

Din sökning på "*" gav 536756 sökträffar

Tobacco smoke exposure in early life and adolescence in relation to lung function

Maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with impaired lung function among young children, but less is known about long-term effects and the impact of adolescents' own smoking. We investigated the influence of maternal smoking during pregnancy, secondhand smoke exposure and adolescent smoking on lung function at age 16 years.The BAMSE (Barn/Child, Allergy, Milieu, Stockholm, Epidemiology) b

Cognitive Challenges for novice Software Development Teams

Objective: The purpose of this paper is to identify the largest cognitive challenges faced by novices, developing software in teams, using distributed cognition as an observational filter.Paradigm: Design science Epistemology: Pragmatist Methodology: Case studyMethod: Using grounded theory, ethnography and multi method data collection, we conducted an observational study for two months following f

Using Financial Tools to Protect the Rule of Law: Internal and External Challenges

This contribution aims to elucidate some problematic aspects of the financial tools (such as the Conditionality Regulation, Recovery and Resilience Facility and other measures), used by the EU to ensure compliance with the rule of law. It draws attention to certain legal conundrums which challenge the functional effectiveness of these tools both within the Union (the internal dimension) and in the

Essays on the effect of health care and the environment on health

This thesis consists of three self-contained papers studying different topics in health economics. The first chapter studies the substitution effect between in-person physician visits and a new type of doctor visits, direct-to-consumer (DCT) telemedicine, where a person can call a doctor directly via an app. To causally assess to which degree DCT consultations substitute for in-person consultation

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Abstract in GreekΠερίληψηΤο ναυάγιο των Αντικυθήρων αποτελεί μια ιδιαίτερη και πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα περίπτωση εφαρμο-γής της τεχνολογίας στην υπηρεσία της αρχαιολογικής έρευνας. Η μακρά πορεία της μελέτης του στο χρόνο, από το 1900 που εντοπίστηκε έως και σήμερα, οι προκλήσεις του υποβρύχιου περιβάλ-λοντος και το εύρος της αρχαιολογικής πληροφορίας που χαρακτηρίζει τα ευρήματά του, το καθι-στούν μία

Anti-Muslim Violence and the Possibility of Justice

This thesis is concerned with the ways in which justice is dispensed in Swedish courts in cases concerning anti-Muslim violence. Based on material accessed through the Swedish National Board for Crime Prevention and classified as Islamophobic hate crimes, the judicial treatment of cases that may involve racism is analysed. An aim is to explore how different laws against racism in the Swedish legal

Herrens år 1401

Herrens år 1401 utspelar sig mellan Nikolaiafton och Luciaafton i december 1401.Det har sedan en längre tid varit lugnt på Gotland, så lugnt att Tyska orden flyttat över många knektar till Preussen, där det har utbrutit krig mot litauerna. Thierry av Liège har fått mer att göra och i praktiken stigit i graderna till att bli fogdens närmaste man, detta samtidigt som en romans håller på att spira me

Wideband RCS reduction based on a simple chessboard metasurface

To avoid being detected by radar, it is necessary to reduce stealthy military platforms' radar cross section (RCS). The operation of overlaying the metasurface (MS) on the targets is a good solution. A simple chessboard MS structure that can achieve low RCS over a large bandwidth is proposed. Only one unit cell is used to construct the MS. First, the unit cell working in 0.5 and 1−λ modes is desig

Moral Elites in the Danish Temperance Movement (1910–1919) : Elite Struggles over Disease and Values

The chapter maps out the elite of the early Danish temperance movement and shows how distinct moral elites within the movement interpreted the cause according to their respective value frames while integrating the emerging disease frame of alcoholism. Theoretically, it argues for introducing the thus far estranged perspectives of elite studies and framing approaches to each other. The concept of m

Markanvändning för en klimatpositiv framtid : En rapport om möjligheter och utmaningar i Skåne

Denna rapport är en sammanställning och analys av kunskapsläget när det gäller ekosystembaserade metoder för att minska utsläpp och öka upptag av koldioxid hos brukade marker i Skåne. Med fokus på markanvändning och skötselstrategier inom jordbruk och skogsbruk, samt användning av biokol, analyseras och bedöms potentialen för att inom Skånes gränser öka upptag respektive minska utsläpp av kol från

Dissolved Organic Matter from a colloidal perspective

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is considered the most bioavailable fraction of soil, and thus play a key role in the cycling of carbon. Because of its mobility, DOM also forms the connection between terrestrial and aquatic systems, and constitutes an important vector for nutrients and contaminants. DOM is in this thesis operationally defined as the organic matter in an aqueous solution which is no

Detection of SARS‑CoV‑2 receptor binding domain using fluorescence probe and DNA flowers enabled by rolling circle amplification

Using rolling circle amplification (RCA) and two different ways of signal readout, we developed analytical methods to detect the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S protein). We modified streptavidin-coated magnetic beads with an aptamer of RBD through a biotin-tagged complementary DNA strand (biotin-cDNA). Binding of RBD caused the aptamer to dissociate from the biotin-cD

The Perception Divide: Exploring European and African Actors’ Views of the EU’s Climate Leadership at COP27

This study investigates the European Union’s self-perception as a global climate leader and contrasts it with the underrepresented African perspective on the EU’s role in international climate negotiations. Using a role-theoretical framework, the research analyses different leadership types and qualities, comparing European and African perceptions of the EU’s involvement in multilateral climate ch

EasyNER: A Customizable Easy-to-Use Pipeline for Deep Learning- and Dictionary-based Named Entity Recognition from Medical Text

Medical research generates a large number of publications with the PubMed database already containing >35 million research articles. Integration of the knowledge scattered across this large body of literature could provide key insights into physiological mechanisms and disease processes leading to novel medical interventions. However, it is a great challenge for researchers to utilize this informa

Occupational risk of COVID-19 in foreign-born employees in Denmark

BACKGROUND: Foreign-born workers in high-income countries experience higher rates of COVID-19 but the causes are only partially known.AIMS: To examine if the occupational risk of COVID-19 in foreign-born workers deviates from the risk in native-born employees in Denmark.METHODS: Within a registry-based cohort of all residents employed in Denmark (n = 2 451 542), we identified four-digit DISCO-08 o