Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar
Exploring degrowth policy proposals: A systematic mapping with thematic synthesis
Degrowth – the planned and democratic reduction of production and consumption as a solution to the social-ecological crises – is slowly making its way to the sphere of policy-making. But there is a problem: proposals are scattered through a voluminous literature, making it difficult for decision-makers to pinpoint the concrete changes associated with the idea of degrowth. To address this issue, we
Sphingosine 1-Phoshpate Receptors are Located in Synapses and Control Spontaneous Activity of Mouse Neurons in Culture
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is best known for its roles as vascular and immune regulator. Besides, it is also present in the central nervous system (CNS) where it can act as neuromodulator via five S1P receptors (S1PRs), and thus control neurotransmitter release. The distribution of S1PRs in the active zone and postsynaptic density of CNS synapses remains unknown. In the current study, we invest
Dendrokronologisk analys av en gammal skysstasjons- och tingsbyggnad vid Mjösa, Norge
Dendrokronologisk analys av Jönköpings stadsvallar (RAÄ Jönköping 137) samt en järnframställningslokal (RAÄ Sanderyd 190), Jönköping
Dendrokronologisk analys av foto på takbrädor från Marby gamla kyrka, Åre kommun i Jämtland
Dendrokronologisk analys av huvudbyggnaden på Danshyttan 1:15 i norra Lindesbergs kommun
Energy poverty in Sweden: Using flexibility capital to describe household vulnerability to rising energy prices
Energy poverty has been kept at bay in Sweden for the past decades owing to several beneficial circumstances. However, geopolitical pressure and an accelerating energy transition are changing the circumstances and exposing vulnerabilities to energy poverty in Sweden particularly connected to electricity price peaks. The circumstantial nature of the exposed risks for energy poverty motivates a concEnergy poverty has been kept at bay in Sweden for the past decades owing to several beneficial circumstances. However, geopolitical pressure and an accelerating energy transition are changing the circumstances and exposing vulnerabilities to energy poverty in Sweden particularly connected to electricity price peaks. The circumstantial nature of the exposed risks for energy poverty motivates a conc
Fasansfullt fotografi startade detektivarbete
Recension av Wendy Lower, Massakern. En familj, ett fotografi och Förintelsen.
Real-Time Minimum-Time Lane Change Using the Modified Hamiltonian Algorithm
A minimum-time lane change maneuver is executed under friction-limited conditions using (1) the Modified Hamiltonian Algorithm (MHA) suitable for real-time control and (2) numerical optimization for comparison. A key variable is the switching time of the acceleration reference in MHA. Considering that MHA is based on an approximate vehicle model to target real-time control, it cannot exactly match
Dendrokronologisk analys av kolhuset i Hälleforsnäs
Dendrokronologisk och C14 analys av Paul Fostvedts altfiol i Strömstad
Dendrokronologisk analys av en återanvänd golvplanka med sprätthuggning i Ragunda gamla kyrka
Dendrokronologisk analys av Österskans 1, Halmstad
Understanding inhomogeneous MT (ihMT) in multi-parameter mapping of human brain: Towards larger ihMT, higher resolution, and influence of T1d
Inhomogenous Magnetization Transfer (ihMT), the differential response to irradiation at single and dual frequency offsets, is more complex than MT approaches. Expressing ihMT in terms of MT-saturation (ihMTsat) is a first step to quantification as it corrects for underlying T and B . Larger ihMTsat was observed for smaller frequency offsets, which is explained using MTsat as proxy for bound pool s
Mapping the architecture of the temporal artery with photoacoustic imaging for diagnosing giant cell arteritis
Photoacoustic (PA) imaging is rapidly emerging as a promising clinical diagnostic tool. One of the main applications of PA imaging is to image vascular networks in humans. This relies on the signal obtained from oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin, which limits imaging of the vessel wall itself. Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a treatable, but potentially sight- and life-threatening disease, in w
Speeding up tight binding calculations using zone-folding methods
Tight binding models are widely used in large scale electronic structure calculations of nanostructures. Their atomistic nature makes them flexible, but also means the computational cost increases rapidly with system size. The large number of calculations required to design nanostructures makes computational efficiency desirable. We have developed a method to increase computational speed while ret
Clinical evaluation versus magnetic resonance imaging findings in patients with radicular arm pain—A pragmatic study
Objectives: Cervical nerve root compression can lead to radiculopathy in the arm. Some studies have reported low accuracy in determining the responsible nerve root in both cervical and lumbar regions. This prospective, observational, pragmatic study aimed to determine the accuracy of the clinical evaluation relative to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in patients with arm radiculopathy. M
Activating transformation : Integrating interior dimensions of climate change in adaptation planning
The increasing number and complexity of urban risk and disasters have a significant bearing on the emotional and mental wellbeing of those who are exposed and hamper their responses. Nevertheless, current discourses and approaches to increase resilience tend to focus on broader socio-economic, physical and environmental systems. This reflects a failure by the academic and practitioner communities
What story do you want to live?
What do your thoughts and intentions have to do with the climate crisis we are living in? Quite a lot, if we believe emerging science. Let’s look at how they influence not only our personal, but also our collective story, and why they are key for creating a more sustainable future.