

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Defining an object of learning and the forms it appears in : The intended, enacted and lived object of learning in a learning situation

The aim of this study is to describe in what ways the object of learning changes shape during its way from the intended (planned), enacted (offered) and lived (discerned) object of learning. The study is based on variation theory, and learning study is used as a model. A total of three preschool teachers, 39 children aged 4-5 years and three researchers participated in the study. Three interventio

Anaerobic Co-digestion of steam pretreated wheat straw and sewage sludge

Anaerobic digestion (AD) of wastes and residues is a widely applied and explored process. However, when the process is not optimized, inadequate concentrations of nutrients and inhibitory compounds are common and can lead to low maximum organic loading rates and increased risk of process problems, low organic dry solids degradation rate and reduced methane yields. To overcome process instability a

Lyft klimatet - starta ett medborgarråd

Debattörerna: Vanliga svenskar måste få bli mer delaktigaDEBATT. Den gångna sommaren har präglats av torka, rekordtemperaturer och översvämningar på många håll i världen.Att bromsa klimatförändringarna blir en alltmer akut politisk uppgift, men de beslut som krävs för att minska utsläppen fattas inte. Förra året ökade till och med de svenska utsläppen av växthusgaser med fyra procent .

Effect of Financial Literacy on Household Wealth Accumulation among Swedish Households

The objective of this study is to examine the effect of financial literacy on household wealth accumulation among Swedish households. Prior research have suggested that financial literacy plays a significant role in financial decision making. Using household data from The Financial Supervisory Authority (FI) of Sweden and instrumental variable approach, the study aims to isolate the effect of fina

Navigating the Landscape of Strategic Investment Decisions - A qualitative study investigating factors influencing the individual decision-maker during the SID process.

Title: Navigating the Landscape of Strategic Investment Decisions Course: BUSN79, Degree Project in Accounting and Finance, Master, 15 ECTS Authors: Ida Pettersson & Arnela Saranovic Supervisor: Johan Dergård Examiner: Anders Anell Key words: Strategic investment decision, managerial judgment, economic rationality, decision making behavior, uncertainties Purpose: The purpose of this study is t

Hiroshima Art Document 2017

After the atomic bombing in Hiroshima, a radio station was the first to inform the public about the terrible incident. It was the Tokyo radio which said that “practically all living things, human and animal, were literally seared to death,”Functioning site-specifically and drawing upon the architectural structure of the building, the installations explore the relationship between sound and space b

Centrifugal-Centripetal Dynamics in the Dialogical Self : A Case Study of a Boundary Experience in Teacher Education

The dialogical self is conceptualized as a dynamically shifting collection of relatively autonomous I-positions. A boundary experience is an event or situation where tension experienced between conflicting I-positions leads to reconfiguration within the dialogical self. In a boundary experience, uncertainty or a challenge can trigger decentering (centrifugal) movements which can disrupt the self’s

Exclusive photo- and electroproduction of excited light vector mesons via holographic model

In this paper, we study total and differential observables of electro- and photoproduction of light ρ , ω and ϕ mesons as functions of the center-of-mass energy of the γp collision and momentum transfer squared |t|. The corresponding vector mesons wave functions have been computed in the framework of relativistic AdS/QCD holographic approach. A satisfactory description of all available data on gro

Sharjah Film Platform

Film screening of 'Print more newspapers' at Sharjah Film Festival, United Arab Emirates. Print more newspapers:This work is inspired by the necessity of linking the unconscious procedures that take place in our mind and the mechanical procedures that are also present in industrial processes. It explores the different stages of a big manufacturing system, which are essential to form a whole and th