

Din sökning på "*" gav 533360 sökträffar

Encountering Class Actions in Swedish Law and Society

Class actions in Sweden are not flourishing. This paper examines why the oldest class action regime in Scandinavia has not developed into anything more than a peripheral addition to the Swedish legal landscape, drawing on relevant procedural, political, and sociological insights. It is divided into two sections that (1) analyse the reform process in the 1990s and latest developments, including mai

The Cherenkov Telescope Array: layout, design and performance

The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next generation very-high-energy gamma-ray observatory. CTA is expected to provide substantial improvement in accuracy and sensitivity with respect to existing instruments thanks to a tenfold increase in the number of telescopes and their state-of-the-art design. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations are used to further optimise the number of telescopes a

Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy : Selected Essays

This book is a collection of essays that are concerned with major figures and central topics of the history of early modern philosophy. Most of these essays are studies on the philosophy of David Hume, one of the great figures in the history of philosophy. One central theme, connecting many of the essays, concerns Hume's fundamental irreligious intentions. Russell argues that a proper appreciation

Resilience in hospitality and tourism : issues, synthesis and agenda

Purpose: This paper aims to identify research approaches and issues in relation to the main paradigms of resilience: engineering resilience, ecological resilience and socio-ecological resilience. This paper provides a synthesis of the core elements of each resilience approach and their implications. Design/methodology/approach: A critical thematic review was undertaken of the hospitality and touri

Framingeffekter och bias i brottsbedömningar: en vinjettstudie om hur positiv och negativ framing påverkar bedömning av skuld

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur individers uppfattning om brott, offerskap och skuld påverkas av framingseffekter och kognitiva bias. Uppsatsen syftade till att utvärdera dessa effekter med avstamp i teorier om idealiska offer, victim blaming och just world theory. Studiens två hypoteser var följaktligen att (1) en positiv framing samt ett mindre idealt offer av brottsscenariot skulleThis study has the purpose to investigate how individuals’ perception of crime, victimhood and guilt is influenced by framing effects and cognitive bias. The paper set out to evaluate these effects through the theories of ideal victims, victim blaming and just world theory. The study's two hypotheses were therefore that (1) a positive framing and a less ideal victim of the crime scenario would

Farm and landscape factors interact to affect the supply of pollination services

Farms can harbor substantial biodiversity, which in turn sustains the supply of ecosystem services. The effectiveness of farm management to enhance biodiversity, however, may be modified by land cover in the surrounding landscape beyond a farmer’s direct control. We examined how landscape pattern and farm management affect the abundance and diversity of native bees visiting highbush blueberry in V

Comparing soil microbial responses to drying-rewetting and freezing-thawing events

Climate change is expected to alter the frequency and intensity of soil drying-rewetting (D/RW) and freezing-thawing (F/TW) events, with consequences for the activities of microorganisms. Although both D/RW and F/TW events cause respiration pulses from soil to the atmosphere, it remains unknown whether the underlying microbial control is similar. Recent work has revealed that soil microbial respon

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Abstract in Portuguese:Referências a paisagens e lugares são elementos centrais nas narrativas tradicionais de falantes da língua Dâw (Naduhup,Amazônia brasileira). Essa ênfase na referência espacial é estabelecida principalmente por meio de orações adverbiaislocativas que são frequentemente repetidas ao longo do discurso. Sua função é relacionar um evento a um lugar, estabelecerreferência à inforReferences to landscape and places are central in traditional narratives by speakers of Dâw (Naduhup, Brazilian Amazon). This emphasis on spatial reference is primarily established through locative adverbial clauses that are often repeated throughout the discourse. Their function is to relate an event to a place, establish reference to locative information mentioned earlier in discourse, and provi

“Sverige ska bli bra igen” : en analys av högerpopulistiskt uppträdande i svensk kvällspress

During the 21st century, right wing populist parties (RPP:s) all over Europe have started entering the political parliaments. The Sweden Democrats have, like few others, had a fast growing political success in Sweden, growing from about 7% in the 2010 election to about 20% in the 2022 election. With their success, it is inevitable that the sociocultural and sociopolitical discourse has changed. Th

Sheincares...for animals? : en analys av en kampanj i förmån för välgörenhet

I följande uppsats gör vi, genom att utgå från diskussionen om mediala diskurser om etisk konsumtion, en retorisk analys av företaget Sheins kampanj Sheincares, som är en kampanj i syfte att donera pengar till djurrättsorganisationer. Vi undersöker den tillhörande hashtagen #Sheincares på plattformen TikTok, som är ett av de sätt Shein marknadsför kampanjen. Shein har kommit att bli en av världens

Ingen annan använder Instagram så varför ska jag? : en analys av medieanvändning på internatskola

B-uppsatsen är författad av Elin Johansson och Daniella Nordström i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet. Det finns mycket forskning kring sociala mediers för- och nackdelar. Den kontext som finns på internatskolor finns det dock inte mycket forskning kring. Studien syftar därför till att undersöka huruvida gymnasieelever på int

Tema kulturarv : Temamodeller om ABM i svenska statliga offentliga utredningar 1945–89

In an explorative manner this article uses a data driven digital history set-up to focus on broad cultural heritage issues in Sweden during the second half of the 20th century. By distant reading and topic modeling a dataset of 3100 Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU) between 1945–89, the article gives a new perspective of how the Swedish state examined and discussed national cultural herita

Determination of the degree of branching in normal and amylopectin type potato starch with 1H-NMR spectroscopy : Improved resolution and two-dimensional spectroscopy

Starch from genetically modified potatoes was found to be highly branched compared with normal potato varieties through the use of 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The average chain length, blue-value,and the wavelength at maximum absorptivity clearly show that the new potato varieties produce amylopectin starch. Correlation between the degree of branching as determined by 1H-NMR and starch-iodine complexatio

Synthesis, conformational analysis and comparative protein binding of a galabioside and its thioglycoside analogues

The two thio analogues (2 and 3) of TMSEt galabioside [2-(trimethylsilyl) ethyl 4-O-(α-D-galactopyranosyl)-β-D-galactopyranoside, 1], having anomeric sulfur instead of anomeric oxygen atoms, were synthesized and their conformations investigated by NMR and computational (MM3) methods. A spacer galabioside was covalently coupled to aminated microtiter plates, and binding of a bacterial pilus adhesin