Ambivalent stereotypes link to peace, conflict and inequality across 38 nations
A cross-national study, 49 samples in 38 nations, N=4,344, investigates whether national peace and conflict reflect ambivalentwarmth-competence stereotypes: High-conflict societies (Pakistan)may need clearcut, unambivalent group images-distinguishingfriends from foes. Highly peaceful countries (Denmark) also mayneed less ambivalence because most groups occupy the sharednational identity, with onlyA cross-national study, 49 samples in 38 nations, N=4,344, investigates whether national peace and conflict reflect ambivalent warmth-competence stereotypes: High-conflict societies (Pakistan) may need clearcut, unambivalent group images-distinguishing friends from foes. Highly peaceful countries (Denmark) also may need less ambivalence because most groups occupy the shared national identity, with