

Din sökning på "*" gav 532235 sökträffar

Residential exposure to transportation noise in Denmark and incidence of dementia : national cohort study

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between long term residential exposure to road traffic and railway noise and risk of incident dementia.DESIGN: Nationwide prospective register based cohort study.SETTING: Denmark.PARTICIPANTS: 1 938 994 adults aged ≥60 years living in Denmark between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2017.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incident cases of all cause dementia and dementi

Chaos to Control : Human Assisted Scene Inspection

We are working towards a mixed reality-based human-robot collaboration interface using gaze and gesture as methods of communicating intent in a search and rescue scenario to optimize the operation. The lack of mature algorithms and control schemes for autonomous systems makes it still difficult for them to operate safely in high-risk environments. We are approaching the problem through symbiosis w

Emerging Imaging Technologies for Parathyroid Gland Identification and Vascular Assessment in Thyroid Surgery : A Review from the American Head and Neck Society Endocrine Surgery Section

Importance: Identification and preservation of parathyroid glands (PGs) remain challenging despite advances in surgical techniques. Considerable morbidity and even mortality result from hypoparathyroidism caused by devascularization or inadvertent removal of PGs. Emerging imaging technologies hold promise to improve identification and preservation of PGs during thyroid surgery. Observation: This n

COMBINED HEAT & POWER – heat infrastructure planning in Denmark

Denmark is ranked among the top countries in the world according to the World Energy Council (WEC) energy trilemma criteria: energy security, energy equity, and sustainability. The small Scandinavian country is known for its wind power technologies and large-scale integration of wind power into the grid. Compared to wind power, combined heat and power (CHP) plants, district heating (DH) technologi

Multi-omics integration of spatially resolved transcriptome and proteome data in mantle cell lymphoma

Integrerad analys av biologiska data från cancerceller och närliggande immunceller förbättrar möjligheten att utveckla nya behandlingar Teknikutveckling har nyligen möjliggjort att detaljerad data från enskilda celler i en tumör kan samlas in – detta kallas spatial/rumslig omik. Metoden gör det möjligt att kartlägga till exempel uttrycks nivåer av protein eller gener från specifika celler i en väThe rapid development of high-throughput technologies has made it possible to generate large-scale data such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and, more recently, spatial omics. A common approach is to analyse each data source individually (single-omics analysis). However, combining these sources of information (multi-omics integration) can create a complete picture of the biological mecha

Cirkulär är inte synonymt med hållbar-Cirkularitet är mer än återvinning, reparation, rekonditionering eller återanvändning.

Anhängare av den cirkulära ekonomin lyfter fram den som en väg mot hållbarhet. Men de fysikaliska lagar som styr energi och material, avfallets sociala och tekniska komplexitet och hindren för att omsätta cirkulära principer i praktik väcker allvarliga frågor om den cirkulära ekonomins och de cirkulära affärsmodellernas förmåga att fasa ut linjäriteten, eliminera dess negativa miljöpåverkan och er

Race and Ethnicity-Adjusted Age Recommendation for Initiating Breast Cancer Screening

IMPORTANCE: Breast cancer (BC) is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, and there is a substantial disparity in BC mortality by race, especially for early-onset BC in Black women. Many guidelines recommend starting BC screening from age 50 years; however, the current one-size-fits-all policy to start screening all women from a certain age may not be fair, equitable, or optimal.OBJECTI

Microplastics – a Macro Problem - Microplastic Load and Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Aquatic Mammals in the Baltic Sea Region

Plastic pollution is one of the most severe forms of pollution and the high abundance of microplastics (MP) in aquatic ecosystems is already confirmed. Due to their small size and buoyancy, they are highly bioavailable and have been shown to have a wide range of negative impacts. As a result of their high trophic status and long lifespan, aquatic mammals are susceptible to bioaccumulation and biom

Arbitrary motion Synthetic Aperture Radar

Syftet med denna avhandling är att utveckla en ny metod för att producera bilder med syntetisk aperturradar (SAR), med utgångspunkt i scenarier med arbiträr rörelse vad gäller radarsensorn. SAR är en väletablerad metod för att skapa 2- eller 3-dimensionella radarbilder, som traditionellt sett antar att radar-sensorns rörelse är linjär och förutsägbar. Därmed är positionerna för varje radardata-punThe purpose of this thesis is to develop a novel approach to producing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, assuming the scenario of arbitrary motion in regards to the radar sensor. SAR is a well-researched method for creating 2- or 3-dimensional radar images, traditionally assuming the radar sensor's motion to be linear and highly predictable. Thus the locations where each radar data is sam

Two transects reveal remarkable variation in gene flow on opposite ends of a European toad hybrid zone

Speciation entails a reduction in gene flow between lineages. The rates at which genomic regions become isolated varies across space and time. Barrier markers are linked to putative genes involved in (processes of) reproductive isolation, and, when observed over two transects, indicate species-wide processes. In contrast, transect-specific putative barrier markers suggest local processes. We studi

Network of mental activities, cognitive function and depression in older men and women

BackgroundEvidence suggests that lifestyle activities impact cognitive and mental health in older populations. However, how lifestyle factors are associated with one another, and which factors are most important for cognitive function and mental health has received comparatively little attention.DesignBayesian-Gaussian network analysis was used to investigate unique associations between mental act

Genetic traces of hybrid zone movement across a fragmented habitat

Theoretical and empirical studies suggest that the structure and position of hybrid zones can change over time. Evidence for moving hybrid zones has been directly inferred by repeated sampling over time, or indirectly through the detection of genetic footprints left by the receding species and the resulting asymmetric patterns of introgression across markers. We here investigate a hybrid zone form