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Phase separation, aggregation and gelation of a charged helixforming polysaccharide in aqueous salt solution
Popular Abstract in Swedish De senaste åren har jag ägnat åt att undersöka en speciell typ av gelbildare: kappa-carrageenan. Kappa-carrageenan kan användas för att göra gelé men används också i annan mat t.ex. efterrätter och glass, för att ge konsistens. När man vill göra en gel av kappa-carrageenan blandar man ut lite pulver i vatten och kokar sedan upp det hela. När blandningen kyls av kommer dThe phase behaviour and gelation of the anionic polysaccharide kappa-carrageenan (KC) in different salt solutions was studied. The specific site binding of certain anions and certain cations to the KC helix was used as a means of controlling the interactions. In the presence of a binding anion (I-) the charge density of the helix increases and the aggregation of helices, and thereby the gelation,
Analysis of DIGE data using a linear mixed model allowing for protein-specific dye effects
Abstract in UndeterminedDifferential in-gel electrophoresis (DIGE) experiments allow three protein samples to be run per gel. The three samples are labeled with the spectrally resolvable fluorescent dyes, Cy2, Cy3, and Cy5, respectively. Here, we show that protein-specific dye effects exist, and we present a linear mixed model for analysis of DIGE data which takes dye effects into account. A Java
The Process of Change in Patterns of Daily Occupations among Parents of Children with Obesity - Time use, family characteristics and factors related to change
Popular Abstract in English This thesis provides new insights into parents’ patterns of daily occupations. It proceeds from the basis of an occupational perspective on family life, using an occupational lens to understand how, when and where individuals spend their time. In recent decades, lifestyles have changed worldwide and the transition into an increasingly sedentary lifestyles is a major heaThis thesis provides new insights into parents’ patterns of daily occupations. It proceeds from the basis of an occupational perspective on family life, using an occupational lens to understand how, when and where individuals spend their time. In recent decades, lifestyles have changed worldwide and the transition into an increasingly sedentary lifestyles is a major health concern, the origins whi
Setting the agenda
Gudarnas föda och svart guld: Teknik, fetischism och exploatering i andinsk och europeisk civilisation
Religion and nationalism : meeting points, conflicts and challenges
The Importance of Taste for Food Demand and the Experienced Taste Effect of Healthy Labels - An experiment on potato chips and bread
This paper quantitatively analyzes the importance of taste versus health in food demand, as well as the effect on consumers’ experienced taste of the non-intrinsic value of healthy labels. Our analysis is based on taste experiments and Vickrey second price auctions on potato chips and bread. Our findings imply a large positive effect on demand for potato chips from higher taste scores: when consum
The solution for Israelis and Palestinians: a parallel state structure
Growing US-Israeli tension over continued East Jerusalem settlement construction – which the White House appears unable to stop – underscores a deeper reality: The two-state solution is no longer possible. What are the alternatives? For the past few years, the idea of a “parallel states” structure has been discussed, suggesting a scenario with a two-states structure on the same land, both states c
On the invariance of the general constraint lengths
"Man kan bli bättre om man vet vad bättre är!" : En studie kring effektivitetsbegreppet som en samhällelig grundbult
Popular Abstract in Swedish I allt större grad har effektivitetsbegreppet kommit i fokus i samhällsomvandlingen. I huvudsak utgår vi från att effektivitet i första hand är liktydigt med ekonomisk effektivitet. Existensen av en slags övergripande, ekonomisk "rationalitet", tas för given och har närmast karaktären av naturlag eller central, samhällelig grundbult. Under det senaste decenniet har omfaThe study takes as its starting point the far-reaching organizational changes that have occurred within the public sector in Sweden, particularly the public health care sector, during the last decade. The aim of achieving efficacy has been an important driving force in these processes, which often concern mergers or reductions in personnel that are regarded as a route to success. Paradoxically, Sw
The Challenges of Tourism as a Development Strategy in an Era of Global Climate Change
Huset på klippan. Att höra och göra Jesu ord enligt slutliknelsen i Jesu bergspredikan
Interaction Design Can Be Replaced By Marketing
Abstract Interaction Design and Marketing are two disciplines originating from two different sources and studied at different departments. Yet when looking deeper into the two disciplines to my surprise and to the fact that these two disciplines have not previously been addressed in this way, it reveals that they are very similar, and in many aspects equivalent. This study compares Interaction Des
Combining APPRAISAL and CDA in the analysis of corporate discourse
Introduction: Innovation in Services
No title
An overview of the ecclesiastical buildings in the period of queen Margrethe I in Scandinavia.
Nutrient balance and salinity stress in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Earth’s primary production depends to a considerable extent on the mycorrhizal symbiosis, since mycorrhizal fungi supply their host plant with important mineral nutrients. I examined the influence of different nutrient regimes on the fungal partner in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. I especially focused on salinity problems, as they occur in southern Tunisia, where I performed several field
TRAMMS: Monitoring the evolution of residential broadband Internet traffic
Traffic measurements in broadband access networks are crucial from several points of view. A better understanding of traffic patterns can lead to more efficient network design, which leads to energy and cost savings for the operator and improved end user services. This paper reports on selected traffic measurement results from the Celtic TRAMMS project. The measurements were performed in broadband