

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Lung function in alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alfa1-antitrypsin (AAT) är ett skyddsprotein som bildas i levern och cirkulerar med blodet till kroppens alla organ. AAT skyddar vävnader mot nedbrytande enzymer, sk proteaser. AAT är således ett antiproteas och kallas ibland i engelskspråkiga tidskrifter alpha1-antiprotease. AAT:s viktigaste uppgift är att skydda lungvävnad mot nedbrytning. Nedbrytning av lungvävnad leHereditary alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency predisposes to liver disease and emphysema. The aims of the studies upon which thesis is based were to investigate the natural course of lung function and risk factors for lung disease in AAT-deficient adolescents (PiZZ and PiSZ) and adults (PiZZ), and to study clinical manifestations in AAT-deficient adults. The adolescents were identified at the Swe

Time and space order effetcs in timed brightness discrimination of paired visual stimuli

Despite the considerable import of both response probability and response time for testing models of choice there is a dearth of chronometric studies of time- and space-order effects in discrimination of paired visual stimuli. In this study, systematic asymmetries in discriminating the brightness of paired visual stimuli are examined by way of binary response probability scaled in terms of log-odd

Cross entropy based module alocation for distributed systems

In the module allocation problem a collection of software modules are to be assigned to physical processing nodes, subject to execution and communication cost. The cost of an allocation is a function of the execution costs and the communication costs for any pair of modules allocated to distinct processors. The module allocation problem has been well studied and is known to be NP-complete except f

Very heavy elements in the HgMn star chi Lupi

Abundances for the elements W, Os, and Bi are presented for the HgMn star chi Lupi, based upon GHRS echelle-mode spectra and a synthetic spectrum analysis. The tungsten abundance is consistent with a solar-system value while the osmium and bismuth abundances reflect enhancements. With these new data we are able to quantitatively define an abundance peak within the element range Z = 74 through 83.

Postoperative follow-up: By whom for whom, with which parameters

Recurrent disease after operation for colorectal carcinoma is a major problem for patients and for their doctors. Scientific evidence for guidelines is poor. It appears that intensive surveillance increases survival but we do not know which parameters in surveillance are important for this result.

Educational Collaboration at Nordic Technical Universities – How is it Performed and does it affect Innovation and Entrepreneurship?

In order to shed light on the role of higher education and its importance for innovation and entrepreneurship this paper presents the results of a survey of the four major technical universities in the Nordic countries; Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland; Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg, Sweden; the Danish Technical University in Copenhagen, Denmark; and the Norwegian Technical Univ