion theor

Transaktionskostnader inom delningsekonomier

Methodology: Using an abductive approach, a qualitative case study of the sharing economy Desk Doubler has been implemented. Empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with employees at Desk Doubler and their customers with the purpose to create an understanding of how the perceived search, negotiation and monitoring costs have been affected by the use of Desk Doubler. Accordi

Corporate Tax Inversions and Reputational Costs - A Study on Board-Level Patriotism and the Decision to Expatriate

Corporate inversion is the procedure of reincorporating abroad for tax purposes to reduce the corporate income tax. The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, we evaluate the shareholder value creation aspect of U.S. corporate inversions after 2004, a year when the U.S. imposed a number of regulatory changes to reduce the benefits of tax inversions. Second, we examine a number of board-related

Nonprofit Innovation Measurement and Regional Nonprofit Systems

Nonprofit organizations are an important element of society. They provide services, and advocate for change, through their programs. But how do they create their programs? This thesis defines nonprofit innovation as the implementation of a new or significantly improved program, and suggests we borrow practices used to understand firm innovation, to understand nonprofit innovation. A Nonprofit Inno

The Ideology of Separatism : en Ideologianalys av det Skotska Självständighetsmanifestet

This essay seeks to see patterns in parts of the Scottish independence manifest, which was released in connection with the Scottish Independence Referendum, 2014. Three chapters are chosen for their relevance to the purpose. Ideal Types – an analytical tool in Ideology Analysis – are then constructed, based on the theoretical discussion of each ideology earlier presented, for nationalism, regional

Economic pull-factors and immigrant inflows in destination countries

This paper investigates the association between economic pull factors and different groups of immigrant inflows in several OECD countries. The aim is to find out to what extent the economic pull-factors in destination countries can have an impact on immigrant inflows. In order to achieve that, the paper starts by considering different theories of migration both at the macro and micro level. Data o

Move-ability: A philosophy of education study that develops an alternative understanding of inclusion through posthumanist theories using a diffractive reading

This is a study within the field of philosophy of education that seeks to develop an alternative understanding of inclusion within education in light of current changes in society. It discusses a shift within educational research from the field of diversity education towards the field of democratic education, and argues that an idea of separation between subjects implies a tension in the theory ca

Presidents on Twitter : Discourses of African presidents and implications for democracy.

The growing number of African Presidents on Twitter affirms that media, in all its forms, will always play a fundamental role in contemporary politics. Moreover, based on its face value, the presence of Presidents on Twitter could suggest that citizens are gaining unprecedented access to their president. But, this thesis contends that the newness of Twitter should not blind us into thinking that t