Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar
A new strategy for linking U.S. historical censuses : A case study for the IPUMS multigenerational longitudinal panel
This paper presents a probabilistic method of record linkage, developed using the U.S. full count censuses of 1900 and 1910 but applicable to many sources of digitized historical records. The method links records using a two-step approach, first establishing high confidence matches among men by exploiting a comprehensive set of individual and contextual characteristics. The method then proceeds to
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Bootstrap Improved Inference for Factor-Augmented Regressions with CCE
The Common Correlated Effects (CCE) methodology is now well established for the analysis of factor-augmented panel models. Yet, it is often neglected that the pooled variant is biased unless the cross-section dimension (N) of the dataset dominates the time series length (T). This is problematic for inference with typical macroeconomic datasets where T often equal or larger than N. Given that an an
Opportunities for inter-ethno-religious engagement in Thailand’s southern border provinces
As the conflict in Thailand’s southern border provinces shows no signs of abating, this article examines why Malay Muslims have managed to co-exist alongside the Thai Buddhists and the Sino-Thai population. Based on fieldwork, this article argues that while various factors have hardened ethno-religious identities and strengthened boundaries between ‘the other’ which in turn have affected inter-eth
Evaluation of an assessment change project, engaging academics and the role of SoTL.
This study follows on from a network-based assessment redesign project at a Canadian university, to investigate factors relating to academic engagement and sustained implementation. The project was designed with mini-grants, embedded support and a community of practice. Assessment facilitators worked in discipline clusters to achieve mutual goals for assessment reform targeted at authentic develop
Demonstration : A cloud-native digital twin with adaptive cloud-based control and intrusion detection
Digital twins are taking a central role in the industry 4.0 narrative. However, they are still illusive. Many aspects of the digital-twins have yet to materialize. For example, to what degree will they be integrated into cloud and industry 4.0 systems as well as how and if they should augment their physical counterpart. Those choices are accompanied by challenging security aspects, many of which h
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Preserved periprosthetic bone stock at 5 years post-operatively with uncemented short hip stem in both collared and collarless version
Introduction: Previous bone density studies have generally shown bone resorption around both cemented and uncemented total hip arthroplasty (THA) stems. This is presumed to be due to stress shielding. Short stems have been introduced partly to preserve bone in the proximal femur by a more physiological loading of the bone. The purpose of this study was to evaluate bone remodeling around a short, f
Bibliotek för alla? : En studie om tillgänglighet och delaktighet i folkbiblioteksplaner
The Swedish Library Act states that “Library activities shall be available to everyone” and other policy documents in Sweden promote the public library as a place making information and culture accessible to all. The Library Acts of Denmark, Finland and Norway include similar statements, as well as the core values of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. However, t
Comparison of chronic widespread pain prevalence with different criteria in two cohorts of rheumatoid arthritis
Objective: This study aims to investigate chronic widespread pain with the 1990 (CWP1990) and 2019 (CWP2019) definitions 6 years after the onset of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), in one patient cohort with tight controls and one conventional cohort, and factors associated with reporting CWP1990 and CWP2019, respectively. Methods: A cohort of 80 RA patients with monthly visits to the physician the firs
Kolinfosfolipider, en nyttig kostkomponent vid alkoholfettler, NAFLD och NASH
Kolinfosfolipider, en nyttig kostkomponent vid alkoholfettlever, NAFLD och NASH?Åke Nilsson, Rui-Dong DuanBakgrundKolin (trimetyletanolamin) ingår i fosfatidylkolin (PC) och sfingomyelin (SM) som finns i alla cellmembraner och i plasmalipoproteiner, och i acetylkolin. Även om levern bildar en del kolin klassas kolin som ett essentiellt näringsämne. Kolinbrist ger bl a fettlever, muskelsymptom och
On the Use of Interaction Entropy and Related Methods to Estimate Binding Entropies
Molecular mechanics combined with Poisson-Boltzmann or generalized Born and solvent-accessible area solvation energies (MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA) are popular methods to estimate the free energy for the binding of small molecules to biomacromolecules. However, the estimation of the entropy has been problematic and time-consuming. Traditionally, normal-mode analysis has been used to estimate the entropy,
Batch processing of tree-ring samples for radiocarbon analysis
We here present a comparison of methods for the pretreatment of a batch of tree rings for high-precision measurement of radiocarbon at the Aarhus AMS Centre (AARAMS), Aarhus University, Denmark. The aim was to develop an efficient and high-Throughput method able to pretreat ca. 50 samples at a time. We tested two methods for extracting α-cellulose from wood to find the most optimal for our use. On
Increased serum bactericidal activity of autologous serum in C2 deficiency after vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b, and further support for an MBL-dependent C2 bypass mechanism
Deficiencies of C2 and other components of the classical pathway of complement are associated with increased risk of infections with encapsulated bacteria, such as Haemophilus (H.) influenzae. Defense against H. influenzae is dependent on specific antibodies and complement, which mediate serum bactericidal activity (SBA) and opsonization. Due to lack of normal classical and lectin complement pathw
Understanding and Theorizing Migrants’ Experiences in Non-Western, Non-Democratic Migration Regimes
The simulation of wildland-urban interface fire evacuation : The WUI-NITY platform
Wildfires are a significant safety risk to populations adjacent to wildland areas, known as the wildland-urban interface (WUI). This paper introduces a modelling platform called WUI-NITY. The platform is built on the Unity3D game engine and simulates and visualises human behaviour and wildfire spread during an evacuation of WUI communities. The purpose of this platform is to enhance the situationa
Where drills differ from evacuations : A case study on Canadian buildings
Planned egress drills are required by building codes around the world, and are commonly used to both train occupants and assess evacuation procedures. However, capturing the idea of a “successful” drill is often difficult. Data from both drills and unplanned evacuations are often incomplete and unreliable, which raises a key question: How well-matched are planned egress drills and unplanned evacua
How can businesses drive sufficiency? The business for sufficiency framework
The breaching of planetary boundaries and excessive extraction of natural resources requires a revisited approach to consumption and production. The concept of sufficiency, which advocates meeting human needs within the planetary limits by curbing excessive consumption levels, is gaining increasing attention. Businesses are drivers of consumption, yet they have been largely overlooked as potential